The Debt

I think I'm gonna die! Nisha is unconsciously squeezing her thigh as she tries to whack the spider hiding in the wooden joists near the rafter. For some reason, she can't kill it.

"What are you doing, Kei?" she complains, unaware of what she's doing to me. "The spider is right there!"

She points somewhere up there but I can't see exactly where because my head is dizzy. "Okay," I say anyway and walk in that direction.

She continues with her onslaught of whacking while I heard a crack from inside my ears! Argh! My eardrums! I can't hear anymore. She's ranting but I can't make out the words she's spouting.

Cause of death: Getting crushed by Nisha's thicc thighs. If this is how I die, I won't regret it. I feel blood trickling from my nostrils to my smiling lips. I hope I'm still smiling even if I'm dead.