The Perfect CEO

Luna Wijaya that was the new identity of Audrey. She completely forgot about her first life now and was living as the third child of Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Jessica Wijaya. She exceled in academics, music, and the arts.

All must be perfect. That was the kind of life Luna lived her second life. Her parents belong to one of the richest families in the country. So to them, they set high standards for their three children, befitting their status. They were perfectionists and so was the attitude that their children got. But despite the attitude of her family, Luna remained the sweetest and kindest of her family.

28 years later…

Luna grew and was honed to manage some of their family business. 

Currently, one of the tallest buildings in the heart of the central city, 'Aurora Fashion Company'.

A company famous for its fashionable and most trending clothing lines. The one who was leading this company right now, was no other Luna Wijaya.

Luna was standing, facing the horizon of the building from the arch shaped glass window. From the sixtieth floor of her company building, she could see clearly the whole city. Bustling with life and warmth, however her black eyes were as cold as ice. 

No one could tell what was on her mind, she simply stood there as if she was someone high above, observing what's beneath her.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Miss Luna, it is Alice," followed by a woman's voice, the sound of the door opening was heard. Luna shifted her attention to the person who just entered her office.

"Good afternoon, Alice," Luna said with a warm smile and gaze in her eyes. The coldness that there before disappeared in an instant, as if one could see, they would think that they were just imagining things.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Luna," Alice Chen, her personal secretary, who managed every bit of her schedule and appointments. She greeted Luna with a polite smile. Then proceed to what she was going to say, "Ms. President. Your mother wanted to tell you that you should not be late for the dinner meeting later."

"I see. Why does she not call me instead?"

"That…" Alice hesitated a bit, "She said that she has called you multiple times already, but you are not answering your phone." 

"Oh," Luna turned her gaze to the phone on the table, "I will call her. If you have nothing else to report to me, you can leave now."

Alice bowed down and left the office room. Luna picked her phone, and saw that there were numerous miss calls from her mother. She just helplessly smiles. 'How long did I lose in my thoughts to not notice this.'

She pressed the call on her mother's phone and started the call. 

"Hello, Mom," She said in her sweetest voice.

"This child. For you to ignore my calls this much," Her mother started nagging at the other end of the call. 

"I am sorry. There are a lot of things to work on today to the company. I will treat you to your favorite restaurant this weekend," Luna said.

"Better be," her mother replied, "One more thing, don't forget our dinner later. We are going to meet an important client, so you should not be late and be at your best representable self."

"Yes, Mom," Luna said. After a few more idle conversations, her mother finally ended the call. Luna sighed as she sat on her swivel chair. That was when her line of sight went to another name on her missed calls.

"This!" Her eyes widened in horror. And immediately called back the caller.

"Hello, Babe! I'm sorry that I was not able to answer your calls," She hurriedly reasoned. 

The one she was calling right now was her boyfriend. Robert Ashton. 

"I thought you had forgotten about me, Babe." Robert chuckled at the other side of the call. 

"How can I do that?" Luna answered. There was a small grin on her face, "I will never forget the man I'm dating right now. I'm just a bit busy managing the company right now."

"As expected of Ms. CEO. Don't worry, I just want to check if you're doing alright. I haven't called you these past days. If I can just go back to the country right now, I want to stay by your side forever."

Luna chuckled at his words, "It's alright. Our careers are important as well. How is your life in Korea?"

"We are creating a new brand phone that will be released in one or two months. So, we are pretty busy as well, since the boss is rushing things at our end. But after three months, I will return back there to see you again. And I have prepared a surprise for you."

"Two months and surprise?" A grin escaped Luna's lips, "You really know how to make me curious and excited."

"Of course, anything for My Dear. My mademoiselle will soon change to my epouse."

Luna's eyes widened by his words. However, before she could speak, Robert cut her off.

"We will talk again later," The call ended. Luna brought her phone to the top of her table. A sweet smile plastered on her face, as if she was just a teenage girl who had fallen in love for the first time. 

"That fool. Make sure that surprise will be worth my wait for the next two months," She muttered with a grin, highlighting the two dimples in her beautiful face.


7 pm

The dinner would be at exactly 7:30 pm. Luna parked her black AMG GT 63 in the parking lot of Blue Moon's. The restaurant where they would have a family dinner. 

When she arrived, she already saw her parents with another elderly man sitting at the table that they booked a while ago. Dressed in a beautiful white turtleneck dress that reached three inches below her knee. It perfectly hugged all her curves. The dress was partnered with a silver pouch and a white four inches killer boots. She was absolutely beautiful and stunning. She walked with confidence and air of superiority towards her parent's table. 

"Mom, dad, I have arrived. I hope I am not too late," She said as she kissed her father's and mother's cheek.

"Oh, Dear. Don't worry. You are just on time," Her mother said with a smile on her face. Her parents, despite being in their fifties already, were good looking. No one would wonder where Luna got her genes, with just a glimpse to her parents.

"Luna, this is Mr. Charlie. One of the people I would like to introduce to you tonight," Her father said. Luna turned to the other elder man who was sitting on the opposite side of her parents. 

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Charlie," Luna said with her business-like smile as she reached her hands to shake hands with Mr. Charlie. 

Mr. Charlie accepted her hands and they shook hands together. 

"It's nice to meet you as well Luna. You are indeed beautiful as what your parents told me about you."

"You flatter me. But thank you for your compliment, Mr. Charlie," Luna said, maintaining her business smile as she retracted her hands and seated in the left chair beside her mother.

"No need to be so polite to me, Luna. We are going to be family soon," Mr. Charlie said, maintaining his smile as well. 

But with his words, a small crack on Luna's smile came to form. 'Becoming a family? What does he mean by that?' This start gave Luna a bad feeling about where this dinner would lead on in the end.
