I'm back, Legend Online

[Connecting to the Game Server...]

[Connections successfully!]

[No data remaining! Do you want to create a game character immediately?]

[Character creation in progress! Please choose to scan for your individual physical body or choose a generic template! ]

[Declaration: if you choose to scan for your physical body attributes to create a template, it may impede you from joining a specific class!]

[Please confirm your nickname!]

[Welcome, player Zhouyi! Long time no see! You are about to embark on an extraordinary journey once again!]

The darkness cleared, Zhouyi, wearing a tattered top and shorts, opened his eyes, and he found himself standing in a city.

[You can view the results of the scan! Choose the race and class best suits you based on the scanned attributes!]

Zhouyi opened his panel.

[Name: Zhouyi] (Class Candidate)

[LV: 1]

[HP: 130, MP: 21]

[Strength: 12 (Generic template attribute is 5 points, your strength is about to reach the physical limit for humans.)]

[Vitality: 10 (5 points for the generic template attribute, you have the body of a monster!]

[Intelligence: 2 (5 points in the general template atribute, you are less receptive to magic.)]

[Spirit: 7 (The generic template attribute is 5 points, your spirit is far above average.)]

[Please choose your class! Based on the scanned attributes, you are recommended to select either the Warrior or Knight.]

There are only two essential professions in Legend Online, Warrior and Mage.

Once a player's level reaches LV 10, the player can switch to a sub-class.

The warrior class, also known as the profession, will be divided into three sub-class(sub-profession), Knight, Berserker, and Ranger.

Mages will also choose the magic they practice to become more powerful mages with unique attributes.

Apart from these essential professions, players only need to spend money, which they can exchange for another class.

In Legends Online, there are also many hidden professions. To find these hidden professions, players needed luck and also enough ability.

Zhouyi did not hesitate and chose to be a warrior; he had this physical quality that far exceeded that of ordinary people, which was what a warrior needed the most.

Before he was reborn, he was already a mature warrior.

[You have chosen the warrior class! The races you can change to warrior are Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, and Necromancers].

"Because you chose the warrior, there is no way to transfer into an elf class? What a pity."

Zhouyi expressed his regret. However, this was not unacceptable; the thin and weak bodies of the Elven race decided that they were not suitable to wear heavy battle armor and fight directly against their enemies.

[If you want to be a warrior, the Racial Effects are:

Humans: +5% Strength and Vitality;

Dwarves: +10% Strength and Vitality, but -10% Intelligence and Spirit;

Orcs: +15% Strength but -10% Intelligence&Spirit;

Necromancers: -10% Strength and Vitality, but +15% Spirit.]

"Undoubtedly, I choose to be a part of humankind." Zhouyi made his choice.

The Human did not have outstanding advantages compared to other races. Still, humans have no apparent disadvantages, which makes the overall balance of human warriors the best.

Orcs and Dwarves had extra bonuses in Strength and Vitality. Still, because of the reduced Intelligence and Spirit, these two races would become dangerous when facing mages.

[Character creation complete! Welcome to a new journey! The journey's end is crucial, but please don't forget the scenery.]

"I'm back, Legendary Online! This time, I will change my destiny and touch the last secret of this game!"

The Utopia Village gradually became more crowded, and players continued to join the game. They were amazed at this game that transcended the times.

"There's actually such a high level of simulation! Is this really a human technology?"

"Maybe I haven't woken up yet; this VR helmet, maybe I bought it in my dream?"

The players let out a shocked cry; they couldn't imagine that there was actually a VR game with such a high degree of simulation.

Entering the Legendary Online, it was as if they had completed a fantastic journey and arrived in a real new world, or...ISEKAI!

Zhouyi shrugged his shoulders; he was not a novice. He knew the most crucial thing now was hurrying up and upgrading his level.

Walking outside Utopia Village, there were already many players outside the village who realized that they needed to level up. At the entrance of Utopia Village, the chicks and bunnies raised by the villagers were attacked frantically by the players.

These poor little creatures had just been refreshed when a dozen or so players' wooden sticks immediately knocked on them.

These chicks and bunnies were not Zhouyi's target; he walked to the wilderness away from the village, where an even more powerful monster was refreshed.

[Wild Boar LV 4] (White Normal Monster)

[HP: 150]

[Note: Unlike the tamed pigs, this boar runs and has considerable destructive power!]

The ordinary player has only 5 Strength and 5 Vitality, plus a novice wooden stick with 1-2 Attack points, giving them only 30 Attack Points. Considering the defensive power of the monster boar, an LV1 player can deal minimal damage to the boar.

But Zhouyi had a frightening 12 Strength and 9 Vitality! He grips the wooden stick, and at this time, he has a total of 70 Attack Points!

The boar spotted the intruder that had entered its territory and immediately crouched down and pounded toward Zhouyi.

Zhouyi had no intention of dodging; he lowered his body and collided with the boar.

As they collided, Zhouyi felt himself enter "Bullet Time."

[You are detected as a combat state; you can choose the Game Mode! You can choose:

1) Fully Gamified.

2) Half-half.

3) Fully Realistic Simulated!

After choosing, you can continue to change it only after a minimum of 7 days!]

After thinking about the differences between these three game modes, Zhouyi decisively made his choice.

The advantage of choosing the Fully Gamified Mode was that everything for the player would be datamined.

With the Blood Bar(generally shown as a Health Point situation) not yet revealed, even if players attack someone with feet, they can still deal the damage you would with a full swing using a weapon.

Players' damage taken can also be recovered in a hurry with magical potions. Furthermore, players in Fully Gamified Mode have access to a unique attribute: Life Steal. Players in complete gameplay have the most remarkable ability to sustain combat.

Everything comes at a price, of course.

At its simplest, fully realistic-simulated players will not be able to use special plot gear.

(when players kill a human-like boss, non-fully gamified players can take off the monster's defenses and take their weapons. These are known as plot gear and have no detailed properties.)

The player cannot use plot equipment if it is not fully gamified.

Furthermore, when it is not fully gamified, the HP level gets too low, and the player will enter a near-death state and lose the ability to continue fighting. Meanwhile, the player gets the ability to land a killing blow. For example, players can deal more damage if they kick their opponent's balls.

The great thing about fully realistic-simulated gameplay is the ability to use all plotted equipment. Players may have to defeat many elite bosses to get the needed equipment. And a fully realistic-simulated player can only need to defeat one or two bosses to update all of their gears directly.

Meanwhile, because plot gear cannot be viewed for its properties, fully realistic-simulated gamers must consider whether the new equipment is necessarily better than the gear they are using.

No one knows; perhaps the God of Gaming can bless them.

In addition, players in fully realistic-simulated mode will gain an advantage against other players. Such players can deal 10 times or even a horrific one-hit kill when dealing damage to a player's lethal position.

So what's the cost? Players who choose to be entirely realistic mode are limited in their use of recovery potions.The hp value is reduced and the player's attributes are reduced

The 3 different game modes have advantages, and Zhouyi chose not to fully gamify.

Actually, Zhouyi continuously senses some changes in his body. But he was not sure where this change occurred.

After finishing choosing the game mode, the bullet time also ended.

When Zhouyi and the boar collided, Zhouyi pinned the boar to the ground, and the boar let out a roar and struggled frantically.

Zhouyi looked through his battle log and immediately noticed something terrible!