Long Time No See

"Sir," said Budianra right after they left the place where Kendari and Janu were meditating. Wisnu only muttered softly in response to the call from the young boy, "Is this just my feeling, or is this forest really crowded?"

Wisnu pulled out a faint smile. His daughter, Kendari, may not pay much attention to her surroundings because she is busy paying attention to the new things she finds in the forest. But Budianra clearly had a different reaction. All the senses in his body are very sharp; he knew something strange was in this forest even since they first came out of the main base.

"Yes, because this is the first time Kendari has left the house. I spread all my warriors throughout the forest and island area." Wisnu turned to the young man and said, "The distance between us and them is quite far, but you are great at being able to realize the existence of all these humans."