Chapter 3 (R–18)

Ryan dove right in as he grabbed ahold of both of her breasts which caused the vampire to yelp in surprise. He then started to grab and knead her breasts which caused her to let out a moan.

Of course when the Vampire realized what she had done she immediately covered her mouth with her hands as she glared at Ryan. Ryan meanwhile just smirked in response.

He then pinched her nipples which caused another moan from her which was muffled by her hands. He smirked and then created tendrils with red energy which grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the bed.

"Let go of me you bastard! I won't agree with your insane idea!" The vampire said as she glared at him.

But Ryan could see the fear in the vampires eyes which only caused him to get more excited. He lowered his head and started to suck on her right breast while he used his other hand to knead her left breast.

This caused another moan to escape from the vampires mouth as she tried in vain to get out of his grip.

'No, I need to get out, I need to escape!' The vampire thought to herself.

Ryan kept on sucking her breasts one after another while the vampire tried to resist the pleasure that was coursing through her body. Ryan stopped and looked at the vampires face which was currently flushed as she was panting.

'Hmm, it seems he is starting to change.' Ryan thought to himself as he looked at her.

He then looked downwards at her lower region and smirked when he saw that her pussy was letting out juices.

"Oh, is the vampire starting to get horny." Ryan said in an amused tone.

The vampire face turned into one of surprise and then dread as she could also feel the wet sensation on her lower region.

"N-No, it's not! This is your doing! There's no way that a Vampire Lord like me will lose to vermin like you!" The vampire yelled as she glared at him.

Ryan meanwhile just looked at her with an amused look as his excitement only grew from her yelling at him. Then he got and idea and placed his palm on her belly where her womb is. The vampire could feel his hand but couldn't see due to him holding her down.

His hand glowed for a few seconds before he removed and smirked as he saw the pink womb tattoo on where his hand previously was. He then grabbed her and lifted her up and then created a mirror in front of her.

The vampire was surprised and confused at his actions but then it turned to fear when she saw the tattoo over her womb. She felt the tattoo and it felt like it was engraved on her body.

"How does it feel to be marked as my slave?" Ryan asked in an amused tone as he made the mirror disappear.

"Don't you dare th— kyaaah!" The vampire started to say before she yelled out suddenly.

She threw her head back as she suddenly felt pleasure course through her body. The cause of this was Ryan who had inserted his middle finger into her pussy when she turned to him.

"Oooh, that's a delightful moan. Do you love your Master that much?" Ryan asked in a seductive tone as he started to thrust his finger in and out of the vampire.

The vampire in question wasn't able to give a coherent answer as she was moaning from the sudden pleasure in her body. She tried to shut her mouth but it flew open once again when Ryan grabbed her left breast from around her.

Ryan then had another idea as he let go of her breast and then grabbed her head. She was confused but her eyes widened when information started to enter her head as she screamed. When he was done he let go of her head as she was a bit dazed from the experience. When she got her bearings she looked at the new information before becoming wide eyed.

"W-What is this?! And what are these memories of us having se-se-sex!" The Vampire yelled with a flushed face as she glared at him.

"Those are the memories of the sex couples around here had. I just took them and inserted it into your mind. Of course, I changed the husband to me who is your master and the wife to who is the slave." Ryan said with glowing eyes.

"Y-You, how could you do this to me Master! Wait what!?" The vampire said before realising what she said.

"Hoho, so it's starting to take effect." Ryan said with a smile.

"N-No! That was just a slip of the tongue! Y-You vermin!" She yelled defiantly at him.

Ryan just smiled devilishly at her reaction. Then he grabbed her head again and then kissed her on the lips as her eyes widened. She tried to fight him off but she wasn't strong enough.

Ryan then slid his tongue inside her mouth and started explore it as the vampire's eyes looked dazed from it. All the while he was thrusting his finger in and out of her pussy as it let out juices.

He stopped kissing her as they breathed a bit but then he pushed her onto the bed and started to kiss her again. He also grabbed and kneaded her chest as he pinched her nipple. Due to his actions which caused her to be filled with pleasure she wasn't able to think as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

He pinched her nipple more tightly and started to piston his finger inside her. This caused her to widen her eyes as she felt something in her womb.

'W-Wait! Something is coming! Somethi—" She thought to herself but her thoughts were cut short as she had finally cummed for her first time.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" She yelled or moaned out in pleasure as her pussy juices were overflowing from her said pussy.

Ryan looked at her cumming and smirked to himself as he saw the dazed and more importantly pleasure filled look on her face. He placed his left hand tenderly on her right cheek as he looked at her.

"Did it feel good my dear slave?" Ryan said with a sweet voice.

"Yesh~ Master~" The vampire said with a dazed look.

But she got her bearings after a few seconds and recalled what she had just said as her face became red from embarrassment. Ryan smiled devilishly at her and she was about to retort to him but threw her head back as he inserted another finger into her pussy.

"A-Another!" She yelled in shock as he started to piston his fingers inside her.

Ste tried in vain to stop herself from moaning as he started to kiss her neck this time while he kneaded her breasts one after the other. Then he inserted a third finger into her pussy which illicited another surprised moan from her.

"C-Cu-Cumming!!" She yelled out as she came a second time as she arched her back as her tongue was out of her mouth.

Her body then fell limp on the bed as she was breathing heavily as she had a dazed look on her face. While her lower half was drenched in her own juice.

Ryan looked at his hand which was drenched in her pussy juice as he then licked it and found it to be sweet. He nodded to himself as he then started to lick her juices out of his hands.

The vampire had seen what he was doing as she got out of her daze and her eyes widened as she looked at what he was doing as her face exploded in a blush.

It was at that time that Ryan looked at her face and then smirked at her which caused her face to heat up more.

"Well, looks like you had your fun. Now I think it's my turn to feel good don't you think." Ryan said as he gestured to his erect penis.

The vampire's eyes also looked down and her eyes widened when she looked at the size of his penis. He had a 9 inch penis which was quite thick as it was pulsating. She started to get scared from it but then she started to get aroused as she saw it.

'Master's huge penis~' She thought to herself as she looked at the penis with a dreamy look as the memories of her having sex with Ryan came into her mind.

But she immediately shook her head to rid herself of those memories and the thoughts she was having. But unfortunately for her Ryan had read her mind and heard what she had said as he smirked.

He then grabbed her waist and positioned his penis in front of her pussy which caused her to get scared. He then rubbed his penis on her pussy as she felt a jolt flow through her body from the contact.

"Get ready." Ryan said as he got ready to insert it.

"W-Wait! At least let me ge— aaaahhhh!" The vampire tried to say but it fell in deaf ears as Ryan swiftly inserted his penis inside her pussy as she yelled in pain.

Blood flowed from her pussy as Ryan had broken her hymen as he smiled. But then she surprised him as she came right afterwards as she screamed in pleasure.

Due to the thickness and length of his cock he had reached the inside of her womb which resulted in her climaxing then and there. Her back arched once again as she fell limp on the bed as she breathed heavily.

"Are you tired already? You're supposed to fulfill your Master's desires. Guess I need to discipline you a bit more." Ryan said to her.

"I'm not— aaaaahhhhh!" She tried to say but was unsuccessful as he started to piston in and out of her at a fast face.

She started to moan uncontrollably from the jolts of pleasure coursing through her body from every thrust. But then he decided to dial it up a notch as he started to knead both of her breasts while pistoning inside her.

This caused her to scream in ecstasy as she cummed again from the pleasure while Ryan had a satisfied smile on his face. He then stopped touching her breasts and then grabbed her and brought her face to face with him.

She looked at him a bit dazed but then it turned to shock as he kissed her again while she started to piston inside her again. But this time she wasn't able to retaliate as her hands hands fell limp at her sides while her eyes rolled to the back of her head from the torrent of pleasure she was feeling.

She then came again as she drenched the both of their waists in her juices. Ryan separated from the kiss and looked at the dazed vampire who had her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

"So tell me, are you my slave woman?" Ryan asked her as he cupped her cheeks and made her look at his face.

The dazed vampire didn't answer as she just looked at him. But then gained some clarity as she glared at him but this wasn't as intense as the last one's.

"I will never be your slave! Moreover I'm a man not a woman!" She spat at him as she glared.

"Why don't we test that?" Ryan asked as he then made another mirror appear.

The vampire looked at the mirror in confusion as she then turned to look at him. He just grinned as he took out his cock out of her pussy which caused her to frown a bit and be a bit sad as she felt his heat leave her body.

"This is a mirror which shows how a person sees themselves as. If you think that you're a man then stand in front of that mirror and let it show you how you see yourself as." Ryan said as he gestured to the mirror.

"Hah! You'll see." She confidently said as she slowly got up.

She was wobbly from the sex she had just had and so she stumbled as she stood in front of the mirror. Ryan activated the mirror and she looked at it confidently. Only for that confidence to shatter as the mirror showed her current naked form with a sultry smile on her face.

"T-This is false! I know, you are controlling it aren't you! You're controlling what kind of image the mirror is showing." The vampire said as she rounded up on Ryan.

"Rest assured the mirror only shows you for who you see yourself as and from what I see you really are a fine woman." Ryan said as he smirked.

"You're lying! I won't believe you!" She yelled at him.

But it didn't deter him the slightest as looked at her with an amused look.

"Alright then, why don't you use your magic that I allow you to use and creat your own male form on this clay." Ryan said as he made a huge lump of clay appear beside him.

"That's easy." The vampire said but Ryan just smiled.

The vampire walked in front of the clay as she held her hand out. Then black energy came out of her and enveloped the clay as Ryan watched with an amused look as he stared at her naked form.

'Now I have to just imagine my real body and then I will show this guy!' The vampire thought to herself as she started to think about her body.

But it was easier said than done as she couldn't picture her original male body in her mind. What did come in her mind where images of her having sex with Ryan as she looked happy and filled with ecstacy.

She shook her head and tried to think of her original body. But to her horror she wasn't able to remember, she can see the silhouette but can't make out it's features. It was as if she was looking at something different altogether.

"Ooh. These are nice." Ryan said as he stood beside her.

She opened her eyes when she heard him and then he gestured in front of her. She moved her head in the direction and looked and her eyes widened when she saw what was in front of her.

What stood in front of her were clay statues of her and Ryan having sex with eachother with a happy look on their faces. She staggered back in shock but then Ryan came and grabbed her from behind.

But she didn't retaliate this time as she looked at the clay statues she made with her own hand's in shock. Ryan saw her shocked her and had a toothy grin on his face.

He then moved his head to her right ear as she felt his breath.

"So tell me, who are you?" Ryan said with a devilish smirk.