Mary's Last Song



"What did she mean about getting 'sacrificed'?" Hariel asked Letitia in a whisper.

"Your father asked me to create the Pigskin Grimoire."

"I already knew that. Get to the point."

"Okay, but do you know what it does?"

"Not much but I heard it's a grimoire that harvests souls of animals for power."

"No, it can be more than that. It can harvest. . . I don't wanna say it but. . . it can harvest the souls of people."

"Are you sure?!"

"I learned the blueprint and made that grimoire. Obviously, I knew how it worked."

"But that's not gonna happen. Father wouldn't—" He looked dubious as he stared at the air to the side. "He wouldn't do that," he muttered.

"I hope he won't but—"

"Let's get her out of here."

"What?" She shook her head. "I mean. . . can we do that?"

"I'll find a way."