Chapter 4 :Attention

"Roxanne, who where does cute Boys, especially the one holding am head melt" Rachel said 'I think she noticed the way I looked at them' "oh, you mean Leo and Derek" I said trying to avoid the conversation, wait was that suppose to help just take a glance at your reply dummy, 'my brain said to me'. "Mom, ROXANNE made friends, right Big sis" Rachel said it been long I saw her this happy and she hardly calls me Big sis, I couldn't spoil her mood and of course my mom became happy "Yes, I also made to female friends [Referring to Yoshie and Vicky]" I said excitedly so it could be believe able, YOSHIE was the only friend I made and of course she made friends with me and Leo doesn't want me in their group, live so mess up. Got bullied today twice f$$k." Roxanne are you okay"my mom asked because I became quite.



" man, the way you looking at that girl is not friendly at all" one of my team mates said. I really didn't know why I hated her this much, I don't even know if I hated her. I spent half of my week's feeding money 💵 just to impress her. I don't know why I did that 'Jeez, I have to work double shifts because I can't ask that man [dad] for money' "He even called the girl a nerd, and said she couldn't be friends with us" Derek said to the team members "I don't know her personally but she seems nice" one of them said. "she has a incredible body shape" another said "I thought I was the only one who sees that, her curves her insane. I almost got turned on when she bent to clean Rex shoes [the bully]....." one said "Really that all you know Hunter how to be turned on" I said his allows annoying. All of a sudden Yoshie came out of the building panting "Jeez, Yoshie" I said running to her same as my team mates I heald my "what wrong with you, why you running like a mad person I told you that I was waiting for you outside why run" I said 'Yoshie,had health problems since was little and stress was one thing that didn't help her condition not to talk about running. "Leo, is right" Hunter said "hey, guys am perfectly okay" Yoshie said pushing us away "Then why are you running" I said angrily "I wanted to ask Rocky for her number so I could add her to our group" Yoshie said 'Who Rocky' "who ROCKY". We said once as if it was planned "hey, take it easy it Roxanne 'Rocky' for short" Yoshie said laughing 'I couldn't figure out what was funny but as usual Derek laughed with her walked away "What wrong with Leo" Yoshie said

"Am sure it because of Roxanne" Hunter said

"am sure too, he does not like the girl at all it as if the girl offended him in some way" Derek said "we better get going, I don't want to anger him the more" Yoshie said

Yoshie pov's

I really couldn't point the reason for hating Roxanne, he saved her from these bullies why bully her. Or maybe his in love just like romance novels it always happens. Let wait and see,

I looked at Leo closely "hey, jama what on your mind is it about your mom" Leo said. I totally forgot my self I never knew I was home "No, it just that I was thinking of Roxanne" I said with a baby face so Leo wouldn't be angry "Jama, that should be the very first and last time I hear that girl name in your mouth SHE ALMOST KILLED YOU FOR CRYING OUT LOUD"Leo said

" no, she didn't I went running to her she never asked to do that. You don't want to socialize Leo the world doesn't revolve around you" I said angrily in a very tone. LEO stared at me sadly

"am sorry. OK I was very worried something would happen to you, you know you are all I have left am deeply sorry". Leo said calmly

This is my time to attack

"apology accepted, but you have to promise me one thing" I said in a demanding tone

"I promise" Leo said

Am sure his thinking I want to ask him for ice cream throughout this week. I laughed in my mind looking at my prey


Roxanne pov's

   My mom and sister kept talking and advising me on how to keep friends. It sounded fun until Rachel made it a tick tok thing, I put on my headset. Getting home I ran upstairs

Knok knok

"come in" I said

"Roxanne, can I talk to you for a minute or two" Rachel said she seem clam so I knew this was important

"of course" I said tapping on the bed so she could seat next to me she quickly sat next to me and inhaled and exhaled

"please, don't be offended with what am about to say" Rachel said sadly

"Jeez, this what you always say when you are about to insult me so go on" I said calmly. It was already midnight when we got home, we ate at a restaurant before coming home they was no reason to cook, and we got hook up with traffic. That the main reason we came home late. I sighed and cool my self down for what was about to be said.


Leo's pov

  I drove my bike home thinking about what Yoshie told he it happened so fast I couldn't believe I agreed to that, it played like a movie in my head.

Quick flashback

"Jama, it almost midnight so you need to go inside so you wouldn't catch a cold" I said to her sincerely worried

"Jam,you should stop worrying about me like am a little kid you need to have a girlfriend. Your togetherness with me is driving those cool girls away" Yoshie said weirdly, I really couldn't see anything wrong with been so close to her, besides those girls are trash

"Jama,really you call them Molly cool, those trash their fam covers the trash they are" I said angrily

"Jam, back to our talk" Yoshie said

"you have to promise me and swear on our friendship" Yoshie said. I trusted her so I had no choice

"I swear on our friendship, Jama" I said

"Good" she said I nodded at her to give her a go head to talk

"firstly, you are going to apologize

Secondly, you are going to buy her something to prove you are deeply sorry for your misconduct yesterday......." wat the hell Jam that to harsh " I said she pop her cheeks until it became red." What the I say about shutting me up you chicken" Yoshie said angry

"kk, sorry" I said


"thirdly, you are going to be sitting close to her in every class you guys have together, I noticed you guys have the same schedule.

Fourthly, you must treat her right, fair and just" Yoshie said like someone who contesting for presidency

"is that all" I said straighten my hair because of the wind. I had no intention of doing those things

"hmmm, failure to do so would attract severe punishment" Yoshie said I looked at her like an angry puppy

"OK, go get some rest" i said yawning

"you won't ask about the punishment right" Yoshie said

"OK, talk Jam" I said

" failure to do so, you wouldn't be given the chance to see or talk to me. Even Derek, I would report you to the basketball team that you where the one who stole the trophy 🏆 of last year and many more" Yoshie said, how could she

"how could you mix our friendship for someone you barely know" I said annoyed

"How could you bully someone you barely know" Yoshie said weirdly


"have no problem not speaking to Derek that boy is a headache, and why would you bring the basket ball team into this I was the one who scored all the points remember and I returned it" I said

"you know the investigation is till on" Yoshie said

"you would betray our friendship for Roxanne" I said it sounded so sweet calling her name in full

"just test me and you would see" Yoshie said and walked away

End of quick  flashback

So I have known choice but to be nice to her.


Roxanne pov's

"am not going to take much of your time" Rachel said

"you could see her happy mom was today and she even took us to a very fancy restaurant to eat, that was because she was extremely happy when she found out you had friends now, I don't want mom to ever be sad again so I want you to keep up with the good work, I really don't believe you that those where your friends but am happy as well"  Rachel said without any doubt

"OK" was all I said and Rachel walked out of the room after giving me a good night Pic

[ author's note:firstly, what the fate of Leo

Secondly:the fate of Roxanne.

Would Leo abide by the rules,

The thing he didn't know was that Yoshie would never betray him. Read next chapter to find out. Don't forget to vote and comment 💫MOONLIGHTERS 💫,] QUESTION FOR THIS CHAPTER :DO YOU THINK 🤔 WHAT RACHEL SAID WAS WRONG OR RIGHT COMMENT BELOW