Chapter 106: Naruto 20

The sun was shining down on the crowds as they streamed into the stadium. From young to old, civilian to ninja, the crowd had some of every demographic there was in Konoha and its surroundings. There was an excitement palpable in the air as everyone was excited to watch another chuunin exam tournament.

Most of the wealthy clients that the chuunin exam tournament was being used to show off for were already sitting in their luxurious and shaded private boxes, being waited on by servants with wine and snacks. It wouldn't do for those dignified and self-important people to have to crowd in with the lower class. It would go against their dignity.

And the ninjas who planned the event for Konoha, being quite adept at human psychology, would obviously stroke those egos a bit more to get them in a good mood. It was just another method to bring in more clients and business to Konoha. After all, which client would want to spend money for rude contractors, when they could choose contractors who treat them as important as they obviously are?

Eventually the crowds settled down into their seats, ready to watch the up and coming young genin try to prove that they deserved the rank of chuunin. Only the vendors of the Silver Flight Trading Consortium could be seen moving around the arena's seats, offering to sell popcorn, nuts, drinks, and other such snacks.

While the vendors didn't make a great deal of money for the SFTC, every little bit added up and got the citizenry of Konoha used to thinking of how integral the SFTC was to their lives.

With a puff of chakra smoke, one of Carl's blood clones appeared in the middle of the arena. He was wearing the standard jonin outfit, blue pants tucked into wrapped white bandages, and black sandals. He wore the long sleeved blue shirt with an olive colored vest with various pockets on it. He had thigh pouches on each leg and one at the small of his back. His hitai-ate with Konoha's symbol on the metal headband was on his forehead, holding back his long black hair.

The audience immediately focused on him, eagerly anticipating the beginning of the matches. Carl spent a moment looking around with his pearl colored Hyuga eyes, letting the anticipation grow even more.

"Thank you all for coming to the chuunin exam tournament. I am Jonin Carl Hyuga, the referee for this tournament. I'm sure we're all anticipating some exciting fights that will showcase the talent of the genin hopefuls. Without further ado, I'll draw the names for the first match up."

Carl ignored the cheers from the crowd as he pulled a sack out of nowhere that held the slips of paper with the 16 names of the chuunin hopefuls. There had been two more contestants that had passed the second exam in training ground 44, otherwise known as the Forest of Death, but had been unable to continue on to the tournament due to injuries they had yet to recover from.

Fishing out two slips of paper from the sack Carl held, he quickly glanced at them. The crowd quieted down so they could hear the names. "Looks like our first match is Oba Yasuhiro of Suna versus Uranishi Jakuchu of Uzushio. Come on down, you lucky contestants!"

Immediately two eager young boys, about 13 years old, jumped down from the contestant's booth to land on the ground in front of Carl. The crowd immediately bubbled in anticipation, some audience members cheering for their chosen fighter, some discussing the merits of the two different village's usual fighting methods, and others calling for the STFC vendors to give them more snacks.

The two genin ignored Carl's presence to stare each other down, trying to intimidate each other. One of them held a staff in his hands, while the other held a sheathed sword in a position that he could immediately draw from.

"Okay, you both know the rules. Try not to get too vicious, and do your best to showcase your talents." Carl instructed the two fighters. "Begin!"

Immediately the sword wielder unsheathed his sword in a draw cut, trying to use the speed of his unsheathing to slash his opponent. But a hard wood staff tipped with silvery metal intercepted the blow, deflecting the sword away while continuing on to try to brain the other.

The two didn't pause there as they continued to swing, slash, poke, and stab at each other while shifting positions around each other, trying to get into a position to put their opponent on the back foot while looking for openings in the other's defenses. The sound of their weapons clashing rose from the tournament grounds, exciting the crowds.

Carl had vanished from everyone's sight the moment the fight began. He didn't want to distract either fighter from their match, but he relaxed nearby under concealment jutsu in case he needed to intervene in the match.

Technically anything goes in the tournament, which meant that even if one or both fighters died it would be fine. But Carl didn't want to see young ninja of allied villages kill each other, especially the brat from Uzushio who Carl had rescued from his hard orphan life, or the little brat from Temari's village who he had taught a few skills to when he was visiting her.

So he was alert and watching for when he should stop the match before either side got too damaged, but after it was apparent which side won.

Unusually and suddenly the sunlight dimmed immensely.

Frowning, Carl looked up and saw that the sunlight was being blocked by what looked like a moon in front of the sun.

[Yamato, what am I seeing in the skies above Konoha right now?] Carl asked his ship, since it was impossible for there to be a solar eclipse at this moment that he was unaware was coming up.

[A small lunar body that suddenly appeared from what appears to have been some kind of faster-than-light travel. There are sixteen such lunar bodies suspended in various locations around the planet, currently.]

Carl blinked in shock. What the hell? He immediately dashed forward and caught the staff and sword of the genin fighters in his fingers, applying a bit of magic to stop all their momentum and leaving them standing still, blinking in confusion.

"Something strange is happening. This match is hereby canceled." Carl announced loudly, projecting his voice across the stadium. "Genin, report to your jonin sensei for orders. All ninja in the crowd will now report to their team leaders for instruction. Chuunin, begin evacuating the civilians to shelters according to emergency protocol. ANBU, report to your Hokages for orders."

As the tournament referee and jonin of Konoha, Carl was fully authorized to make such an announcement and give such orders to all the ninja in the stands. So the ninja immediately acted, and controlled chaos was seen in the stands as the ninja moved to fulfill their respective duties.

Minato, the Hokage of Konoha, Tsunade, the Uzukage of New Uzushio, and Rasa, the Kazekage of Suna, began sending orders to their ninja about how to handle this strange occurance. Those three were the only Kages present in Konoha on that day, and Carl made sure they had a feed to the intelligence Carl himself was receiving, so they could act on up-to-date intelligence.

Carl then looked up at the small moon that hovered over the land and frowned. Just what was going on?

In one corner of the palace of the White Tigers there was a courtyard that was filled with the sound of laughter and purrs.

There were small white tigers tumbling and running around, playing a game of tag, which trained their chasing and pouncing skills. Among the "small" white tigers that were six feet tall at the shoulder, there was a black panther their same size that was playing with them.

It could be seen that the white tigers were still very young and undeveloped, while the black panther, on the other hand, was fully developed and an adult.

Carl's muzzle was stretched into a feline grin as he ran back and forth, occasionally tackling one of the white tigers, or allowing himself to be tackled by them. It was a fun game that trained the young one's skills.

Over the past two years after he had been accepted by the Divine Tigers as their summoner, he had been spending all his time either learning their martial arts and senjutsu skills, training with the young ones, or bouncing back and forth from Konoha, New Uzushio, the Divine Dragons, the Snake Clan, Chameleon Clan, or Wyvern clan.

Thankfully he didn't need to sleep anymore, or he would be completely worn out.

His mastery of the Divine Tiger Clan's martial art had gone much more smoothly than mastering the Divine Dragon's martial art, namely because he had already learned about the temperament that was essential to their martial art.

So he had been much more focused on learning what the Divine Tiger's temperament was, and mastered it quickly within months. After that he had learned their version of Senjutsu and became their fully capable Sage summoner.

After which he had spent the last year and a half simply enjoying the various trainings, missions, and dates that he had gone on with his girls.

When one white tiger was chasing and about to pounce on Carl's shadow panther form, Carl suddenly froze in place for no visible reason. This caused the white tiger that was about to pounce on him to miscalculate and miss Carl, stumbling over himself to land on his face right in front of Carl.

"Carl! That was mean!" The adolescent voice of a boy came from the white tiger as he got to his feet, looking aggrievedly at Carl.

Carl shifted to his human form and petted the tiger behind the ears in appeasement. "Something strange and likely dangerous has happened back in the other world. I must return to Konoha immediately."

"What's happened?" Another white tiger sat down in front of Carl, tail twitching and ears cocked in curiosity.

Carl created a shadow clone, which immediately dashed out of the courtyard to spread the word to the White Tiger about the 16 moons hovering over the planet, and from there spread the news to the other Divine Clans. With how intimately their summoning lands were connected to the planet, anything this big was major news.

"Continue your game, I've already sent messages to the Divine Clans. I'll see you next time." Carl then reversed summoned himself back to New Uzushio to try to get a handle on just why 16 small moons would suddenly appear in the skies above the planet, and who was responsible.

The Raikage 'A' was busy reading some reports on recent missions, frowning at the displayed mistakes and incompetence of some of his ninja, when his office went dark. It was the middle of the day, so he relied on the sunlight from the windows to give him light to read. So it was definitely strange that his office was suddenly dark on such a clear and cloudless day.

Stepping onto the balcony of his office, the Raikage stared for a moment at the sky. The frown on his face deepened as he glared at the small moon hovering in the sky, blocking the sunlight.

Putting his hands together, with his index and middle fingers standing straight up, he moulded his chakra and released it in a wave with a harshly barked "Kai!"

His shock deepened as the scene in front of him remained the same and he realized he wasn't under the effects of an illusion. Suddenly the panicked voices and yelling around him impinged on his awareness.

Looking around, he saw many of his ninja forces standing still in shock and the civilians around them panicking and running around.

"Ninja forces of Kumo! Attend me for orders!" 'A' loudly barked out, and was pleased to see the swift response.

All the while he was giving out orders for escorting the civilians to the shelters and deploying his forces, 'A' felt his spine shiver and the hairs on the nape of his neck stick out as if he could sense the looming lunar object bearing down on him.

It was not a sensation that he enjoyed.

Mei Terumi, the Mizukage of Kiri, was enjoying a late lunch in an outdoor café when the already gloomy and mist filled skies of Kiri suddenly got darker.

The village that was also known as the Village Hidden by Mist was well named, since there was a fogbank that remained year round.

So while the village was almost perpetually gloomy, having the light level suddenly drop so quickly was quite unusual. And to paranoid ninja, anything unusual was usually not good.

Standing up from her table, Mei did a few hand signs while channeling chakra to her eyes in a certain way. While she didn't have a bloodline related to her eyes, one of the techniques the ninja forces of Kiri had was to enhance their vision in low visibility conditions, such as fog or underwater.

That technique was one of the reasons it was so dangerous for other ninja villages to invade the island nation of the Land of Water. Either in the gloomy misty conditions that naturally existed in Kiri, or when their ninja used techniques to bring up a fogbank, or while fighting underwater, it was hard to gain an advantage over a Kiri Ninja in watery or low visibility conditions.

After shaping the sight enhancement technique, she stared up at the cause of the lowered light with her emerald green eyes. A frown appeared on her pretty face as she saw a small moon blocking the light of the sun.

"Kai!" Mei tried to dispel any illusions that might be affecting her, and quickly realized that what she was seeing was no genjutsu.

Jumping up on the nearest building, she dashed across the roofs until she arrived on the peak of her Mizukage's building, the tallest building in town. Looking around her land in a 360 degree sweep to see if any enemies were present, and looking to attack, she noticed that she could barely see the edges of three more small moons hovering in the air over the horizon.

The two closest moons she could see were hovering over where Konoha in the Land of Fire would be, as well as Kumo in the Land of Lightning. The third small moon appeared to be on the other side of the Wani Ocean, hovering over the lands over there.

With a growing sense of unease, Mei began ordering her ninja and gathering her forces. This was obviously the act of some organization, and she would be ready for whatever came.

Onoki was enjoying a morning tea after breakfast when the room suddenly went dark.

"Whoa. What's going on?!" Kurotsuchi immediately yelled out from her side of the table.

"Humph." Onoki immediately vocalized his upset that his granddaughter liked to be too relaxed while she was in his company. She faked an apologetic look his way. He knew that she was a cautious and wily kunoichi when she was out on missions, but she liked to relax too much in his presence, as if he could protect her from anything.

On the one hand, her behavior made him proud and enjoy his granddaughters company. On the other hand, he had to keep up the image and prestige of the Tsuchikage and reprimand her as one of his ninja. They both knew he only did it for formalities sake, same as the fake apologizing looks from her. It was a game they had played for years.

A moment later Onoki and Kurotsuchi were standing outside their home on the peak of one of the nearby mountains of Iwa, gazing up at the small moon that was looming over their village.



Two calls to utilize the jutsu to dispel illusions was called out by grandfather and granddaughter, but to no effect. The old Tsuchikage's beard twitched as the frown on his face grew.

After many years of life as a ninja, Onoki had seen it all. From small battles to large wars; betrayals and backstabbings; ninja loyally defending to the very end, or selling out their comrades at the most convenient time; ninja embroiled in political intrigue, or even some that engaged in honest dealings. But this…was something he hadn't seen, and he was feeling unusually nervous about it.

The moon hovered over his land silently, giving him a shiver of fear down his spine. How in the seven hells was he supposed to fight this?

"Ninja of Iwa! Attend me for orders!" Onoki bellowed out with the assistance of his chakra. Despite his sense of despair, he wouldn't go down without fighting. "Kurotsuchi, you're in charge of the chuunin at point A. Don't let me down."

"Yes, Granddad Tsuchikage!" Kurotsuchi immediately saluted and dashed off.

Onoki watched her go, torn inside. He wished he could send her to the shelters with the civilians, but she was a tough kunoichi through and through. There was no way she would accept sheltering with the noncombatants.

Looking back up at the small moon hovering over his village, he shook his head. With the unusualness of this event, he couldn't even guarantee that those shelters were even safe, even if he could convince his granddaughter to go.

Turning away from the sight of the moon, the Tsuchikage went to work, giving out orders to his ninja forces. The small statured man was respected for his immense power and long years of leading the forces of Iwa. Everyone accepted his orders respectfully and rushed to carry them out.

Appearing in his room in the Silver Flight near New Uzushio after reverse summoning himself from the Divine Tiger clan, Carl immediately made his way to what was basically the War Room of the Silver Flight.

"Hilda! Status report." Carl stated.

Hilda looked up from her computer where she was arranging the various security squads of the Silver Flight and recalling their people to shelter under their shields. Seeing the human form of their leader, Carl, standing in front of her, she smiled briefly before arranging her face in a stern expression.

Standing up, she made a gesture at her computer which resulted in a projected screen of a map of the world on the far wall. Various cities were lit up with highlights, indicating where their properties were.

"All of our properties around the world are in full defensive mode." Hilda reported to Carl as he eyed the projected map. "Their shields are at 100%, and the backup power sources are fully online. The shields can barely cover the cities they are located in, so at the very least our property and most of the inhabitants will survive impact from those moons. But anyone outside the shields will not survive."

Looking at the dozens of lit up points around the world that indicated his SFTC properties, Carl shook his head in dismay. The Yamato style ships that he had handed around to his people were amazing for engaging engaging space armadas. Their weapons systems were very strong and could lance through pretty much any shield or armor.

But the weapons weren't particularly well suited to atomizing entire moons. At most they could break them up into smaller pieces before they impacted.

He had a bad feeling about this enemy, whoever they were. Why were they suddenly appearing now, a very short time before he was scheduled to leave this world behind?

Just like the Death Star of the Star Wars franchise, no one would hover a moon around a planet unless they meant ill for the inhabitants of the planet. Let alone causing 16 moons to hover over the planet.

"I want you to send a message to the various branches. Tell them to start projecting a message to the people around them. Safe shelter can be had under our lands and shields; we have the room for them to weather the storm under our stores."

"Sir?" Hilda looked at Carl in consternation.

"There are many small moons hovering in the sky around the world. I don't know if our Battlecruisers can destroy them before they smash the planet into oblivion. Even if a fraction of the moons survive to impact, it will be devastating for the planet. The only safe place for the people are under our shields. At this point, I don't care where their loyalties lie, as long as they can survive this disaster."

Carl shook his head in dismay as he looked at the map once more.

"If they can survive this disaster by taking shelter in our lands, they may change their loyalties to us in the short time before this jump world ends. If they don't, well…they will die anyway when we leave and there's nothing left of the planet for them to live on."

"Agreed, sir." Hilda nodded and began sending out the messages to the various shielded properties around the world, which began projecting announcements for the citizens in the villages surrounding the cities to come shelter at the SFTC sites.

"Yamato, what information do we have on who has brought these moons here?" Carl inquired.

One of the screens in front of Carl changed, showing close ups of the 16 moons with split screens. The screens zoomed in on the moons, showing figures that were standing in space next to the moons. Once it the pictures zoomed in enough, Carl could see the features of the invaders.

The various invaders were very pale humanoids, wearing white robes, with brown sashes on their waists. Some of them were silver haired, some of them were brown haired. Some had horns on their heads, or had an open third eye in their forehead.

All of the 16 people were staring intently at the planet. Carl recognized them as the Otsutsuki clan, the same clan members that Kaguya, the progenitor of chakra, was from. Speaking of Kaguya…

"What about the actual moon of this planet?" Carl asked the Yamato. "Supposedly the moon is the jail of Kaguya and the dead body of the ten tails demon. If these Otsutsuki members are here, they might be interested in her."

Carl had to wait a few seconds while the Yamato redirected satellites. But then he saw the image of the normal moon of the planet broken apart into several large chucks of rock, shedding mass across the empty reaches of space, a long stream of moon dust streaming in one direction.

The picture continued to zoom in and showed three of the invaders standing in the void, surrounding a fourth figure, who appeared to be kneeling on a large moon rock.

Carl saw that one of the three standing figures seemed to be very self important, and the leader of the group, since his mouth was moving while he glared down at the kneeling figure in contempt. The other two were standing to the sides, surrounding the kneeling figure while waiting for orders.

The fourth figure was a silver haired woman with rabbit ears sticking up from her head, kneeling on the rock in front of the first figure. She had her head bowed while slumping down, seemingly having no energy for anything else.

The video showed the male figure of the first dude gesturing and talking, as if he was berating the kneeling female figure.

"Sure enough, it's the Otsutsuki clan." Carl's eyes narrowed as he glared at the pictures on the screen of the people who had brought moons to hover threateningly over his planet. "But it doesn't exactly look like they are here to save Kaguya…"

"Orders, sir?" Hilda asked.

"Deploy the Battlecruisers. I don't know if we can destroy the moons, but we can at least break them into smaller pieces and hopefully minimize the damage when they attack with those moons. And combing our Battlecruisers with our own powers, you should be able to take out those 16 Otsutsuki members."

"Yes, sir."

With a motion of his chakra, Carl summoned small messenger summons from the Snake, Chameleon, Wyvern, Divine Dragon, and Divine Tiger clans.

"Due to the nature of the Otsutsuki clan, and their threat, things have become precarious for both this world and the summons realm. Hilda, please assign someone to relay the intelligence feed to our allies in the summons realm." Carl gestured to the five summoned creatures that were awkwardly standing in place so that they didn't smash anything. Just because they were smaller, didn't mean they were exactly small.

"Yes, sir." Hilda replied.

"Now I've got some assholes to confront." Carl vanished from in front of the people, and appeared on the screen near the three Otsutsuki clan members surrounding the fourth figure kneeling in front of them.

Hilda shook her head at the look on Carl's face. It didn't look good for those people, whoever they were, to provoke Carl like they had.

"…how dare you try to keep a world from us! It's only through our benevolence that you were even considered the princess of our clan. Without our backing, you would just be a scullery maid! And yet you try to grow and devour a fruit without us?! How dare you, bitch!"

The dude slapped Kaguya's face while the bodyguards stood by with no reaction to what was happening.

Carl looked at the scene in front of him, noting the hopeless and despairing look that Kaguya had on her face, aside from the palm imprint, and compared it to the arrogant look on the man standing in front of him.

Apparently calling Kaguya the princess of the Otsutsuki clan was somewhat of an error…an error. She looked more like a manager that failed to provide profit to the main business, and was currently being chastised before being killed.

"We're not leaving here today until we destroy this world, sucking up all the chakra energy you let loose. And then you're going to suck me off, and then I'm going to rape you until you give up every last bit of energy in your body before you die!"

Okay…Not so much an office worker…More like a slave that the bastard thinks he can play with until death.

But of course, they didn't realize that Carl don't play that game.

"Hmm. You look like a retard right about now." Carl stated, hoping to get the dude and his two bodyguards to focus on him instead of Kaguya.

The brief look of hope on Kaguya's face, before she reverted to despair somewhat made Carl wonder about her specific situation, that led her to this point in life. Eh, he might be able to get a story from her before he left this world.

The three men surrounding Kaguya looked over at him in disbelief.

"What did you just say, peasant?!"

Carl casually stood a dozen feet from the guy. They were both hovering in the air above a broken moon. He had no idea of the dude's identity or name, other than he was apparently a member of the Otsutsuki clan. The sneering tone of voice in addressing him as a peasant didn't really bother Carl much. Arrogant idiots will be idiots.

But it didn't mean he would let the bastard go.

"Oh, are you deaf? I'm sorry if you've got a physical defect. I really shouldn't call you a retard to your face, just because you can't hear well. But, well. A retard is a retard."

"Kill him." The Otsutsuki guy said to his two bodyguards, too furious about Carl's provocation to say anything else.

The two bodyguards crouched as if they were going to propel themselves at Carl, but there was a flash of light surrounding them.

A moment later, Carl was seen to be re-sheathing his sword, Blue Orchid. Smiling like nothing had gone wrong, Carl tilted his head.

"Oh, dear. What are they up to? Seven, eight pieces?" Carl badly joked as the bodyguards of the Otsutsuki clan members fell into eight different pieces in front of the Otsutsuki clan leader's face.

"W..what happened?" The Otsutsuki clan leader asked, frozen in fear of whatever Carl had done.

A second later, the 16 moons hovering around the planet began dropping with great momentum. Apparently the Otsutsuki clan leader thought it would distract Carl from confronting him, allowing him to escape.

Around the planet, a loud siren went off, with an accompanying warning.

"The moons are descending! To survive the disaster, move to a Silver Flight Trading Company's property. We have a shield that will save you! I repeat, move to our Silver Flight Trading Company's land!"

Multiple Battlecruisers flew up from the planet, shooting the moons. But their armaments were designed to destroy other ships, rather than destroy moons; so the moons were only broken apart into enormous rocks. Large chunks of moon asteroids, along with many small debris, fell on the planet.

The chaos on the planet was overwhelming.

Some ninja hiding in various places grabbed what civilians they could and ran for shelter in the SFTC's lands. Some of them miraculously made it, feeling blessed that they made the right decision.

Other ninja scoffed at the "humanitarianism" of the SFTC and absolutely KNEW that they would have no shelter anywhere. So they hid in various nicks and crevasses in the world, expecting that the damage wasn't world ending.

They would come to regret their decision.

Some civilians absolutely knew that they couldn't make the trip in the allotted time. Their body types were overly large, and they would only slow the hired ninja down. Neither they, nor their hired ninja, could make the trip safely if they tried. So they resorted to ordering the ninja to take their children to the safe points. If they couldn't survive, at least the ninja could save their children by taking them to the SFTC's protected lands.

Such scenes were playing out all over the planet, while the destroyed moons and various asteroids rained down on the planet, destroying everything that could be seen.

Firestorms raged, dust was thrown into the air, choking everyone who wasn't protected by a shield, shuddering impacts were thrown through the land. Huge chunks of moon landing in the oceans set off tidal waves.

Meanwhile the battleships holding the Silver Dragonflight members were shooting down the 16 Otsutsuki clan members that were controlling the moons. The Otsutsuki clan members were able to hold off a shot or two through the use of their chakra, but it availed them not.

The Battlecruisers simply kept firing shot after shot, and soon destroyed them.

And Carl held the man responsible for the destruction in his hand by the neck. Holding the Otsutsuki clan member aloft in his fist, Carl wondered why he hadn't killed him yet, after the bastard sent the kill order for the planet that Carl lived on.

"Momo…why?" Kaguya interrupted Carl's angry internal rant. He hadn't ever heard Kaguya speak, even in the original cartoon. She had just been an enemy that Naruto and Sasuke had to fight.

Here and now…Carl saw that Kaguya was far different from some enemy goddess that the ninja had to fight to save the planet. She wasn't full of the power of the ten tails, at full power and able to shrug off everything that Naruto and Sasuke sent her way. At this moment she was practically as weak as a normal human, almost.

Perhaps that chakra fruit had made her crazy? Who knows.

"Do you have any idea how much power a single god tree fruit will give!?" The dude, Momo, that Carl held in his hand raged vocally. The dude who was apparently named Momo…raged over and over again.

"We could have grabbed that energy and become something in the Otsutsuki clan! Even now, if you give me that power, I can plead with the main clan to let you go! Who cares about a few bodyguards! If we can return to the main clan with this power, they will ignore the small details!"

Carl thought about the fruit power that Momo was talking about. It was the power that had created an entire world of chakra, with enough left over to be split into the nine tailed beasts. So in order to gather the power he was talking about they would have to pull the energy from the jinchuriki like Naruko or Gaara, leaving them dead after the tailed beasts were extracted, not to mention sucking out the chakra of everyone else in the world.

That load of bullshit wasn't ever going to be accepted!

Carl looked back and forth from Kaguya to Momo. Kaguya seemed to be…resigned. Even if she had the power from the god fruit tree, she didn't want to give that power to the Otsutsuki clan. She wanted to settle down and live a life.

Carl could see what Kaguya wanted. She desired to have a mate, to have a life, and to die away from her clan, secure in the love she had created. She had failed in that goal in the past, and it seemed that the dude that betrayed her along with the phenomenal cosmic power she had attained from the chakra fruit had caused her to go quite mad.

She didn't want to become a perpetual energy sucker for the Otsutsuki clan. She didn't want to kill everyone on the planet so that the Otsutsuki clan could have a little sip of energy that was provided by ending all life on the planet.

But Momo didn't see that. He couldn't understand that Kaguya was sick and tired of the despicable parasitic ways of the Otsutsuki clan.

So the moment that Momo was glaring over at Kaguya, Carl struck with his off hand. He paralyzed Momo by striking the back of his neck with seals.

Due to his power keeping a bubble of atmosphere present in space, they could faintly hear the announcement sounding from the various SFTC properties around the world.

"The Silver Flight Trading Consortium will soon depart from this world. If you wish to come with us, pledge your loyalty to Carl and the Silver Dragonflight. We will find a place for you to live your lives, learn a trade, and be useful. I repeat, the Silver Flight Trading Consortium will soon…"

Shortly after the announcement, the destruction began. The sound of the moon debris impacting the planet was quite loud. Carl turned and stared down at the planet with a frown on his face. This was the first time in his journeys that such a large disaster had occurred. Something that he hadn't been able to prepare for and prevent.

Kaguya looked at Carl intently for a moment, thinking about the choice in front of her. Her Silver hair and pale face looked out of place in the depths of space as she looked back and forth between Carl and Momo, and then down to the planet.

Kaguya then kneeled down once more in front of Carl. "I pledge my loyalty and life to Carl and the Silver Dragonflight."

Carl raised an eyebrow, surprised by her decisive action. Apparently she really wanted to get away from the Otsutsuki clan, and with no other options latched onto him.

"I accept. Come Kaguya, we shall soon depart and you will have your life to live." Carl tossed Momo away, and placed Kaguya's hand in his and disappeared, teleporting down to the planet. Behind him, the guy who had been named Momo by Kaguya suddenly fell into several parts and was blasted apart by arcane energies that Carl wielded.

'A' stood silently on top of the Silver Flight Trading Consortium building, staring out of the shield that held the disaster at bay.

Once he had heard the warning from the voice that the grounds of the SFTC were shielded, he had immediately ordered his people to bring as many civilians as they could into the village, to shelter under the shields that the SFTC claimed they had.

He had been grasping at straws, but in the face of such utter destruction, he had only one choice.

And now here he was, staring at the firestorm and destruction outside the shields. He only had half of his attention on the reports his ninja were giving him. Most of his attention was on the choice he had to make.

He was the leader of Kumo, his people looked to him for leadership. Their village had a long and proud history. And it seemed like the only option they had for survival was to bend the knee and pledge loyalty to some random merchant organization!

'A' looked around at his close advisors and friends, seriously contemplating his decision.

Mei stood tall and proud on top of her kage building, where the ninja and civilians of Kiri could see her, serving as the example and leader for her people.

Looking out upon the city, for the first time, she saw Kiri without the fogbank obscuring the sight. And that was because of the fiery disaster that was raging just on the other side of the shield that was keeping them safe. For now.

Mei pursed her lips as she saw how many of the civilians were panicking, causing the ninja around them to be forced to put them to sleep so a riot didn't start in her village in the midst of such a tragedy.

Looking once more at the shield protecting them that was coming from the SFTC, Mei thought once more about the announcement that sounded in all their ears.

"The Silver Flight Trading Consortium will soon depart from this world. If you wish to come with us, pledge your loyalty to Carl and the Silver Dragonflight."

Without that shield, there was no hope to survive in the midst of this great disaster. And she had a responsibility to make sure her people had at least a chance for survival.

Looking back at the SFTC, Mei made her decision.

Kurotsuchi landed on the roof next to her grandfather, face full of dirt and soot from her efforts to bring civilians in from the surrounding villages into Iwa for protection from the disaster that had struck.

She had just heard the announcement from the Silver Flight Trading Consortium about pledging loyalty to Carl and the Silver Dragonflight, and dashed her way to the Tsuchikage building to see her grandfather, worried about what he was going to do.

"Grandad…" Kurotsuchi trailed off, pausing at the sight of her grandfather's back, as he was standing on the edge of the building, looking off into the distance. "What do you think about the offer of sanctuary?" She finally asked.

"Hmph. I may be a cantankerous old man, but I'm not stubborn enough to cause all that's left of our people to die for my pride. It's unlikely that the Silver Dragonflight is behind this disaster, just to force us to become their servants. If they have the power to toss moons around, then they really didn't need to go through such a ruse that caused widespread destruction and death…"

Onoki paused for a moment and looked back at his granddaughter, letting her see the firm resolve in his mind.

"But if they were responsible, then it won't be too late to take revenge on them later. Where there is life, there is hope."

Kurotsuchi nodded firmly in agreement with her granddad Tsuchikage, allowing a grim smile / grimace to appear on her face.

"After killing the sixteen Otsutsuki members that controlled the moons, our Battlecruisers turned to searching the wreckage of the planet outside our shields for survivors." Hilda reported to Carl some time after he had returned and gotten Mortic to assign a room for Kaguya to rest in. "We only found and transported a 3,382 survivors into the shelters. Every other person on the planet…didn't survive."

Carl grimaced once more at the report of just how many people died in the disaster. And yet it could have been worse. If those moons hadn't been torn apart by their Battlecruisers, the entire planet would have been nothing but a fiery asteroid field in space at this moment. And no one would have survived.

"Start putting together an information packet and video of just what happened and who was responsible to show the survivors." Carl ordered. "Especially emphasize what measures we took to save everyone we could. At the very least, that should get the majority of them to agree to join us. Otherwise, when we leave this world, they will simply have no means of survival. And it will add to our numbers."

"Understood, sir. We'll get right on it." Hilda saluted and went to do just that.

Carl was about to go check in with his family and girlfriends to see how they were doing when his world suddenly faded to black.

Sitting up in his bed in the house he had in his Warehouse, Carl immediately realized that his time in the Naruto Fanfiction world had come to an end.

"Well, shit. That was a right FUBAR mess at the end. And it was going so well, too."