Meeting God

"Oh no, Audrey couldn't possibly die like this. My sister's fate was very sad, John did not pay attention during her pregnancy, and the baby will surely be ostracized. She was kicked out of the house for marrying a man who was not on the same level as the Evans family, and now she died after giving birth. Her child," Donna mumbled, tears streaming down her face, "No. I can't let this end like this. I won't let down my younger sister again."

"What should I do now? Should I tell mom and dad that Audrey is dead or should I let them hear this news from Vonny?" Donna continued. The feelings of pain and confusion inside her were bursting. 

While Donna was in the surgery room, a nurse came up to her and said in an apologetic tone, "Sorry Ma'am. Please wait outside, we will take Miss Audrey's body to the morgue."

When Audrey was about to be taken to the room, Audrey's spirit came out of her body. "I am really dead now," She looked at her body that was being carried away.

Somehow, this felt natural for her like she already expected this to happen. She flew to the corner of the room, where Vonny was sitting glued to the chair. Tears continued streaming in her eyes.

"Vonny," Audrey's spirit, approached Vonny and tried to touch her boss' body. But her hand just passed through. Still, Audrey continued with her words.

"Ma'am, I thank you for your care and concern for me while working at the restaurant," whispered Audrey. However, there were no reactions from Vonny. That was expected though since she was already a spirit.

After she spoke to Vonny, she approached Donna who had just gone outside of the surgery room. She was standing at the side of the room with a blank stare.

"Sis, I entrust my son to you. Please consider him as your biological child," She whispered to Donna with the hope that she would indeed take care of her son, now that she was dead.

Audrey's spirit did not leave her child on Vonny because earlier when they were on their way to the hospital, Vonny did not answer Audrey's request to consider her child as Vonny's child. But knowing how kind Vonny and Donna were, Audrey already had the feeling that she could entrust her son to the two of them. 

As long as it was them, they would be able to take care of her son. Now, there was only one thing that Audrey wanted to see. It was her son.

However, suddenly a dazzling white light appeared in front of Audrey's spirit. She was startled to the point of screaming while covering her eyes with both hands.

"Wait! I still didn't see my son! Please wait!" screamed Audrey's spirit. "Ahh! Please! Don't take me to hell yet!" However, only silence answered her. It stayed like that for a few moments until she decided to open her eyes. 

What met her eyes, were neither the flames of hell she expected nor the cloudy white realm that was described as the appearance of heaven. It was a pitch black space, where she felt like she was floating along with the cosmos.

"Where am I?" To her surprise, no words came out of her mouth. Her voice was retained in her mind only.

All of the sudden a small orb of floating light appeared in front of her. "Audrey, calm down my child. I will not take you to hell,"  A gentle warm voice spoke from the orb. 

"Who are you?" Audrey asked as she stepped back away from the orb.

"Do not be afraid. I am a god ruling over the universe." said the gentle voice. 

"A god?" Audrey said in disbelief. Everything was happening too fast for her. First, she died after giving birth to her son.

Remembering this thought, it ached her heart so much. She wasn't even able to hold her son in her arms or give him a name. Nor see what her son looked like before she was thrown into this place. Then right now, she was brought to a place that was neither heaven nor hell.

"Yes, Audrey. I am a god. Your life was full of unfortunate events however you still strived to live a good one, helping others without expecting anything in return and gaining a lot of achievements from your hard work that motivates a lot of people more than you can imagine."  

Hearing this still didn't make the pain inside of Audrey diminished in the slightest margin. For her, not being able to see her son whom she carried for months, was a wound that already scarred her heart.

"My child, though your life has ended. I will give you the opportunity to be reincarnated," said god. The small light orb started to morph into the shape of a human. A grandfather who is simple, friendly, and wise.


"Yes," god nodded his head, "And it comes with two choices for you, my child Audrey."

"Re-- reincarnation?? Two choices??" the spirit was confused.
