He entered the building with violent intent, and even while masked he emitted a savage aura. He was a powerful entity, and with every step he drew the attention of his foes. His movements were controlled, smooth, with almost no wasted energy, and each movement carried a deadly, deadly intent.

He moved with the kind of grace and elegance that had been trained into him, the kind of moves that were taught to soldiers in the field and used by generals for inspiration. He approached the front desk with a quick, light tread. He saw the security camera above the front desk, but he did not take notice of it, and he did not allow himself to be caught on its recording. His aura blazed out of him in waves, and the humans caught in the front line took immediate note of the danger the man represented.

He moved with speed and grace, with his head held high and his shoulders back. He did not look down on the humans he was about to kill, but this had nothing to do with his arrogance, but with the aura he was projecting. He was a trained killer and he would show no weakness in his presence, he was going to die, but he was going to die like a warrior. A warrior in the most brutal sense. A killer that would be remembered long after this day was forgotten.

He did not hesitate, or think about the things that the humans would be able to do to him, he would deal with that if and when he arrived at that point. He was a trained killer, and even before he had committed to the act of killing he had already begun the act of preparation. The time he would have been taking to mentally prepare himself, the act of meditation, would have had the same outcome as those that would follow his act of preparation. He was ready.

He took out a hammer, and he pulled it out of his tool belt, he did not look like a tool belt man, nor like a man that kept a hammer in his tool belt. He was a warrior, a trained killer, and he was going to make sure they die in the most spectacular way.

He took the hammer and he went to work, the first victim he encountered was a guard. He slammed the hammer down on the guard's skull, and the guard slumped down, he was not dead yet, but he was unconscious.

The first of his foes did not hesitate, he stepped forward and he smashed the hammer into the back of the guard, once, twice, three times, and when the fourth blow failed to take the life of his foe, the killer did not stop to think, or to breathe, he moved to another foe.

He attacked at all costs, and if it took him a while to kill his foe, then so be it. The first victim had fallen, and was no longer a threat. But a new foe was approaching him, and the man he was facing did not know who the hammer-wielder was. If he was to die, the way he wanted to die, then the other man would die first, for the sake of the living.

He did not stop or hesitate for long, and he did not lose his balance even once. The hammer swung towards the foe, and the man heard a loud, loud sound. It sounded like a clap of thunder, and the human that stood in front of the killer heard it, and he cringed, he cringed before a blow of a life was taken. The blow was a powerful one, one that would kill the foe, and make sure he could not attack again. The killer wanted it to happen, he wanted his foe to die, but it was not enough. The blow was not strong enough.

He swung the hammer again, he brought it down with more force than the first blow. The foe was not killed, but he was certainly knocked out. The killer did not even bother looking at the corpse of his foe, he stepped away from it.

He swung the hammer again, the blow failed to connect with the skull of his foe. It did not make him bleed, but it knocked the man out, and it knocked him to the floor. The killer did not even bother moving over to him, he continued to step towards the front desk.

He knocked a third man down, he was a small man, and the killer smashed his head on the floor. The man did not move after the blow, he did not move even as the hammer continued to fall down and down. The man's blood was splattering on the walls, and the killer was not even thinking about stopping to think about that.

Then the killer continued through the building, stepping on the bodies as he went, and when he got to the front desk, the door was closed. He had been caught on camera, and the whole area was to be sealed off.

He waited there, just inside the door, listening to the sounds of the people and the guards rushing in to seal off the area.

The building was a warehouse, and it was full of the things that humans needed to survive. There was food, water, air, and the human beings that occupied the building were all in need of the things they needed. If the humans were all gathered in one place, one huge place, then they would be more likely to encounter danger and would therefore be more of a danger to the ones who were trying to protect them. So the humans were kept divided into living areas, with guards on all the entrances and exits, it was a matter of security, but it also kept them separated from one another.

However, the killer knew where he was going.

He moved with the same elegance and grace that had always marked his presence. His aura carried an aura of power and authority, and his enemies were to follow. He entered the second half of the building and he continued to kill. He encountered people, people who were all locked in the warehouse's rooms and who had no way out. He encountered people who had taken the form of the creatures of the night, creatures that were to be feared. He met them all, he fought them all, and he killed them all.

His body was covered in blood, his hat was soaked, and his clothes were drenched in blood. He continued to walk, he continued to slay, and the humans of the city had no idea what was coming. This was the dawn of a new era: A day when the killers would rise and the dead would be laid to rest. A new era where justice would be re-established. A time where the weak would be made to pay for their crimes, and the strong would rise up. A time when the law would reign supreme.

And then - THWACK!!