Chapter 16

"Hmm, time for me to get that elf." Zahhak said to himself as it is the day.

During these days he has been fucking the two girls and sometimes the vampiric succubus when the two are occupied. He also managed to get Altria's former comrades under his control using the vampiric succubus, and it didn't take a genius to know that they are the vampire servants for Celeste.

He made them go through the same experience as Celeste and managed to turn them into his women both body and mind. They also started to worship him if what he is seeing is anything to go by as even a little compliment is a great thing for them. Not that he is complaining as it means that he will have control over them.

'Hmm, maybe a cult wouldn't be bad I guess. I don't actually care much about it though. Hmm, thoughts for later.' Zahhak thought to himself as he turned his attention to the elf village.

At Elf Village

Things were not going well for Selena. She had heard a strange voice a few days ago which said that she would be sacrificed by the people of the village. Of course she didn't believe the voice and decided to keep her trust in the villagers. But currently it wasn't that how she had wanted.

"B-But you can't do this chief! Please!" Selena pleaded with him with tears in her eyes.

"We don't have a choice. The demon wants one of ours and has named you on top of it." The chief said to her.

"B-But you can defeat it with you magic can't you?" Selena asked frantically.

"We do not have the power to oppose that demon." The chief said to her as he shook his head.

"But someone please help me! Anyone?" Selena cried out in tears as she looked at her fellow villagers.

Only for them to turn away from her with a guilty look on their faces. Selena has a betrayed look on her face at their actions as she looked around her.

'No... But you said that we elves should always be together and look after each other no matter what.' Selena thought to herself with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Selena but this is the only way." The chief said as he brought the girl to a chasm like hole followed by elven warriors.

He made her stay near the chasm and stepped back before a dark mist appeared from the hole. Selena was scared as the elves behind her were quite a distance away from her. Then a large hand came out of the hole and grabbed Selena, said hand is large enough to actually fully grab her.

"Nooo! Help meee!" Selena shouted as she was pulled by the hand into the chasm.

"You have chosen wisely. I will not disturb your village any longer. Now go away." A demonic voice said from the chasm before the mist went into the hole.

The chief and the elves looked at each other before they went back to their village. As for Selena she is absolutely terrified as she is currently looking at the demon which is currently holding her. It has a demonic face with a large body and two large wings. The demon looked at the terrified elf as she has tears in her eyes. The inside of the chasm like hole is very and only the little light from the opening is giving some luminescence to the two inside.

"Heh. Do not worry elf. Once I take your power I will have no need of you." The demon said to her in his demonic voice.

"Th-Then would you l-l-let me g-go?" Selena asked terrified.

"Of course, I would have no need of a corpse." The demon said as he smiled maliciously.

"H-Huh!?" Selena said shocked and scared.

"Foolish elf, when I said I will take your powers I meant that I will take your lifeforce. You have great potential in magic and once I consume it I shall become more powerful." The demon said to her.

Selena's eyes widened in shock as she started to shake like a leaf in a storm.

"S-Someone! *Sob* Anyone! Help me please!" Selena shouted terrified as she cried in fear.

"No one will come to your aid. Your people have already abandoned you." The demon said before laughing.

'No. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Someone please, there must be someone.' Selena thought to herself frantically.

"Though I do not have any problems in helping you. It will cost you." Zahhak's voice is heard by the two as they looked around in shock.

"Th-That voice." Selena said shocked as she recognised his voice.

"I'm quite happy that you remember my voice." Zahhak said as he appeared a few feet away from the two as he floated in the air.

"You, who are you?" The demon asked surprised at his arrival.

He could feel that he is a demon though he couldn't feel much power from him.

"P-please help me." Selena begged with tears streaming down her eyes.

"I would but I want something in return." Zahhak said completely ignoring the demon.

"Hey. Don't ignore me." The demon said feeling insulted.

"W-What is it?" Selena asked as she doesn't want to die.

"You. If you pledge your very being and loyalty to me. Then I will save you." Zahhak said with a carefree look on his face.

"You bastard! Who do you think you are ignoring me!" The demon shouted as his energy started to leak out scaring the elf.

'My very being. That means I will be his slave but, but I will die if he doesn't help me. I don't want to die. I want to live.' Selena thought to herself in fear.

"I'll do it. I will pledge my loyalty to you so please save me!" Selena said to him with a pleading look.

"You bitch! I'll show you wha—" The Demon said angrily before he right arm disappeared.

Selena was also shocked when the hand grabbing her had disappeared but then the demon screamed in pain from losing his arm. Selena fell towards the ground but Zahhak caught her in a princess carry as she had closed her eyes in fright.

When she realised that she is not falling she opened her eyes and saw Zahhak who is lightly smirking at her. His handsome face causing her to blush but her attention went to the demon crying in pain.

"My arm! You! What did you do?!" The demon asked as he looked at Zahhak in fright.

'I'm a demon who is about to get to high class and yet he was able to destroy my arm so easily.' The demon thought to himself as he looked at him.

"I just took away your arm due to touching my property. And now, there is no need for you to be here as well." Zahhak said as his eyes glowed.

Zahhak's form was the last thing the demon saw before it was engulfed in a ball of red energy as he screamed in pain as he died. Selena watched the scene in front of her with wide eyes at how easily Zahhak had defeated the demon. Zahhak then floated to the ground and then placed the elf on the ground as she looked at him meekly.

"T-Thank you for saving me." Selena said to him meekly.

"Well, that was our deal. You do remember what you said don't you." Zahhak said to her as he looked at her.

Selena remembered about what he had asked her in return for him saving her and she will admit that she was hasty but she didn't want to die and she knew she wasn't strong enough to defeat the demon which is the reason why she agreed to it.

"Yes. I said that I will pledge my loyalty to you." Selena said to him.

"Good. Then you won't resist." Zahhak said as he grabbed her chin and raised it.

Selena looked confused before she felt his lips on hers as her eyes widened.