Who am I - 7


Did your mom really die because you helped me cross the road? : 🐹

miT : yes

: Han, I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing to me? You're really not wrong to be mad at me : 🐹

You're not wrong to punch me :

I was just too young then :

I don't even know what your mother is :

I only know that you punched me :

I am sorry :

I'm sorry, Tim :

miT : I'm sorry.

: I think you won't talk to me anymore.

No, I'm just shocked : 🐹

miT : Thank you.

yes? : 🐹

miT : Thank you for not being angry with me again.

: Can I come in?

: Just bring the cheesecake.

Yes: 🐹

Wait :

How did you know that I love to eat cheesecake?

miT : Let me in, I'll tell you everything.

: Open the door

👌🏼 : 🐹

Han then opened the door for Tim to enter. So why didn't Tim come in himself? The door wasn't even locked. Oh, if asked where Charlie had gone, he was in the room. But just fell asleep. After entering, Tim slowly told the story.

Han and Tim know each other because Seoul brings Han to their office. Seoul is the photographer on the set where Tim works as a model. The first meeting was not very good. Because Han spilled water on Tim, who had just changed his outfit for the next set. however Tim was kinder than he thought at the time. Tim didn't even say anything to Han. He also asked Han if he fine.


"Ow!" Someone's voice sounded behind Tim, who now felt something cold behind his back. Tim looked back and saw a boy lying on the floor. "You ok?" Tim asked worriedly. Falling down like that would be painful. "No problem," replied the boy, slowly getting up. "But your shirt," said the boy, pointing at Tim's back. Without turning to look, Tim now knew that the cold feeling behind this was the water that the boy had spilled on him.

"It's okay. I can go change my shirt," said Tim, "but you have to shoot this set with this shirt, right?" said the boy. "So let's do this." Tim paused for a breath before continuing. "What's your name?" "Han," Han replied in a trembling voice. Does Tim look that intimidating? "Okay han, are you free this evening?" Tim asked, "yes." "Buy me some dinner," Tim said before walking out to the stylist team.

"What's wrong?" Han's best friend's voice asked after seeing his friend standing for a long time talking to the model. "Nothing, dumplings. I just spilled water on his shirt." Han replied. Upon hearing that, Seoul hurriedly turned him over as if checking something. "What?" Han asked curiously. "Tim didn't do anything to you, right?" Seoul asked. "No, Tim just told me to buy him a dinner." "Okay," said Seoul, with a sigh of relief.

"Then i'll back today," Seoul said before leaving. Leaving Han to wait for Tim to finish filming and go out to eat together.


After the two had finished eating and Han was about to pay. Tim took Han's hand and paid by himself. "Wait, you tell me to buy for you?" Han asked. "Actually, I just wanted someone to eat, with me" Tim replied before turning back to his car. "Want to go back? I'll take you." Tim turned around and asked Han. before continuing walking to his car

When the two of them got into the car, there was only silence. When he reached his destination, Han turned around and told Tim. "Then let me eat with you every day, right? But let's divide and pay." Then Han immediately got out of the car.

After that, the two ate together every day after Tim finished work. But today is a little different. Because today is Tim's birthday.


miT : Didn't you come today?

Yes : 🐹

Well, I'm not feeling well :

miT : You ok? Want me to go to you?

No you don't. I'll be fine : 🐹

Today you have to eat alone :

miT : It's okay, I can eat with myself.

: Get well soon

Ok, work hard : 🐹

Yes, all texted is Han lie. he is not sick But in fact, he is now at a department store to buy Tim's birthday present.

After choosing for a long time, Han decides to buy a hamster doll. That's Tim. Why does he like to call him hamsters? He don't think he's look like hamster .

while waiting for the traffic lights, Han seeing that the road was empty and that it was time for Tim's work, decided to walk across the street when the traffic lights were still green. But while Han was crossing the road, a motorcycle came running towards Han.


As soon as they arrived here, Tim fell silent. Han noticed that Tim's eyes were now turning red, as if holding back his tears.

"You don't have to tell me more," said Han. "No, i want you to know the whole thing." Tim continued.


The motorcycle lunged forward, showing no signs of stopping. Han was completely frozen. can't move But Han felt a strong push towards him, turned around and saw a woman who was now hit by that motorcycle until her body was knocked out. Unlike the owner of a motorcycle who has already driven away.

When Han looked at this woman carefully, Han's tears came out of his eyes. When the person who saved him was Tim's mother Han immediately called an ambulance and called Tim. Arriving at the hospital, Tim immediately ran to Han.

"What's wrong, Han?" Tim asked. "I'm okay, but your mom." Han didn't finish answering, Tim asked immediately. "What happened, Han?" After hearing that question, Han told the whole story. Including the fact that he crossed the road with the green light still on, which is why Tim's mother is now in hospital.

When Tim found out, he didn't answer and instead sat down in the chair next to him.

Not long after, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

"Who is a relative of Miss Thanyakan," Tim heard it and immediately jumped up from the chair, but fell to the ground instead when he heard the next word the doctor said. "I'm sorry. The patient has died." Then the doctor gave details. But now Tim doesn't listen to anything. Tim rushed in and grabbed Han's collar and punched him so hard that Han lay on the floor there. The doctor and the others who saw them rushed over to stop them.

Why did his mother have to die on his birthday? Why does it have to be Han? Why cross the road like that? Was it that hurry? Why is that car not responsible for anything? If Han hadn't crossed the road that fast, his mother wouldn't have died, right? Right now, Tim's head is filled with questions. Why?


Once again Tim stopped talking. Han looked at Tim and saw that Tim was crying right now. Is this he crying without a sound? "That's enough, I understand. I'm sorry, I'm here. I'm not angry with you anymore." said Han, before pulling him into his embrace. "Thank you," Tim said with no sound, but Han understood and tightened the hug.