After the black force was wiped out Donald is the only one who is barely alive. "Hmm, What should we do with you?" said Luna thinking and after a second a wicked smile appeared in her face. "Right, let's crucify you and increase the flames of anger against those illegitimate children." said Luna.
She looked at Kevin and gave a nod. Kevin used wind cutter spell and chopped off on hand and leg of Donald. "aaaaagh" screamed Donald and his voice reverberated the entire area. Some of the members of her army helped with bringing a big pole and tied Donald's body to it.
Donald lost all his energy to shout and the soldiers crucified his body with crucifixes and slowly Donald lost his life. Luna bent down on her knees and the 200 members also bent down.
"Oh! Lord Lomar, please accept his death of this sinner as an offering and bestow blessings on us." prayed Luna putting her right hand on hand and then on chest.