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Registering as an 'Esper'

After studies, Karl left with Aina for his registration as an 'Esper'. She was really happy. They were alone without a third 'wheel' today. She was a carefree lady as she sat next to him with her head on his left shoulder. She treated it as if it was nothing but Karl wasn't calm and proof of this.....

"Aina this isn't good for you as a lady to act like this with a guy in an enclosed car, you know."

"I don't really care about that or do you." She said and looked at him.

He smiled bitterly but shook his head and focused on what might be needed when registering.

"Say Aina, what are the basic requirements during this process." She told him all what was needed to be done. He needed as much information as possible not to make a mistake.

Even though I rarely use my full name, this won't be a good idea anymore.

[Nemesis, can you conceal my elements so that only Lightning, Fire and Ice can be detected during the test.]

He asked to make sure, he sighed in relief as she accepted.

It didn't take long for the black limo to reach a very tall building with glass windows tinted black. They both got out and a middle aged man welcomed them with a bright smile.

"I am Chang He, the Chief Director. It's a rare opportunity for the young miss to visit, am at your service if you need anything."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Chang. We are here to take the test. I hope you don't mind." Aina said with smile on her face. But the man started to sweat like a pig, he understood the meaning. They didn't have time for more formalities and if he annoyed her he might 'accidentally' disappear.

"Right away, please follow this old man." He said and took them inside the building. As they headed for the elevator, Karl was amazed as everything inside was of advanced technology. All the equipments used were of the latest version. The building had few people inside. Noticing his gaze, the old man decided to clear his doubts.

"There is no need for the 'Espers' to come here since it will create more drama as they have different 'personalities'. They can easily receive missions wherever they are using their gadgets. Everything is done smoothly that way as there is no 'congession' on our internet."

Karl nodded as everything made sense, no one wanted to deal with some arrogant young masters who think they own the world. All the female stuff was looking at him with 'predatory' eyes which were filled with naked lust, as for the men, they didn't dare to do such a bold attempt. They knew who Aina was and it was not an understatement to say she was a cold beauty.

One glare from her was enough for the females to return to their duty.

'Women are really scary. She is acting like a good wife here.' Karl looked at her and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He pulled her close and blew air in her ear, something which made her blush.

She had her pink hair loose. She wore a skimpy black skirt which exposed her long snow white thighs. A tight white shirt which held her assets tightly as they struggled to let loose. She had black high heels which made her appear tall for a lady.

She didn't push him away as they remained close. This didn't skip the old man's eyes, he made a mental note not to mess with the young man.

They entered an elevator. At first it appeared like a wall but as the Director waved his hand, it opened.

"We have already accessed your bio data. We just need you to fill in some important information about you first." He said as they existed the elevator which had descended for who knows how many floors.

There was a blonde lady who handed the old man some documents and immediately left.

"I will have to fill in all 'necessary' information about you." He said as he looked at Aina. He didn't want to make any mistake here. Her family had a very strong influence in military and it was easy for them to hide some information about an individual.

Karl entered a completely white room with a ball like structure in the middle.

He went straight and injected some of his mana in it. It glowed bright red, gold and then blue.

The old man was shocked beyond belief and even Aina was surprised not by the fact that he had three elements, but by the elements displayed.

'To think he has two high level destructive powers and ice which can be used for both defense and attack.' Her lips curved into a smile. For humans this was a rare occurance and few 'Espers' had three elements.

'Where did such such a hidden talent come from.' Mr. Chang couldn't help but ask himself but didn't probe further. It was none of his business.

Karl was told to punch and kick some dummies as they measured his strength.

He did all the tests as the old man filled in all his stat records which somehow surprised Aina.

'He has just awakened as he said but at this rate he might reach my level. It seems like I also need to resume training.'

After seeing the mistakes he made when fighting the vampire, Nemesis made the time flow slow in her dimension as 1hr in the real world was equal to 3hrs in her world. He was brutally tor- oops trained to the point where couldn't lift a finger but thankfully he was improving.

The old man started looking at him in new light. Having three elements is a huge feat among Espers as most of them only have one.

After accessing everything about him, Karl stood with Aina patiently. Mr. Chang filled the data into the computer. After sometime he returned with a black card which had golden cravings on it.

"Everything about you is now fed into the system, you just have to put abit of blood on your card to activate it." He said and handed it to him.

Karl pricked his finger in a split second with a small ice spike and placed a drop of blood on the card. It glowed faintly before he placed it away.

"As you have seen you are a Silver rank. There are many ranks and as you climb higher the requirements get more difficult. They range from bronze, copper, silver, gold, diamond and lastly mystic but very few have been able to reach this rank in human history. The diamond ranks are also rarely seen as they isolate themselves." He explained calmly but he was happy. One needs to know that all his life this is his forth time seeing a fellow 'human' with three elements.

"Follow me and pick a weapon for yourself. The association provides Espers with their first weapons." They followed him quietly as he went downstairs. It didn't take long to reach, Karl looked around amused as this looked more like an ammory than anything but his surprise didn't end their as there were many other weapons like katanas, greatswords, spears, etc.

Aina was also surprised. The day she came for her registration though it was not needed, she finished everything and left immediately without reaching this section.

Karl headed for the katanas. Their appearance attracted his attention.

He held a black katana with red dragon engravings on it. It was more of an Asian style.

[Not a bad choice. It suits the current you perfectly but you must know that you will need a more powerful weapon than that.] Nemesis didn't directly tell him that she had many weapons as she also didn't know how many but one thing was curtain, they were of perfect quality.

"I will take this. What about you Aina, do you have a weapon." He asked as he didn't know anything about her weapon style.

"Well, I already have mine. Is that all you want." She asked him as there were many weapons around. He nodded his head and walked towards her as she signalled Mr. Chang about their departure. The old man immediately led the way as he grinned for who knows why.

He led them out of the building. Karl thought he needed to pay for the sword but...

"You don't need to pay for the sword, just be sure to use our application to get missions according to your rank. And also you have return if you need to update your rank. Good luck both of you."

They thanked him and immediately left as they had nothing to do there.

"Thanks for your help, Aina." He said and turned to look at her. She was as usual seated on his left drinking some juice."Tell me if you need anything I do it if it's with in my capabilities."

"You will do 'anything' right. You can't go back on your word." She said. He couldn't help but have a bad feeling about it but nothing less he had nothing to fear...maybe.

She sat quietly as if pondering about something. She looked at him seriously this time which was quite a surprise for him.

"There is still time for that and don't forget your promise." She leaned back on his shoulder and drank her juice. Karl didn't disturb her as he could do nothing about it and also he really liked her.

She dropped him off at his place and drove off to her place. Karl entered the house. Luxuria was not around and it would take sometime for her to return. He headed for the backyard which was pretty well enclosed by a tall wall fence.

[What do you plan to do now?]She asked curiously.

"I want to practice a sword and movement technique. But first things first what technique is suitable for me now." Although he didn't lack techniques thanks to the information she shared with him at first, he still asked just to be sure and not mess up.

[ Thousand Lightning steps and the divine judgement sword technique will suit you well. You can start with whatever you want but don't forget, movement techniques are complex.]

He took off his shirt and took a deep breath. He held his katana tightly and moved. He slashed, thrusted, kicked and bent at different angles. He moved at a slow pace but his speed increased with time.

He started to leave after images with some lighting as he used his movement technique. It appeared as if he had cloned himself as only after image could be seen. He started to sweat buckets as both techniques were indeed straining.

Shock was the right word to describe her expression as she didn't expect him to try anything. On had to know that both were divine techniques of the highest level. Even she had failed at her first try but he treated it as a joke here.

Finally after 25minutes which seemed like an eternity, he stopped and fell on his back. His body fibers felt completely sour as if he was pricked by a million needles.

He used his light element to heal his body as his regeneration did little to nothing about his condition. He soon returned to his peak after sometime.