Luna's Sadness and Disappointment

Charlie walked out of his study, into his room, and called Arthur again. After a long wait, Arthur finally answered Charlie's call. At that time, he was in Jessica's room, accompanying his wife who had just woken up.

"Hello, Arthur. Are you busy?" Charlie asked kindly.

"Hello, Charlie. Why are you calling me so early?" Arthur asked back, his tone languid.

"It's almost noon, Friend. What's with your voice? Are you sick?" Charlie was worried about Arthur.

"I am not sick, Jessica is sick. She fainted at the airport."

"What?? Your wife fainted at the airport???" Charlie was startled, his eyes wide, "Jessica is being treated at which hospital?"

"She is being treated at Queenland Hospital."

"Alright, wait for me there."

"I am waiting," Arthur said flatly.

Charlie ended his conversation with Arthur, then he rushed out of the room to meet Juna in the main courtyard of his mansion.

"Juna, take me to Queenland Hospital," He ordered the burly personal assistant.

Juna bowed in front of Charlie, "Yes, Sir."

Juna stepped into the silver luxury sedan that was parked near the rose garden, opened the car door, got inside, then drove the vehicle towards where Charlie was standing. Quickly, Robby helped him into the sedan.

"Thanks, Robby," Charlie said, patting Robby on the shoulder.

Robby nodded slowly, then he turned towards the towering gate and opened it for Juna. Before Charlie left the mansion, he poked his head in the window and said to Robby," When Andy returns to the mansion, tell me and watch over him, understand?!"

"I understand, Sir," replied Robby to which Charlie nodded.

While Charlie was about to visit Jessica at the hospital, elsewhere Elizabeth was being transferred from the ER to the ward. Andy gripped his lover's fingers tightly with teary eyes, making it harder for Elizabeth to distance herself from Andy.

Andy's determination was made, however he would still marry his lover and then move to a small town and settle there with his new family. He didn't care about everything he had right now, he just wanted Elizabeth nothing else.

"Honey, you have to be strong for our child," Andy said softly.

Elizabeth remained silent as Andy spoke to her, she turned her face to the left avoiding Andy's deep and loving gaze. Not long after, two nurses, Andy, and Elizabeth arrived in front of the VIP room on the 2nd floor. They opened the bedroom door, pushed the gurney, then laid the woman on the bed slowly and carefully.

"Thank you, Nurse," Andy said to the nurse who had helped him move Elizabeth into the room.

"You're welcome, Sir," the two nurses said at the same time.

Then they left the room, letting Andy accompany his lover. Andy sat on the chair in front of the bed, he stroked Elizabeth's head gently, "Eliza, do you want something to eat? I'll buy it at the cafe, okay?"

"All right," Elizabeth replied flatly.

"Wait a minute, please," Andy smiled faintly at his lover, he tried not to cry in front of Elizabeth. Andy stood up from his seat, kissed Elizabeth's forehead, then kissed the woman's stomach.

Andy rushed to the hospital cafe to buy food and drink for himself as well as for Elizabeth. In the room, Elizabeth rested while waiting for Andy to come back from the cafe. On the one hand, she felt happy because soon she would have a child from the man she loved, but on the other hand she is also sad because Charlie didn't approve of Andy and Elizabeth's relationship and even rejected the child she was carrying.

'Andy ... after my condition improves, I will go to another city with my father and mother. Marry Miss Luna and never look for me again wherever I am. Our relationship ends here.' Elizabeth thought.

Elizabeth's heart ached so much that she couldn't hold back the tears that had almost burst out in front of Andy. At Arthur's mansion, Luna was unable to hold back her tears. She sobbed with sadness and disappointment with her parents. Luna didn't want to eat and interacted with people in her house.

"Mom, Dad ... why do you always force your will on me?? Can't I live freely like my friends out there??" Luna's monologued, she turned her body towards the window while looking up at the gray sky. "You two never asked me what I wanted ... I will never be happy living together with a man I don't love."
