Chapter 93: Naruto 7

Carl roused himself from meditation on the morning of his eighth birthday in a highly anticipatory mood. He was finally going to get his memories of the jump document for this Naruto/Naruko World.

He would finally remember what perks and drawback he chose. He might even figure out just where his Dragons were stashed, and why he hadn't seen them for the past several years.

While he was still sitting in his bed, he felt a sharp pain burst out on his left shoulder. It felt like hundreds of needles puncturing his skin all at once.

Carl clapped his hand onto his shoulder at the burst of pain. A moment later it faded away to nothing. Taking off his shirt, he saw an ANBU tattoo was now on his shoulder.

Before he could do more than gape at the magically appearing tattoo, Carl's head was filled with the last of his missing memories.

He remembered seeing his Dragons in suspended animation between jumps. He remembered filling out the jump document for the Naruto world, and what he selected. He remembered the warning that he would be put in some random fanfiction world.

As if he hadn't figured that out already by the presence of a female Naruko.

Time then seemed to become irrelevant as his consciousness separated from his body. His consciousness seemed to flow away from his body down a dark corridor. The sight of his body still sitting on the bed got smaller the further away he drifted.

He was hanging in a void where there was nothing to see or hear. Even his attempts to shout produced no sound.

The darkness of the void pressed in on him, making him feel so small and tiny. Like he was absolutely nothing compared to the infinite void.

Nothing he did mattered. None of the powers he gained from the Jump Chain responded to him. He had no strength. No magic. No ki. No profound cultivation. Nothing. All he had was…nothing.

He finally calmed himself down. If he couldn't do anything, then he had to keep calm and wait it out. He wasn't sure just where he had been cast out to, but he was sure the jump chain would be able to bring him back at the end of his time in the Naruto world. He only had to wait for 10 years in this void and he would be free of the void.

10 years of nothingness! The idea worried him, since it seemed like his perks weren't working properly.

It worried him since the perks were supposed to be powers that were an intrinsic part of him now.

And even though failing the scenarios of this world after waiting here in the void would not end his chain, he hated the idea of failing for such a reason. What about his new parents? His sisters? And friends?

With nothing else to do after a while, Carl began looking inward, towards his memories and knowledge. He began replaying his memories of his life, looking for anything to distract him from the Void.

He watched his lackluster original life. Compared to his jump chain adventures, it was quite boring. But at the same time, it was…comforting. It was a time of safety and ignorance. He lived a comfortable life in a rich country that wasn't wracked by war. He wasn't rich or anything. But life was comfortable.

There weren't demons and vampires running around killing people.

There weren't giant beasts that could throw out blasts of energy that could level a city.

There weren't evil Dark Wizards running around enslaving everyone.

There weren't alien parasites posing as gods.

But it was also boring. Mundane.

Watching from such a distance in the future as his memories of his past self went through life, Carl really began to appreciate and understand just how much he had changed over time, and how much had remained the same.

With nothing else to do while stuck in this void, Carl had been desperate for something to think about, which led to him reviewing his life. And seeing what he used to be like, he couldn't help but actually feel grateful for the happenstance that brought him into the Jump Chain and gave him the opportunities to see such amazing sights, and participate in the stories of heroes.

He watched through his memories of his time in the early worlds he jumped to. Everything was so new and exciting at that time. Even if he would have used the term "terrifying" instead of "exciting" back then.

His time spent in the BtVS world, desperately trying to find the knowledge needed to take out threats that would be happy to eat his loved ones, brought a smile of nostalgia to his mind. He had acted a lot more certain than he was on the inside because he knew a lot of the plot points and knew that he needed to be bold to survive.

Remembering the times he spent hanging out at their training house, or spending special times with his girls, was something that touched him deeply. He missed them. The friends you make in your youth are special, and that really did apply to everyone he knew from back then.

That's not to say that the rest of his girls and friends meant anything less to him. It was just a different feel for those who were there at the start of his journey.

In the Pokemon world, he found another set of parents that were so good to him. His relationship of mutual trust with his Pokemon friends was special. And his girl Serena was a joy to have at his side while they adventured.

Farmville was a decade of hard work to get all his farms profitable and working. He really put his heart into making sure all the people he hired did the best they could and enjoyed their lives and what they did. While he didn't find anyone to date in that world, there was a camaraderie among his workers that was touching in its own way.

While most of his Warehouse cp was earmarked specifically for returning to the worlds where his special girls were, he decided that he would one day make a trip back to the Farmville world when he could to recruit his people once more.

The time he spent in History's Stongest Disciple Kenichi training; striving and working hard to surpass his limits. To fight and to win. The amazing feeling he got when he was striving to fight an opponent and beat him or her in honorable combat. It was an amazing world full of camaraderie. A beautiful world of honor where the opponents could be reasoned with through a fight.

And while he never actually dated there, he was very interested in one girl in particular. He would be going back to see if they could make it work, even after all he had done that was against the philosophy of the Life Saving Fist that the masters of Ryozanpaku lived under.

The Sword Art Online world where he found some friends to hang out with and look after. He gained the World Seed, allowing him to craft worlds for training and fun. To gain experience at using his abilities to the max without worrying about accidentally killing anyone or himself.

He didn't have any special girls in that world, but he put it in the same category as the Farmville world. A place of friends that he would one day return to so he could see if his friends were interested in joining him.

The Monopoly Gauntlet where he gained valuable properties and learned of how…difficult it was to make decisions while inflamed by his emotions. Yeah. He wasn't going back to that gauntlet world.

The Harry Potter world. He learned so much about magic in that world. He had a magic education at a magic school. He found three amazing women, and spent his time with them. He learned to combined technology with magic and make it work.

Against the Gods world, he gained a wonderful wife that had control of an empire, some good friends that he knew had his back, and lastly an annoying frenemy who always annoyed the hell out of him, but was family to his friends that were the next best thing to family.

And then the Stargate universe, where his understanding of everything skyrocketed. He gained the technology of the Alterans. He studied Magic, Ki, and Profound Energy. He built his own empire with the help of his two wonderful women and his disciples.

Game of Thrones, that world that was chock full of cunts, politics, and ice zombies. He found a wonderful girl to spend his time with, exploring and learning blood magics. It was a good way for him to relax.

It was also the place he almost had an existential crisis about the nature of the worlds he was visiting through the jump chain. He had a lot of experience, having lived for over a thousand years by this point, with all the time compression. The people he interacted with were beginning to not feel completely real to him. He had just spent a lot of time totally dominating several galaxies and founding an empire.

So he began wondering deep in the back of his mind whether anyone he ran across was an actual person, or just a construct placed there for his enjoyment.

It certainly wasn't an idea that he was proud of. And he did his best to bury it deep in the recesses of his mind. But now that Carl was digging through all the memories of his past, he could see the idea being planted and slowly growing.

So his desperate plan to fling himself back into the past before his world insertion by the Jump Chain was not just a move to save his twin sister from a bit of heartache.

He desperately needed to see for himself that the people were real. That they existed before he arrived in the world and inherited all those memories. Because if they were really there before he came to the world, then he knew they deserved the same consideration he would want. He would continue treating them like real people.

Seeing that everyone was real solved the unconscious problem he was creating for himself. He put down the issue bubbling in his mind with relief.

And while he was in the past, he had looked in on himself, to find answers as to what was going on there. It seemed that there was a biological person puppet living the life, but it wasn't him. Carl was actually relieved that he wasn't being de-aged by the Jump Chain and having his memories suppressed. Because that would have meant that he was constantly being de-aged to the point of being an embryo and growing up once more in the womb, being born, and growing up.

The fact that it was a puppet of some kind, with all his personality traits programmed in as well as the use of some unconscious perks to make it more realistic, that was making those memories that were planted in his mind actually relieved him. It was better than being de-aged to the point of being an embryo that grew up over and over again.

After the Game of Thrones world, he had a damned Cooking Show world that wanted his death by canceling his show. But he quickly figured out that he didn't have to play by what he first thought the rules were. He could stretch and bend the rules. He could make of the opportunity what he wanted.

The Dinosaur Gauntlet, where he lived as an animal for a couple hundred years. Even while he was a magnificent T-Rex, he never lost his sense of self. He still had fun, intervening in the lives of those around him as he thought was right and appropriate. And he was so very relieved to be back in his human form.

And then the Azeroth world, where he found a broken group that was his. He built them up and he made them strong so they could join him in the jump.

Carl relived the satisfaction he felt when his Flight destroyed the Cult of the Damned. The triumph he felt when he created his Magic Cultivation technique. The joy his flight gave him as he watched them grow and learn and kick ass and dominate the World of Warcraft.

It still amused him to hear all the complaining from the player base in chat about his "guild". They were steamed that his people never lost in the arena and battlegrounds, always got first in Raids and in everything. Quite a few accusations of hacking had been thrown around, which had caused him and his Flight members to have good laughs. Sore losers.

And now here he was with the Hyuga Clan in the Naruto world. He was their heir, their future leader. And he would be leading them not just in this ninja world, but taking them on adventures between worlds.

But only if he could escape this void and return back to the Naruto world in order to finish those scenarios he had signed up for.

If he couldn't, then he would be leaving it all behind. All the ninja perks. His new ninja clan that would join him on the jumps. His sisters Hinata and Hanabi. His parents, Hiashi and Himari. His quiet cousin, Neji. His friends, Naruko, Yakumo, Karin, Ino, Sakura, Tenten, Lee, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Choji.

All of those people he rescued from their horrible circumstances and placed in the village of New Uzushio so they could have a better life would be left behind in the world, if he didn't succeed, especially Karin and her mother Ali.

He didn't want to lose all that he had! He didn't want to fail and lose everything!

But if he could exit this void that he was trapped in, then he could bring all those people he cared about into the umbrella of his Clan. He could finish the scenarios and bring them all with him. He could finish this world and the next and go back for all his loved ones that he still missed so much!

All he had to do was break out of the void, master the Sealing Arts, gain perfect control as a God of Shinobi, and gain the allegiance of a Divine Beast Clan.

He would do it. He didn't know how, but he would accomplish his goals.

He wouldn't give up on attaining everything he could from this world, because of what it gave him.

He wouldn't give up on all those he had grown to love.

He wouldn't give up!

He would be free of this void!

The power he gained gave him freedom. The freedom to live, the freedom to love, the freedom to do what he wanted and make the world around him a better place, even if he had to use harsh tactics.

His power let him protect his people. His power gave him the ability to have a life and love, even amidst the danger and enemies seeking to kill him. His power gave him the ability to really live!

Power was useful because it gave him freedom. Freedom was desirable because with it he could make his life worth living.

When all these thoughts, feelings, impulses, desires, and determination coalesced into a complete whole, Carl suddenly felt/heard/tasted/saw a name. A NAME that perfectly encapsulated what he was, who he was, who he desired to be. Everything about him, from what he was born as, to what he grew to be, to what he strove to become.

That NAME was the sum of everything Carl was.

Carl opened his eyes.

He was no longer in the Void. He was still sitting on his bed, in his room in the Hyuga clan compound.

Carl didn't know how long he was in the void. It felt like an eternity, but it also felt like no time had passed.

Checking the time, he saw that no time had passed out here. But it felt like he had spent a long, long time in the Void to find his NAME.

"Carl, it's time to wake up." Nuo called from outside his door.

Carl smiled at the old familiar routine.

"I'm up. I'll be out in a moment, Nuo." Carl called out.

Standing up, he quickly dressed in his morning workout clothes. As he was heading for the door, he saw a few items that weren't present in his room before.

There was a trapdoor on his floor. Lying on top of the trap door were two thigh pouches and one lower back pouch that were standard for holding the various tools that ninja use. On top of the pouches was an ANBU mask with a stylized dragon head painted on it.

Next to the pouches were two large scrolls. He could see from the writing on the outside that one of the scrolls was a summoner's contract for the Snake Clan. The other scroll had 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' written on the outside.

Carl looked longingly at the scrolls and the trap door on the floor that no doubt led to the Uchiha Jutsu Archive and DNA samples that he had purchased. A large part of him wanted to look over his new goodies now.

But he decided it could wait. He had a breakfast to get to, and some training to do. The items would still be there when he returned. For now it was time to spend time with his family and do his daily training.

Before leaving he cast several spells that would keep anyone from paying attention or getting close to his goodies while he was away from his room. He would take the time tonight to go over everything he had purchased, after the day's training was over.

As he was going about his daily training routine, one part of his mind was focused on the training, and the other part was pondering how he was going to accomplish his goals for the scenarios.

He wasn't sure of how much continuous time the beast clans would require him to be in their summons realm while they tested and taught him. So he wasn't sure if he could commute there through reverse summoning while sending a clone to the academy.

Sending only a shadow clone in his place to the academy wasn't exactly guaranteed to work either. If it took an accidental hit and popped, then the jig would be up, so to speak.

'Well, figuring that out can wait for later. I haven't even looked through what I bought with my cp yet.' Carl thought about the Uchiha Jutsu Archive that would likely have some really nice jutsu for him to learn. There was bound to be some things there for him to use to help him advance in completing the scenarios.

Carl threw the issues to the back of his mind and fully focused on the sparring session with Hinata, Naruko, and Neji. The Academy was going to start up again in a couple weeks. So he had some time to figure things out.

Sliding the door to his room closed at the end of the day, Carl let out a relieved sigh. It had been a bit of a struggle not to just forgo training and go grab his new toys. He felt like a kid on Christmas Eve; he could see all the toys under the tree just waiting for him to open them, but he had to wait for another day, it was so torturous!

Without preamble, Carl cast the spells that would keep attention away from his room for the evening. It wouldn't do to get sloppy and cause problems for himself.

He then moved on over to the new goodies. He picked up the three foot wide scroll that was the Snake Clan Summoning Contract, and opened it up. Looking down at the scroll paper that had no names, he smiled a bit. Apparently he got a fresh contract with no past summoner's names on it.

Nicking his thumb, he wrote down his name in blood. He didn't use his NAME, obviously. His regular name, Carl Hyuga, was sufficient. Once he finished his signature, Carl felt a pulse of chakra come off the scroll and enter his chakra coils.

"Interesting sensation to indicate that the contract is in effect." Carl muttered. He had a hard time describing just what the sensation felt like. Maybe like tasting the color of green grass on a day with no wind? A kind of refreshing and comforting feeling for him.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to do my first summons here." Carl had no desire to accidentally summon a large snake and destroy his home.

He put the scroll away in his pocket dimension before looking at the Shadow Clone scroll. This was something that he had been highly anticipating getting for some time. Granted, he thought that he was going to be stealing the forbidden scroll from the Hokage's office to get his hands on the technique, but either way he now had it.

Picking up the three foot wide scroll, he unrolled it and began reading.

The basic Shadow Clone Jutsu had a high chakra cost. It was the same amount of chakra as a mid ranged B-ranked elemental jutsu.

After taking the initial chakra cost, the technique would take 50% of the user's chakra capacity to form the clones, splitting the amount of chakra evenly between the clones. If someone was too low on chakra when attempting to create a shadow clone, then the technique would suck them dry of chakra, leaving them dead.

If he only made one clone, it would have half of his chakra. If he tried to make too many clones, such that his split up chakra couldn't empower the solid clone, then all that would happen is a big puff of chakra smoke and the clones would fail to form. The chakra would come back to the user, except for the initial cost of performing the jutsu.

Once the clone was destroyed, or chose to release itself, the remaining chakra would travel back to the user, along with everything the clone experienced. Which is why the Shadow Clone Jutsu was so good for certain types of training and scouting in enemy territory.

The technique was as he expected.

Carl's smile grew even bigger when he saw there were several variations of the original Shadow Clone Jutsu written down.

There was a Blood Clone version that would create a stable and permanent blood clone that would remain linked to the user, passing experience back and forth like computer information packet downloads, and be capable of regenerating chakra. It could take a lot more punishment than the standard Shadow Clone, not quite as much damage as the original user could, before being destroyed.

"Oh, I like this version of the shadow clone." Carl chuckled. He was very happy that he had spent the cp for the scroll. Even if something was available in the world for him to obtain, it didn't mean the cp was wasted from the purchase. He was pretty sure the scroll in the Hokage's office didn't have half as many variants on the Shadow Clone as this one did.

There was a Bubble Clone variant. The original Shadow Clone Jutsu would create a clone that was a chakra construct like a balloon. One hit, and pop goes the clone. But the Bubble Clone made a clone with thousands of little partitions inside, instead of just one. A single stab would only pop the clone partitions that were directly hit by the kunai, leaving the vast majority just fine and capable of remaking those partitions.

Then there were the elemental transformation Shadow Clone variants. An air Shadow Clone could float around, barely visible, and was very good for spying.

An earth Shadow Clone that could move freely under the ground and come up for an ambush.

A lightning Shadow Clone could travel long distances very fast, perfect for sending messages to allied ninja forces far away.

A water Shadow Clone that could act similar to the earth clone, but in water environments, as well as swim very fast, and had no need to breathe air.

A fire Shadow Clone, while very hard to make, could run through an inferno, saving people or treasures before they were consumed by the fire. Very good for fighting forest fires. Smokey the Bear would approve.

Once Carl had finished reading the scroll and had it in his memory, he chucked it into his dimensional pocket for safe keeping. If old man Hokage didn't give Naruko her signature jutsu, Carl would do so at some point in the next four years. In Carl's mind that jutsu was basically owed to his golden haired friend.

He put his ANBU mask into his storage space, where he could pull it out whenever he needed it. Thinking about how he was now a member of ANBU, Carl did a quick search of his memories and found all the rules, regulations, and security protocols of ANBU.

"Well, that's handy. I don't have to go through company training now." Carl chuckled to himself. There were so many things he could do now that he was officially a member of ANBU. Even though he had already had his VI go through their records, he could now interact with the elite troops. And with his blood clones, he could have one doing things with ANBU while another one was stuck at the academy for him.

There was no way he was going to be stuck personally at the academy while it was still pretty crappy due to the gold digging whores.

"Huh. I should really do something to fix the academy at some point." Carl noted to himself.

The next thing Carl looked over was the thigh and back pouches that contained all his ninja tools and weapons. He placed them on a nearby cabinet, near his school gear. His blood clone that took his place at the academy would be wearing those pouches from now on in his training so he could get used to their presence so they wouldn't be a distraction when he wore them for missions.

The last thing to look over was the trap door on his floor that hadn't been there before. He was positive that it was from the Jump Chain, but he still scanned the door with his senses and ran some spell checks on it. Never hurt to reinforce safety habits.

Once it showed clean, Carl opened the trapdoor and found a ladder that led down. He climbed down nearly 50 feet and found a large room lit up by glowing orbs of light. There were many rows of shelves with scrolls stacked up on them. Much further back he saw shelves stocked with medical samples.

He found a tablet by the ladder. When he first unlocked the tablet he found a note that said his Uchiha Jutsu Archive and the Sample Collection would become a room that was attached to the Warehouse after this jump.

After closing out the note, he saw that there was an inventory and map of the archive and DNA storage.

Carl mentally connected to the Yamato and had it teleport up the DNA samples and Jutsu Archives to be scanned into the ship's database. It was a better idea to simply put the DNA samples and jutsu records up on his ship where no one should be able to get to, rather than leaving it down in his room.

And afterwards he would stuff the archive into his pocket dimension once it got scanned so he could have it available for his studies.

He might try cloning some of those DNA samples in the near future. While the clones wouldn't have any of the memories or skills of those they were cloned from, it shouldn't be outside his skills to train them up until they got decent at whatever bloodline skills they came with. Not to mention he had all those jutsu available from the Uchiha thieves that probably had information on all the bloodlines and the techniques they had created to go along with their bloodline.

Thinking about the village of New Uzushio he had started before he regained all of his memories of this jump world, Carl thought about putting New Uzushio under the aegis of the Hyuga clan before the jump ended. That way his numbers and the amount of people that would travel with him would be higher than just the Hyuga clan alone.

He was already thinking about "adopting" Naruko into their clan so she won't be left behind when they left the world. He was still only 8 years old, he still had 10 years before he left the world, so he had some time to figure out how to set it all up.

Now that the room that the Jump Chain installed under his room was empty, Carl started putting up some wards to make sure the Hyuga just 50 feet above it didn't turn their attention down and spot it by accident. He then climbed up and sat on his bedding, looking out the window. He was thinking about what he was going to do for the next 10 years.

Letting himself fall onto his back with his hands behind his head, Carl let himself relax a bit. The night was nice. Things quieted down during the night. It felt peaceful.

"Well, the first thing I should do is make a blood clone to take my place at the Academy." Carl mused aloud; with the wards up no one would hear him. "And I am so very, very grateful I didn't take that fangirls drawback." Carl was specifically thinking of the crazies that Sasuke had to deal with over the past year. He shuddered at the idea of having to deal with that madness.

At least the drawback that he picked that started him as a toddler with no powers, but that had temporarily suppressed his memories had worked out so he could save his mother from dying and redeem his father from being the jerk that he could have become. He wasn't even bothered by the way he had to slowly regained his memories over the years. It had actually been quite refreshing to live as a young boy once more, without the years and years of memories.

"Hmm. I've already got two blood clones in mind for the Academy and ANBU. Another one to stay in New Uzushio would be good. I wonder if my blood clones get access to my alternate bodies and perks too?"

Carl pulled out a kunai and cut his hand, allowing the blood to flow into a large bowl. When he had enough blood, Carl activated the Blood Clone technique. The blood in the bowl started moving, growing and shaping itself into a second Carl.

He could feel the link to the blood clone. Carl knew he was the original. He knew through the link that the clone knew he was a clone. And since they knew everything the other knew, the blood clone immediately tried to shift to the T-Rex humanoid form.

"No go, boss." The blood clone said a moment later. "In fact, it looks like I only have access to Chakra. I can't feel any ki, magic, or profound cultivation."

"That's strange." Apparently there were limits and quirks to the cheat that Spere 037 sold him. He didn't pretend to understand all the ins and outs. "Do you have any profound veins or entrances?" Carl asked.

"No, boss. Care to try?" The clone answered after inspecting himself.

"Sure." Carl held the clone's wrist and sent his profound energy through the clone's body to inspect it. Everything seemed like a normal human for the Naruto world when he looked, in that it had chakra coils, but it felt a little bit transitory, if that was the right word. Carl tried inducing profound veins in the blood clone. A short time later, profound veins started growing in the blood clone.

Once the veins were formed, Carl opened all 54 profound entrances. He then double checked his work, and it seemed to have worked properly. The veins were still there and the blood clone didn't explode. Everything seemed stable.

"Looks like you'll be able to cultivate, at least." Carl let go of the blood clone's wrist. "It does make me wonder if you'll become a real boy when you hit the sovereign profound realm."

"Yeah, what happened to Feng Ra might happen to me, breaking the connection." The clone agreed. "You think I'll start developing a magic core after a certain amount of time?"

"Well, you could try the-" Carl began explaining only to be cut off.

"Right! Good call, boss! I'll try the magic cultivation technique you came up with."

Carl chuckled a bit on the inside. He couldn't really get upset with the clone for cutting him off in his excitement. It was kind of funny.

"Wait." Carl interrupted the clone who was about to start cultivating immediately. "Let's take this to the Time Pearl. There are too many readings we need to get while we're doing this."

"Good call, boss. We probably should have been hooked up to the monitors while creating me and inducing the profound veins too, but oh well."

"Yup, next time." Carl agreed with himself.

The two of them teleported outside Konoha; Carl packed up the Yamato and the two of them entered time compression.

Over the next couple of hours, Carl had deep scans done on the blood clone. A blood clone would be created with access to only chakra and chakra coils at first, due to the nature of the technique. Maybe he could alter the technique to take into account the rest of his physiology?

Magic, Ki, and Profound Cultivation could be started after the necessary steps were taken to induce their ability to access the various energies.

Carl chuckled while the clone sighed in depression. The clone was a bit upset that he would have to restart training yet again.

Well, the clones had it worse than him; Carl didn't have to actually do the re-training once more. He would just get the clone's memories of cultivating from the start. Again.

With the sensors and scanners from his technology taking readings, Carl made two more blood clones. When he felt his chakra reserves, and looked at the data, he found that some of his chakra reserves were actually permanently taken, or tied up, in the process of making the blood clones. They were used for constant the link to the clones. He could build his available chakra reserves back up again through hard work, but it did limit the number of clones he could have and how quickly he could make them.

And he wasn't even sure at this point what would happen when the clones reached the sovereign profound realm. Would his efforts to make these permanent blood clones be all for naught as they broke away from him once they attained the Sovereign Profound Realm?

Carl decided he would stick to just the three blood clones for now until he was sure what would happen with them once they reached the Sovereign Profound Realm.

Even if they did break away from him and became their own people, they would still have a place with him. And if they didn't, then one would attend the academy for him and continue training with Hinata, Naruko, and the rest of their friends.

Another would have fun in ANBU.

And the final one would go on over to New Uzushio and work with them to save more strays and build up their forces. With the people of New Uzushio owing him fealty, they should probably count as being part of his Clan Jumper.

So while the three blood clones began their training sessions, egging each other on to greater heights, Carl began studying the Uchiha Jutsu Archives. His clones shared his knowledge and memories, so they could learn the materials he was studying while they were training. It was a pretty good division of labor, actually. And he had the regular Shadow Clone Jutsu so his own training wasn't impacted at all since he could have his regular shadow clones do the studying for him.

Seeing him using the shadow clone technique prompted his three blood clones to also begin using Shadow Clones to add to their training, which sped up their progress.

Carl found the basic primer of what was known about Seals in this alternate Naruto world among the Uchiha Archive. And the Jump Document had been right. There was not a whole lot known about the Sealing Arts in this world by the majority of ninja.

Compared to the basic primers he had read in the pocket dimension in Uzushio, the basics of Seals that the Uchiha had was crude. Reading the Uchiha's knowledge of Seals was like reading a physics paper from the 1700s back on his own earth. Painfully wrong.

Carl could easily see now why so many people felt threatened by the presence of Uzushio if word of their prowess at the sealing arts got around too much. Comparing between the Uchiha's Sealing knowledge (which is what the rest of the world knew about seals) and the Uzumaki's was like night and day.

Thinking about how the bastards that attacked Uzushio never found the archives and knowledge of the Sealing Arts that they were probably hoping for made Carl grin in schadenfreude. It was the very least they deserved for what they did.

"In fact, I think I'll track them down and give them the rest of what they deserve." Carl muttered. He had a soft spot for the Uzumakis in his life, and he wasn't happy that someone killed off their clan.

He would have Clone C start looking into who was behind the Uzumaki Massacre when he went to New Uzushio. Clone A was for the ANBU, and Clone B was for the Academy.

Carl prime was going to be working towards completing the scenarios.

"Well, now that I know I need to get started on Seals and that the Uchiha Jutsu Archive is useless for that, it's past time to retrieve the scrolls from the dimensional pocket library."

Carl didn't waste any more time and popped out of Time Compression. He left his blood clones inside, and found that he was getting memory packets quite quickly. It was a little distracting, but he would be fine. His memory perk was automatically sorting and archiving the new memories as they came in.

He teleported to his house in New Uzushio and made his way down to the dimensional pocket library.

Carl's head was tilted to the left as he considered the issue of getting the scrolls out of the pocket dimension safely. He was sending his chakra to his Byakugan so he could easily see inside the pocket dimension.

Thinking on his time in Azeroth, Carl had an idea. He wasn't sure if it would work, but it couldn't hurt. Concentrating on the spell, he began casting, softly chanting under his breath as he concentrated.

A few second later, a portal appeared in front of him. The other side of the portal appeared inside the pocket dimension. Stepping into the portal, he found himself inside the pocket dimension library.

"Success!" Carl laughed.

He quickly gathered all the scrolls about the sealing arts that the Uzumaki had left behind into his own pocket dimension. He then traveled through the portal back to his house in New Uzushio.

With a thought he closed the portals down before making his way out to meet with some of his people from New Uzushio. Because he could only come at night, he usually spent a few hours with them before they went to bed. Karin and her mother were on a different schedule from normal, staying up very late and waking up late because of him.

So he left his clones in the time pearl while he spent his time in New Uzushio. Near the morning his clones were all trained up and ready to come out and spend time in the world.

On a positive note, his clones did not become their own person on reaching the Sovereign Profound Realm. So that was good. He figured it was because his clones were still counted as a part of him, while Rover had just been a familiar, so the bond had broken when he became his own humanoid person.

With the assurance that the Blood Clones would continue to remain a part of him permanently, Carl thought about making a few more. There was so much he could do with permanent extensions of himself to watch over things.

"Carl, it's time to wake up."

"I'm up, Nuo." Carl called out while smiling faintly. No matter the fact that Nuo could easily use his eyes to look through the door to see if Carl was awake or not, he never did. He only continued the same routine every morning.

Carl arrived at the breakfast table, and smiled on seeing Hinata and Naruko leaning against each other tiredly. Today was an exciting day, but it meant the two girls had a hard time going to sleep last night.

A few moments later his parents and Hanabi arrived at the table. Hanabi was now three years old, and she was already coming along great in her guided play that was disguised training.

"Good morning, sleepy heads." Himari called out to Hinata and Naruko, causing the two to groan in annoyance.

"Yeah, morning sleepy heads." Hanabi echoed Himari, earning her a smile from their mother and Carl.

"Too early." Hinata mumbled.

The food was placed and Naruko mostly woke up immediately. Her stomach was still the best alarm clock to wake the girl up.

Carl ate his food, enjoying the meal time with his family.

Soon enough they were out in the practice yard, running laps. This served to finally wake the girls up fully. Hinata had improved greatly over the past year, but she still couldn't keep up with Naruko's full speed. Carl continued to pace himself to be in between Naruko and Neji and Hinata, trying to serve as motivation and encouragement for them to continue pushing themselves hard.

Meanwhile Hanabi was running her own laps at her own pace. Their mother was running with Hanabi to push and encourage her, while their father began with his own work out doing various katas of the Gentle Fist style.

Once they finished their laps, they began their martial arts training, sparring with each other and practicing their katas. All too soon, it was time to bathe and prepare for their first day at the academy.

The whole family made the trip in the morning, since it was the opening ceremony. The Hokage would give a speech at the opening ceremony that the parents attended. It wasn't just for first years, either. All the class years would attend each opening and closing ceremony, so Neji would be there too. Hanabi came along because she would throw a fit if she was left behind. Little brat.

The classes and rooms would then be assigned, and their first day of the academy would start.

"This is going to be so fun!" Naruko almost sang in her excitement.

"Hmm." Carl agreed, while privately thinking the academy wouldn't be fun, but it could be made enjoyable.

"Are you even listening to me?" Naruko demanded, while Hinata smirked from the side. It was amusing to see her best friend badger her brother.

"Hmm." It was amusing to rile up Naruko. She got so excitable sometimes. The glare he was receiving was definitely on the pouty side. Very intimidating for an eight year old…

"Grrr. I know you're doing it on purpose!" Naruko growled before jumping on Carl's back and trying to get him in a head lock. Carl put his hands between his neck and her arms to prevent her from locking in the hold. "Come on! Admit it! You're excited too! Stop trying to act all cool and calm!"

Carl couldn't help it, he started chuckling a bit at her demands before dropping back into stoic Hyuga mode.

"Yes, fine. I admit it. I, too, am 'excited'." Carl deadpanned. He got his ears twisted for his joke. "Ow! Fine, you win! Stop it, Naruko! Of course I'm looking forward to the Academy."

Naruko hopped off his back with a proud harrumph.

"Come on, Hinata, let's go on ahead of this dummy." Naruko grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled her along in her wake. Hinata giggled, looking back and waving at the family as the two sped off ahead.

"You're with me, right Hanabi?" Carl asked, giving his youngest sister the puppy dog eyes.

"You gave 'Ruko a piggy back ride, but you didn't give me one, brother jerk." Hanabi humphed while looking away.

"Why would you even call your big brother that?" Carl sighed in mock sadness. "Well, my bad. I've failed in my brotherly duties. If I gave you piggyback ride, would you forgive me?" Carl kept his face serious so Hanabi didn't think he was laughing at her, even though he was.

"Okay." Hanabi generously allowed.

Carl crouched down, allowing her to hop on his back.

"Father, Mother, Neji. I'll be going on ahead now." And Carl ran off in the direction the two girls had gone in with a whooping Hanabi on his back.

"He takes after you, Hiashi. I hope you know that." Himari said while giving him the side eye.

"I was never that…rambunctious." Hiashi denied, only to see Himari's look of disbelief. "Was I?"

Himari hummed while walking a bit faster, pulling Neji along with her while ignoring her husband's pleading question.

"Dear? Wait up!" Hiashi looked at the form of his wife and nephew speeding up. "Don't go on ahead without me." Hiashi muttered to himself with feeling while speeding up his steps to catch up to her, his eyes on her swaying figure. Sometimes he wished he could cast away the stiff Hyuga way of acting in public, she fired him up so much. He so wanted to scoop up his sexy wife and carry her away for a day alone. He would just have to settle for waiting until they were out of the public eye a bit later…

At the same time one of Carl's blood clones was running to the Academy with his little sister on his back, another blood clone was on an island off the east cost of the Land of Fire.

"Good! That's the way to kick!" Carl called out to the black haired young girl that was kicking one of the posts in front of her.

"Hey, you're getting pretty good at this! You've only been here a few weeks and already got the hang of it." Karin called out to the black haired girl who Carl had been showing how to do some low kicks properly.

"Thanks." Hanako shyly accepted the praise.

"Good, now do another one hundred repetitions just like that for each leg." Carl instructed, turning to the red haired girl. "How's your kata coming, Karin? Any issues?"

"No, I got it down pretty good." She proudly announced. "Wanna see, Carl?"

"Sure, let's see how good you're doing." Carl agreed, and stood back to watch as Karin started running through the kata of the Whirlpool style while Carl kept watch to evaluate her performance.

The Yamato VI never really stopped tracking down orphans that were starving and desperately in need of help. He brought them back to New Uzushio and also ended up hiring dozens of adults to take care of the basic schooling and food preparations.

All of them were naturally vetted carefully, and Carl would do a scan of their minds to make sure they weren't some ninja spy who would take advantage of his hospitality and betray him. There may have also been magical contracts to ensure compliance. He wanted his village safe while they slowly gained more loyalty to New Uzushio and him.

The VI had even been able to track down the member of the Yuki clan who he thought would be a boy named Haku, only to find out that, like Naruto being Naruko, in this world Haku was a girl named Hanako. She had been wandering around the countryside of the islands of the Land of Water, starving as she tried to survive.

In the canon story, Haku had been apprenticed to Zabuza Momochi, who saved Haku while he was starving in the snow. In this world, Carl wasn't sure if Zabuza simply hadn't found Hanako, or if he hadn't taken her in when he saw her. He wasn't sure if in the original Haku had really been the girl Hanako and only pretended to be a boy named Haku, or if he had really been a boy that dressed like a girl.

There were so many what-ifs and random variables that Carl quickly decided it wasn't worth worrying about. Whatever was true for the story that he had seen in his original world, here she was Hanako Yuki, she had the bloodline that could control ice, and she was a starving orphan all alone.

So Carl took her into his village and begun teaching her the fighting style of her clan.

That was another thing the Uchiha Jutsu Archive was good for. It had the fighting styles of most every clan recorded, so Carl could easily learn them and pass them on to the orphans of devastated clans. Like Hanako's Yuki clan's Blizzard style, or Karin's Uzumaki clan's Whirlpool style.

"That was great Karin!" Carl praised the girl once she finished up. "You've improved a lot on the circular movements of redirecting force that the Whirlpool style calls for. Let's spar a bit so you get used to what it feels like to redirect the attacks and continue on to overwhelm the enemy."

"Let's do it!" Karin boldly called out, settling into her stance, waiting for Carl to attack.

"What are you waiting for, Karin?" Carl called out. "The Whirlpool style isn't only for defense. I want you to initiate."

No sooner had the words been spoken, but Karin followed through. She closed quickly with footwork that had her drifting slightly off center; and when they began exchanging blows, Carl could feel himself being redirected off center by her strikes, leaving him unbalanced.

Naturally he was holding back a great deal; he was fighting her at her skill level and slightly above her strength so that she could actually properly practice her moves. And she was doing everything correctly. Her moves were keeping him off balance, and her attacks flowed like the tide. And her final attack landed, knocking him to the ground.

Carl popped back up immediately with a big smile on his face.

"That was excellent Karin!" Carl praised. "Keep working at it, building up your strength, speed, and flexibility, and you'll be genin level in no time."

"Ah, what do you mean I'm not yet genin level?" The nine year old redhead pouted at him.

"Uh, Karin, I think, while you're doing good, you still have a bit to improve before you get to that level." Hanako interjected timidly. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get there!" She hurriedly finished when she saw Karin's pouting look.

"Well, I guess you're right, Hanako." Karin finally admitted. "Well, back to work then! I'm gonna be high genin level by the end of the year, for sure!"

The two girls then walked away from Carl and continued their exercises. Carl shook his head in amusement. Those two were thick as thieves, having befriended each other almost on sight. Karin was bold and excitable, while Hanako was shy and gentle, but eager to train all the same.

'Huh, they kind of remind me of Naruko and Hinata's personalities, now that I think of it.' Carl thought. 'Now that Hanako feels safe, her cheerful yet gentle side is shining through, just like Hinata. And Karin is just so outgoing like Naruko, it makes me wonder if that was a general Uzumaki personality trait. Maybe a result of their high vitality?'

Carl had a smile on his face as he made to go check on how the other foundlings of New Uzushio were doing in their training, but diverted his path over to talk to Ali when he saw her hovering at the edge of the training grounds.

"Hey, there, Ali!" Carl cheerfully called out. "Care to try some training now? You're more than welcome to."

"Ah, well." Ali seemed a bit unsure of herself. "I only got a little bit of training when I was a kid, before the disaster happened here. I don't know if I'd be any good at it, after all these years."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure we can bring those old skills back. And that way, you can do a much better job of looking after your daughter if you're able to keep up with her."

Ali looked down at Carl from her half a foot height advantage for a moment before smiling warmly at him.

"Because you look like a normal young boy, I sometimes forget how unusual you are." Ali stated as she moved on over to the practice ground.

"Hey, that was a compliment, right?" Carl asked as he followed her over. The only answer he got was a light giggle from the woman. "Women." Carl muttered, hopefully too low for her to hear.

Snapping out of his feigned disgruntlement, he began going over the basics with Ali. It was good that she was taking an interest in learning some martial skills. Maybe the rest of the adults that he had recruited would become interested too. If so, he would have to figure out some method to get more trainers in here.

Well, there was always the shadow clone technique. As a blood clone he could make quite a few, especially after the time compression training he and his brother clones went through. They had quite a large chakra reservoir now, as well as high magic, ki, and profound cultivation.

They weren't nearly as tough as Carl Prime, but they were damned powerful all the same.

While instructing Ali, Carl was looking with pride on the dozen or so kids that were exercising and practicing their martial skills. Things were coming along quite well in his new village.

ANBU member Dragon strode down the hallway on his way to the mission office. He was on officially on detached duty while attending the academy, but no one would bother him if he came to headquarters occasionally.

Arriving at his location, he nodded greeting to the manager before he began thumbing through the available missions. For those ANBU who didn't have a specific long term mission assigned, they could come and take a short term mission that required their expertise to accomplish.

'Let's see. Assassination. Guard duty. Infiltration. Threat assessment. Wall inspection. Hmm. Checking the wall for any breaches due to enemy infiltration. That will be easy and will let me get eyes on the places the VI has already mapped out. I'll take it.'

Dragon then took the mission scroll to log it with the mission manager. He was soon out of the office and making his way to the edge of Konoha where the wall was. He already knew where quite a few breaches were thanks to the VI and the spybots. But now he could do something about it in his role as ANBU.

The mission might normally be a bit on the boring side, but Carl's blood clone no longer got bored. Apparently having a link to Carl Prime's mind helped him benefit from that specific perk, as well as the genius perks, even if most of the physical perks didn't transfer over to the blood clones.

It was a pretty good perk to have access to as a ninja, since a bored ninja was not an alert ninja. And that kind of ninja was likely to soon become a dead ninja.

The Land of Wind was a very large country that was mostly desert. The southern part of the country especially was filled with large sand dunes as far as the eye could see. At the same time that one of Carl's blood clones was running to the academy with a loudly laughing Hanabi, the second blood clone was sparring with Karin in New Uzushio, and the final one was picking up a mission from ANBU headquarters, Carl prime had just landed in the desert from a teleport.

Standing at the top of one very tall sand dune on the western edge of the Land of Wind, Carl felt around him with his senses. He trusted that the Yamato VI would have warned him of any sign of human life, but he was just keeping in practice.

He saw the mountains on the horizon to the west, which was where the border with the Desert Kingdom was. Feeling his magic for a bit, Carl triggered his transformation to his Silver Dragon alt-form. The small five foot Hyuga began stretching out, growing into a mighty Dragon.

His Dragon God Bloodline had ensured that he was larger than the average Silver Dragon his age. And he would continue to grow in size and power as he aged.

He stretched out his wings and leaped into the air. With a few powerful flaps of his wings, he attained gliding velocity. Skimming the dunes, he made his way west.

Carl was enjoying the early morning sun and heat on his scales. Even though the heat didn't bother him while he was in his human form, it always just felt so much better while he was in his dragon form.

After a short 15 minute flight, Carl spotted his location. It was a large formidable looking fortified structure built into the mountains. He swooped down on the hold and landed just outside the entrance. The massive doors automatically opened for him.

Inside waited several dozen dragons and dragonspawn, roaring in welcome to Carl. He roared back his own welcome and joy that everyone was well.

"It's good to see everyone doing good!" Carl called out. "We've arrived in a new world, as I imagine you've noticed over the past couple of weeks. Let's go to one of the conference rooms and I'll tell you all about the world we are now in, and the tale of the Utterly Gusty Shinobi!"

Carl laughed joyously as the small whelpings bounced around him, calling out to Lord Carl to tell them the story, it sounded so exciting!