Looking for Ways to Avoid Arranged Marriage

Andy and Luna felt the same way at the same time, they were sad because they both had parents who always imposed their will on their children. Andy, the handsome, genius, and athletic CEO didn't know how to convince Elizabeth that he won't accept his father's arranged marriage.

While Luna was forced to break up with Robert even though she loved the son of Arthur's enemy, she couldn't go against her parents' orders to

a man of honor and respect across the country who is actually Luna's senior when they attended Algernon University. But Luna didn't know the man at all because the two of them weren't very popular on campus and were busy with activities outside of their respective lecture schedule

After Andy said goodbye to Elizabeth and stayed for a while outside Elizabeth's room, he walked unsteadily out of the hospital. Not long after, he reached the basement and got into his luxury car.

Andy started the car engine then drove his vehicle out of the basement.

A few moments later, Andy called someone while his eyes remained focused on the less crowded highway.

"Hello, Isabelle."

"Hello, Sir."

"Isabelle, I am not going to the office today. Cancel all my meetings with clients this afternoon and reschedule for meetings with them," Andy ordered.

"Very well, Sir," said Isabelle.

"Can you get out of the office for a bit? I need your help."

"What kind of help?"

"Please tell Elizabeth's mother that her daughter is currently being treated at Shepard Hospital. Remember, don't let my father and my stepmother know about this. Understand?"

"I understand, Sir."

"Good, Isabelle," Andy smiled faintly, "I hung up the phone."

Andy ended his conversation with the secretary who had worked for Charlie's company for years. Andy decided to order Isabelle told Elizabeth's condition to Arnold and Kelly, Elizabeth's parents.

When he was on his way to his house, he constantly thought of finding a way to avoid his arranged marriage with Luna and also to stay away from his family who always controlled his life and interfered in Andy's personal affairs.

Andy drove his vehicle at a moderate speed because he was forced to return to the mansion. He preferred to live in his apartment or at his aunt's house on the outskirts of Chicago. About twenty-five minutes later, Andy arrived at a luxurious and majestic mansion like a King's Palace with a sturdy white iron gate towering up.

Arriving at Charlie's residence, security rushed to open the gate wide and Andy put his lamborghini into a very large yard surrounded by flower gardens, shady trees, and so on.

Knowing his master had returned to the palace, Robby secretly contacted Arthur, who was visiting Jessica at Queenland Hospital while watching Andy's movements.

"Hello, Sir," said Robby, hiding behind a big tree.

"What's the matter, Robby? Why did you call me?" Charlie asked.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but earlier you ordered me to call you when Mr. Andy returned to the mansion," explained Robby.

"Ah, apparently the child is back."

"Right, Sir," said Robby.

"Alright, keep an eye on him until I get back from the hospital," Charlie ordered.

"Yes, Sir."


At Queenland Hospital, Charlie and Arthur sat in the waiting room in front of the VIP room where Jessica was lying in there. Arthur's face looked annoyed after hearing Charlie's story about his future son-in-law's relationship with a woman who came from an ordinary family.

Meanwhile, Charlie wore a sour look while looking seriously at Arthur, "Arthur, I am sorry. Andy just got home, I need to talk to my son one-on-one."

Arthur nodded slowly, "You go home, later we will discuss our children's wedding plans again after Jessica's condition improves."

"Give my regards to Jessica, I am sorry I came to see you at the wrong time. I hope your wife recovers quickly," Charlie smiled faintly and patted Arthur's left shoulder.

"Thank you very much for coming here," Arthur replied.

"Before they get married, it's a good idea to have an engagement ceremony for your daughter and Andy first. What do you think?" Charlie asked looking at his best friend expectantly.

"Emm ... that sounds good. I agree with you, Charlie. Before they officially become husband and wife, we have to make them close first so they get to know each other. I want Luna to forget her lover and open her heart to Andy," Arthur took a deep breath.

"And my job is to get that woman out of Charlie's life. I don't want to have a daughter-in-law like Elizabeth, let alone admit the baby she is carrying!" said Charlie, his eyes flashing like he was really mad at Andy.

"I didn't expect your beloved and proud son to have planted a seed in his lover's womb," Arthur's tone was heavy and disappointed.

"Please forgive him, Arthur. Everyone in this world makes mistakes, doesn't it? Maybe their relationship was too romantic that Elizabeth got pregnant."

"That's possible," Arthur shrugged his shoulders, "Or maybe the woman seduced Andy first, so that he got caught in a trap that Elizabeth had set up?"
