Chapter Three: The Mission

Chapter Three: The Mission

My name is Kamijo Kojo, I am 16 years old, and I have a strange hairstyle, and also my hair is blond and my eyes are green, without any special ability.

Side characters: "It's him," referring to Accel.

Accelerator: "Hehehe."

She said, bowing: "Come here! Your Excellency!"

Olomi: "Come on, hit him as you wish, Your Excellency." It is clear that he is joking and is preoccupied with all this.

Looks like this move didn't work. What a misfortune. Haha.

'It's you, accel!'

Why are you at this time?

Side Characters: "Haa!!"

Accelerator: "Sorry! Sorry!"

Side Characters: "What!!"

Side Characters: "Aren't you going to do something to him?"

Look at this situation I am in and you are indifferent.

Die !!! That damn Zeke (Zek is an abbreviation for "Zedek") is laughing at us.

"What am I going to do? He is the fastest person in this city."

Side Characters: "Haaaaah"

Accelerator: "Stop kidding."

"Let's start the job."

"Let's get started!" Accel and I

" how much you have ? "

Accel, arrogant as if he were rich: "10."


" paper "

" scissors "

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you lost.

Accelerator: "Look who's challenging me," and he despise me.

" Let's go "

" teacher "

Accelerator: "teacher"

"Great Master"

The professor: "Ha!!! " He smokes .

[an hour later]

[Out of high school on the street]

Accelerator: "We made it, Sunday with 9 am."

"He changed my hair style to attract girls." A fourth person .

Zek: "It doesn't suit you, girl dog."

Accelerator: "What!!" He seemed upset because we couldn't hear him.

: "Ooooo!!! You idiots Sunday with 9 am."

Everyone at the same time, without accel: "Yeah!! You bastard!"

To be continued.

In order to see the illustrations and design the characters, they are on our Instagram account future_kuni.eng

In order to read the manga, it is in webtoon