Who am I - 9

"No, no way" said Chris, "it's clear Chris. It can be seen that this is Han," said Marco, "impossible. I was with Han last night," said Chris, the words giving Marco a shocked expression. "It's true, it rained last night," Lewis added. "So then," Marco turned to look at the man. both "Who is this killer?"

Chris, hearing this, shook his head in disbelief. He didn't even know who this was. Han's twin? Then why did he do it? From what it looks like, it's like just taking out a knife and killing Pitch. They looked at the CCTV footage of the previous incident. It was even more unreasonable. It didn't even have a motive for killing. what happened Chris thought over and over again but couldn't find any reason for the killer's actions.

"I don't think we should tell anyone about this," Lewis said, because he knew it would. The other were definitely shocked. But what's worse is the other may go out and find answers on their own. Which is not a good thing at all.

The other two who listened agreed with Lewis's words. Better not tell anyone Let him find Han's twin? And he'll tell the others.


"I want to go to an amusement park," said Sky's voice, who seemed particularly in a good mood today, after the teacher let him rest. "Where?" Japan asked Sky, who seemed to want to go to the amusement park the most. "A new amusement park opened? It's right near our school," Sky replied. "Then let's finish school," said Seoul, excited because in a few hours the five of them would be free from this little hell.

"Okay, let's go," Charlie said after asking Chris. And of course, if Charlie goes, then Han must go anyway.


When the five arrived at the amusement park, everyone had fun playing the rides. until they wanting to go to the bathroom Everyone dispersed to go to the bathroom, leaving Han and Japan buying cotton candy.

"Han, I'll go buy that water first." Japan said before turning around and saying "If something happens you can send a single point to me. I felt like someone was watching us all the time." Japan then went out to buy water as he told him to.

Someone's looking at us all the time? Absolutely ridiculous. Who's going to look at us? Han thought before walking out and sitting in a chair nearby.


Seoul, Charlie and Sky, who had just left the bathroom, turned to see Japan, who had turned to the storefront of the cotton candy shop he and Han had previously bought.

"Where did Han go?" When the figures of the other three appeared in Japan's eyes, he immediately said with concern. After hearing Japan's talk, everyone had a worried expression on their faces except Charlie, who looked relaxed. "He's not going anywhere," Charlie said, drawing the trio's attention to him.

"Han told me to go sit in the garden." Everyone was relieved to hear those words from Charlie's mouth. But not long after, everything became tense again.

"Everyone, I think Han is really gone," said Japan when he saw the message that had just popped up.


Han sat down on a cream colored chair that had been modified to look harmonious with this place. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt that someone was walking towards him. Han opened his eyes to find that the person walking back was not Japan, but a middle-aged woman walking towards him.

"Han," she called out his name. Having said that, this woman has a very familiar face. Like I've seen it somewhere before

"Run away, Miss Hawa is gone now. You have to hurry before he finds you." Miss Hawa? Mom, really. His mother's name is Hawa. Mom isn't here anymore? What do you mean?

"Mom isn't here, what does that mean?" Han asked the woman in front of him who still couldn't remember the name. "Your mother is dead, han, she's dead," replied the woman. What, is she dead? What happened? How did her die? Haven't been able to meet again. Tears slowly flowed from the eyes of the child who had just lost his mother.

"How?" Now Han didn't understand anything. In his mind, he had only a question he wanted to ask the person in front of him. "Okay, Han, I'm Miss Hawa's secretary, I hope you remember me. You need to get out of here right now. Before-"

"Before what, Sol?" Ah, this is actually Aunt Sol. And it seems that Sol was the one who left him there as well, right? "Nothing," Sol replied to a man who walked in.

"Isn't that right? Well, I've heard it all." The man didn't wait, he pulled a knife out of his pocket, then slit the girl's neck in front of Han. Red blood spilled over Han's face, shocked by the events in front of him. This was the most outrageous murder he had ever seen on the news.

After leaving Sol's body for the other two men behind him to drag, the man slowly walked towards Han. "Han you ruined all my plans," the man said to him before the picture was cut.