The Report

After making sure that Kendari had recovered, all Pilar members instead surrounded Dirga, who was still in cat form. They sometimes played with the young man's tail, rubbed his neck, head, or back, and sometimes placed their fingers so that Dirga would bite them.

It took him a long time to silence the members who were bullying him, but the young man finally spoke up when one of the Pilar members started to carry him.

"Don't you imagine that I am a grown man who is not wearing any clothes at all?" he asked instantly, making his body immediately drop to the ground.

Budianra held back his laughter at that. "Why don't you just turn into a wrena?" the young man suggested. "This is a holy place after all, there are no dimensional portals or humans other than us. You're also in the room; you can't be seen from the sky."

"My aura could be felt by Wiralaya if he accidentally crossed this place," replied Dirga while taking a typical sitting position like a cat.