Space Monster Carter

"Hello village chief, maybe I can leave the village." The level reached lv10, there is no doubt that the time has come to leave the village.

A novice village is really a boring place. Moreover, the biggest secret of the novice village, as well as the biggest treasure, is already in one's hands. Even though there are still some secrets worth exploring, it is wise to know how to give up.

The village chief shook his head: "Your level to the big lv10, originally I can indeed help you. But not now, a huge threat is blocking the operation of the teleportation array, only until enough people come together to eliminate that threat, the teleportation array can operate normally,"

Zhouyi froze for a moment, this he really did not know. Before rebirth when he entered, it was already a long time after the start of the game, to the big lv10, directly teleported away.

"Village chief, maybe I can deal with the threat you say."

Level to lv10, after equipping the weapon wolf claw, Zhouyi's attack power is very frightening.

[Appellation: Zhouyi](Prepared Professional)


[hp:1063. mp:132

[Strength: 39]

[Vitality: 22)]

[Intelligence: 2]

[Spirit: 14]

[attack power:265-270. defense power:64]

[Equipment: Metal Slime Battle Armor, Wolf Claw, Whisper of Darkness]

[Skills: Weapon Enhancement]

[Free Attribute Points: 18]

After the player uses free attribute points, compared to players of the same level, Zhouyi no longer has an overwhelming advantage. But because of the powerful weapons equipped, Zhouyi's attack power is still very frightening. Players of the same level, if they do not have full body defense, Zhouyi's attacks are deadly enough.

The village chief shook his head: "That is always a monster from space, the energy of the teleportation array through space attracts its attention and it comes for the energy of the teleportation array. It is very powerful, if there are not enough players working together, one person can barely deal with it."

Zhouyi said, "Village Chief, you should have a little more confidence."

The village chief did not refuse again, "Since you strongly request it, let's give it a try. Please be careful."

"Let's begin."

The cane in the village chief's hand emitted a strange ripple, and as soon as Zhouyi lost his concentration, a monster jumped out in front of him.

"Why must we teleport to a strange place to fight? There's nothing here, I don't have any environment to use. It's too unfair to me." Zhouyi was a bit unhappy.

The monster looked like a huge bat, but its wings were covered with bone spikes and the edges of the wings were more like two sharp dinner knives. Zhouyi believed that those two wings must be easier to cut through himself than to cut through butter with a dinner knife.

The monster's mouth is also very sharp, like a lance.

This guy just flies is a flying weed whacker. As long as it still dares to stand on the ground, after the monster flies over, it will only leave the flat ground.

Standing in open space against such a monster, it's too unfair.

[Space Monster Carter lv10] (Blue BOSS level monster)


[Description: Depends on the energy in space to survive, as a completely up fighting and born, any living creature is its enemy.]

"Living creatures ..."

The monster Carter opened its mouth and let out a huge roar.

Wolf Claw is also a short sword, a one-handed sword used in conjunction with a small shield. But Zhouyi did not have a shield, and could only use the short sword to circle the monster. Without a shield, his speed is also much happier. Facing such a fierce monster, perhaps faster speed is more important than higher defensive power.

When Carter approached, Zhouyi directly lay on the ground, the short sword in his hand cut through Carter's body, leaving a -163 number on his body.

"The defense is really high." Zhouyi was a little nostalgic for the power of the legendary he had gained in the quest.

If he could still use the power of two legends now, Zhouyi was confident that he could end the battle in five seconds. After all, the mist dragon, the lowest is lv50 above orange boss, and monster Carter has a huge gap.

Above blue, when purple. Then a level higher than purple, only orange.

Nostalgic, but useless. To deal with this monster, you still need to do it yourself.

Never seen this monster himself, for Carter's way of action Zhouyi does not understand, he can only cautiously confront the monster. On the premise of ensuring their own safety, a little damage to Carter.

Zhouyi kept circling with the monster, and in front of the village chief, another group of players came.

"Village chief, we are ready."

The village chief looked at the seven people in front of him, all wearing full battle armor, although basically some white ordinary equipment, after all, they are fully equipped. Several warriors are holding lv7 wild wolf swords, and mages are holding wild wolf staffs, so it seems that the combat power is very strong.

This is a team that can take out monsters.

"Very good! The first team that kills the Space Monster will receive Carter's head! This monster can qualify for a union or team in any human main city!"

The leader of the squad was full of confidence: "Don't worry, village chief! We are professionals! No monster will be able to escape from our hands! It's not difficult to take down a space monster."

Without speaking, the village chief opened the teleportation.

"If you are so confident, it must be more convincing if you tell me the first time. Although you have already failed once, I still believe in you, at least it's more reliable than that arrogant guy."

Without making the village chief wait for long, a group of soldiers who had just lost the battle exited the battlefield.

"It's simply impossible to do it. Carter's attack was so powerful that I was just touched by the edge of its wings and I almost died on the spot."

"Seven men are too few, we need more men. Just keep Carter on the ground first before we have a chance to deal with this guy, otherwise, more people are like wheat in front of a scythe."

"Village chief, I'm sorry, we failed again, we need more men? before the next attempt. Maybe only those professional players, can deal with this guy."

The village chief did not say anything but just sighed: "It is not your fault. This vicious beast originally required a small team of professionals above lv20 to deal with it. Your failure is not shameful."

The leader of the squad asked reluctantly, "Village Chief, is there really nothing we can do?"

The village chief said, "Of course not. Space things though are creatures made entirely for fighting, with almost no organs to sustain said life, which gives all space monsters unparalleled fighting ability and combat skills. But the price is that space monsters are completely unable to support long periods of combat. As long as you can keep fighting it, because of the energy consumption, the space monster will become weaker and weaker, and at that time, it is the best time to kill the monster."

The young captain expressed in shock, "To keep fighting with that monster? That's a crazy idea, maybe all the players of the whole village will enter together to tire this monster out."

The village chief, however, nodded, "Yes, this monster, only by gathering the strength of everyone in the village, can it be defeated."

At this time, Zhouyi was wearing tattered battle armor and dragging a huge head: "Hello? This guy's head is too big to stuff into my backpack, can you help? Also, I think I heard you guys say something about gathering everyone's strength, the village chief, is there any task for me?"