
A long time ago, when humans were first transferred to Yamani, in the early decades they were completely consumed by the creatures in Yamani. The kidnapping of humans, the most innocent beings in Nirvana, had occurred tens or even thousands of times since that day.

All creatures began to revere humans, considering them the most luxurious meal they had ever tried and wanting to make humans their main source of consumption. Whereas so far, the culture of cannibalism has not something bad and has never been considered excessive to the point where they only want to eat certain races, others are starting to be forgotten.

However, the effects that humans bring are inversely proportional to all kinds of creatures arriving in the subsoil. Especially when one day, they started making special areas for humans, promising them heaven, letting them live in the top layer of soil, the part closest to Nirvana and making them seem close to gods.