Chapter 6

Roxanne pov's

After I and Yoshie departed I walked straight to the the literature hall a huge crowd of girls and boys showering praises on somebody took my attention in the hall, I walked closer to see who it was "who does he think he is" I said and hissed after seeing it was Leo. And walked away to my classroom

"Good morning my esteem learners, today is our first lesson this year so there no going to be much teaching but we are going to get to know each other, we have a new face in our midst" The Teacher said everyone turned to look at me expect him, I kindly stood up

Without any hesitation and boldly said my sweet name.

"Wow, what a wonderful and beautiful name and woman 'I hope so'" The man said and chuckled

The class was going smoothly and friendly until Mr Hoodie showed up late

"Mr Reginald, it a beautiful shinning morning" The lit teacher said to Leo was just entry class

"sir you said morning, do am not late because it morning, right class" He shouted at the top of his voice every one was in his favor and supported him

"OK, class Mr Reginald seat next to the new girl" The teacher said

Leo looked around the hall and found out that the only seat reserved was the seat next to me, I Tap on the seat telling him to come and seat. He sat close to me and took out a pen and a hard book 📙 he was so serious and it was surprising to me, I haven't known him for long but u had never seen him this serious.

"Heads up class" The teacher said

"As, you all know am your literature Teacher"

"You can address me as Mr Story, but literature is all about prose, drama, and poetry............


The man went on and on about literature, it was really fun and surprising😳 Leo was actually the best in Literature in the entire state competition last month and best in literature in this school. The classes finally ended. Leo was the first to leave, I followed immediately.

"You son of a no-body had the right to pass without greeting, huh" Molly said pointing 👉 at the boy, every one stood and looked as she bullied the boy the boy seemed to be older than her, but he stood sly looking at the floor.

"If not for the scholarship this school offered you have been in the street" The girl said

"And if not where to be your parents that happened to be rich you could have been on the streets begging for him" A muscular voice said

"It Leo, Molly" LOLLY whisper to Molly

Molly quickly put on a cry baby face

"Leo, he slap me and called me ugly" Molly said and started crying

I couldn't help it I really wanted to slap that ugly face of hers

"His not wrong, you aren't pretty" Leo said and walked away

Everyone started gossiping and Laughing pointing fingers at her

"Try that one more time and all of you would be expelled" Nelly said boldly

Molly started crying and calling out for Leo, it was so disgusting 🤢

"Hey, Roxy effort of that let go eat, you are my new bestie" Yoshie said holding my hands

"Huh, bestie" I said he nod at me and we headed for the cafeteria and ordered what I ordered yesterday

And we started eating she made cute comments about my hair, looks and so on

"Roxy, YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND FOR FOREVER" Yoshie said loudly, I looked around to see if she was dragging attention then I saw Mr hoodie coming our way

"Roxy, You the most lovable person I have ever met, you are my Bestie ooooo I LOVE YOU SO Much" Yoshie said louder, LEO was already standing beside us

"Jam, what would you love to eat" Leo said

"Roxy, aren't you hearing a bird nosie" Yoshie said and stood up from her chair and dragged me away

Leo's pov

"Yoshie, is acting weird since morning right"

"yeah, you are right is it because Derek did not come to school"

"Didn't you see she just denied Leo been her best friend, Derek has nothing to do with this"

The basket ball players said out loud,I just stood like a wooden structure watching her play and laugh with Roxanne, what did I do wrong, huh

"Did Yoshie ask you to buy something then you forgot" Derek said from the background

"Derek" everyone said at one's

"I taught you where dead" I said surprise to see Derek in school close to closing

I quickly remembered what Yoshie told me yesterday night and the punishment

Flash back

Secondly, you are going to buy her something to prove you are deeply sorry for your misconduct yesterday......."

hmmm, failure to do so would attract severe punishment" Yoshie said I looked at her like an angry puppy

"OK, go get some rest" i said yawning

"you won't ask about the punishment right" Yoshie said

"OK, talk Jam" I said

" failure to do so, you wouldn't be given the chance to see or talk to me. Even Derek, I would report you to the basketball team that you where the one who stole the trophy 🏆 of last year and many more" Yoshie said, how could she

"how could you mix our friendship for someone you barely know" I said annoyed...........

End of flash back

"What are you thinking about" Derek said

"Nothing, just Yoshie attitude" I said still thinking about What Yoshie said yesterday

"just a little tip,Rex brought Roxanne does flowers" Derek said handing over a mimi juice pack

"But he bullied her just yesterday" I said looking at Roxanne put the flowers in a glass bottle

"where you going Leo" Derek said


Roxanne pov's

I was arranging my books after putting my flower in a glass bottle in my locker, I felt  presence of someone at my back, I immediately turned around to see "so, people are now getting you flowers" Leo said annoyingly

"No, it not like that........" Leo immediately cut her off saying

"Huh, you are buying flowers and putting it in your locker, is that.not witch craft" Leo said and walk away. The whole school as usual gathered filming the moment, I slyly lock my locker and walk away.

"Rocxy, is something wrong did Leo do something" Yoshie said seeing me moody

"Not really" I said and walked away to the basket ball court

"how the hell did I get hear" I said turning to leave

"witch" someone called at I already knew it was Leo by the voice. Nobody was in the court yard I felt happy because there be no filming and NO ONE THAT COULD BE BIG TROUBLE, "Wizard, what do I hold this coincidence" I said trying to clam myself

I laughed loudly before moving to where I was, he stop an inch from me "what are you doing" I said trying to push him  away

"'Laughing', I just want to warn you closely because I know you can't hear properly" he paused and drank the water in his hands

"You going to go back, and tell Yoshie I apologize and I am good to you that not hard is it" I could see the pleading in his eyes, he had been friends with Yoshie since forever

"ok, under one condition" I said firmly