
Karl told her that they were gang members of the Lao family, she sighed as they were really troublesome to deal with. They had many connections in New York and lastly they were drug dealers.

'I only hope you awaken sooner it's taking long.' She thought as they ate.

"Your food is really delicious, I don't know if I will be able to live without it anymore."

"Well as long as we are together no problem." She replied as if it was a normal thing to do.

"You do realize that now you are acting like a good wife talking to her husband."

Karl said but he suddenly realized that his words were missleading when it was too late.

"Do you intend to say that you are the husband here or something."She asked but didn't appear angry at all, only a wide grin could be seen on her beautiful face.

"It might be your imagination, anyway am going I feel sleepy."He picked up all the things at the table and took them to the sink.

"Goodnight, Luxuria."After he immediately left as he didn't intend to stay any longer.

A smile could be seen on her face as only she knew her thoughts. 'You have really grown into a fine man.'

Karl appeared in his room as he had suddenly felt sleepy. He wasted no time and fell asleep on his bed.


He opened his eyes as he slightly felt cold. He looked around in confusion.

'If I remember correctly I was in my and felt sleepy and then.....'

He looked around and couldn't help but be surprised as the area was covered in ice everywhere his eyes could see.

He was more surprised as he saw a gigantic castle made of pure ice crystals which illuminated the area giving off a soothing feeling.

He decided to go and check as everything seemed real, although this wasn't his real body he could touch and feel.

After walking for sometime time as he looked around the area, he finally reached his distination and pushed the huge blue gate open.

Immediately, he was teleported inside the castle and as soon as he appeared, only one word could describe what he saw.

'A goddess.'

"Time really flies. I have tried many times to bring you here and it happens that it has only worked today."

Karl was taken aback by her words because she sounded both sad and relieved.

She had golden hair and eyes, beautiful pure white wings at her back, slender waist, medium breasts, thick thighs and curves, a skimpy white dress that held curves tightly. He was attracted to her face as her beauty was really breath taking.

He quickly snapped out of his daze as there was nothing he could do about it, but more correctly she was 'floating'. He rubbed his eye to make sure he wasn't dream but it was real.

"How.."He asked unconsciously.

Before he could react, the Lady embraced him tightly inhaling in his scent. A longing look can be seen on her beautiful face as she remembered so unpleasant memories. 'It won't happen again this time I will guide him to the best of my abilities.'

His entire being shook slightly as his golden eyes shone brightly as he felt full as if he found something he had lost. His eyes unconsciously shone intensively that the entire castle was bathed in golden light.

In a swift motion she sent a beam of light to his head as a moment later he laid down impulsively as he started to comprehend the information into his head. There were different fighting methods, several weaponry skills, etc.

Suddenly his body heated up and cracking sounds could be heard as his body was undergoing a transformation.

'Both his soul and body are strengthing to adjust to his powers.'

She was dying to see his powers after awakening but she couldn't help but be anxious as it was a complex process to say the least.

Karl couldn't help but grit his teeth as his body shattered and reshaped, he could feel his insides reduce to pieces of flesh and regenerate instantly. The process took sometime as he sighed after the not so pleasant pain was gone.

His body was brimming with energy and felt like a new born.He could feel a strong connection from the woman Infront of him who grinned looking at him as if appreciating a good work done.

"With your appearance no mortal woman will escape your clutches and I can't wait to see their reaction as they look at you. Anyway now that you have awakened lets see your powers shall we."She then approached him and touched his forehead slightly.

[ Name:Karl

Race: Eternal

Age: 20

Elements: Fire, Lightning, Light, Ice, Space(locked), Time(locked), Wind, Dark(locked), Earth(locked)






Unique abilities: [Life] [End] [Domain] [Will]

Skills:[Appraisal; Lv-1] [Heaven eyes; Lv-1] [Divine sense; Lv-1] [Regeneration; Lv-1] [All weapon mastery; Lv-1] [All combat; Lv-2]

Note: [Heaven eyes]: You can easily see through weak illusions and walls around 15 meters.

[Regeneration]: Only minor wounds can be regenerated currently.

[All combat]: You are able to fight under any condition using any style.

[All weapon mastery]: You are able to fight with any weapon you want. ]

She looked shocked as she squinted her eyes several times to make sure that what she was seeing was true.

Karl calmly looked at her silently as he wanted answers since if she really meant harm, with her power he couldn't even know how he died so he decided to go with the flow. 'I can't help but feel strange as I want to hug her in embrace as my heart is yearning as if we had known each other for long.'

"Having Domain and Will is understandable but then again 'Life' and 'End', if those bastards find out about this, they will do anything to end your life considering you are currently too weak to fight let alone withstand their pressure."She said after recovering from her shock.

"Who are these 'bastards' your talking about."He couldn't help but ask curiously as she seemed dugusted at them.

"These are the fallen Gods who were cast out of the God realm after being defeated. They wanted to be the sole rulers of the main God realm their numbers and powers couldn't be underestimated. It took millions of years of misery and fierce wars that led to the collapse of many planets and stars to completely wipe them out but some of them escaped and now they live in isolation as their powers are restricted by planets with strong wills such as Earth, so some how you are safe but even with restricted powers, they can easily flip an entire continent." She completed her explanation with a sigh but he could see intense hatred she contained in her golden eyes which were surprisingly similar to his and Luxuria.

"Do you think I will sleep well knowing that some old monsters over millions of years will come knocking on my door." He smiled bitterly as his happiness didn't last even for a minute after his awakening and received a shocking revelation.He was by no means a fool as he caught up some hints here.

"Is this world we are in now connected to me somehow." He suddenly asked as this has been on his mind after arriving here.

"Yes. This dimension is connected to your very soul." She answered casually but this was really a great shock to him. "I have been reinforcing the connection between your soul and this dimension but it happens that it has only taken effect today as It has been years now.

'I can't imagine being in this vast dimension alone without losing my senses.'He walked slowly and subconsciously embraced her tightly to her surprise but she gladly complied.

It wouldn't be an understatement to say that she was at a time going to go crazy as the only thing she could do was to see through his eyes and see what he couldn't such as the supernaturals on Earth. 'But now he will be surprised that most of his friends were on the side of supernatural.'

He inhaled her feminine scent as she really gave off a seductive fragrance but he controlled his urge to bed her.

'What am I even thinking. I just need to train skills I have to prepare for what is to come my way.' As he backed off he was surprised as she pecked him on the cheek.

"It's good that Luxuria taught you the basics of combat. By the way am Nemesis, feel free to call me that Karl.

Time for formalities is over let's go to the main event shall we." She snapped her fingers as they appeared amidst the vast ice plane.

"Try using your appraisal skill on me as this will make it easy for you to understand." Nemesis said as they stood a distance away from him.

[Name: Nemesis

Race: Eternal


Elements: Ice, Lightning, Light, Space, Time, Wind, Fire, Earth, Dark.






Unique abilities:???


Note: Stay far away if you really want to live. Fight her and go greet King Yama in Hell.]

"Why are there question marks suddenly." He asked as this confused him slightly.

"Well your skill is too weak as that's what you can see but I advise not to use it on those sensitive to mana.And as I have observed your world there are many powerful supernaturals so use it with caution." She said in a warning tone. "That will be considered peeking at one's privacy if not given permission. And as you have seen we are of the same race Luxuria included. But she couldn't tell you anything as Jal restricts her. That's the will on your planet which restricts anything supernatural from humans and they can't see anything of that sort."

Two beautiful blue swords appeared in her hands and threw one at him.

"It's time to train as I will answer your doubts am not going anywhere." She let him attack first to act according to his speed and strength. It didn't take long as sparks flew as their swords clashed.