We eventually got out of the rain as we continue flying. Even so, Nisha still has a smile on her moist face as she looks at the bright sky.
"You had a lot of fun, huh?" I ask her.
"Oh. . .," she looks to the side shyly. "I guess. . ."
"You looked so cute," I compliment with a chuckle.
"I can't help it, okay?"
"I understand. I had a lot of fun too because that was the first time I experienced rain."
"Really? I thought you were—" She realizes. "Oh. . . right. You live in the Shelter."
I look ahead and see the dense jungle gradually transforming into a savanna prairie. There are a few animals and I want to hunt something for later. Or maybe put them alive in the domain so we can kill them later.
Very far ahead, I can see nothing but yellow sand. Is that. . . the—
"Desert!" Nisha tells in awe.