Welcome To The Hell

Robert jogged to the ballroom where Andy and Luna's engagement ceremony would take place. He couldn't wait to meet his girlfriend, whatever he would do to get Luna back and thwart the event.

A few moments later, Robert arrived in front of a room whose door was wide open. From a distance he could see Luna in a beautiful white dress standing in front of the invited guests with Arthur, Jessica, and others.

With steady, bold, and confident steps, he walked behind Andy, who was already in front of him, about to approach Luna. Everyone present there was surprised by the appearance of a foreign man wearing a black tuxedo while holding something in his right hand.

When Robert was in the middle of the ballroom and Andy was standing next to Luna, he suddenly shouted so loudly that the guests, Luna, Andy, and the two families spontaneously turned to Robert.

"Luna!! Marry me! I love you so much!" Robert looked sadly at Luna, then he ran closer to Luna, holding tightly to his left hand and shrinking Luna's tears that kept flowing out down her beautiful face.

"I won't let you marry a man you don't love, I beg you to go with me. We are getting married in Seoul, Honey," Robert continued softly.

"Who are you, Young Man?! Are you Robert Ashton?!" Arthur asked, his voice rising, his eyes sparkling.

Robert quickly turned to Arthur who was standing next to Jessica, "Yes, I am Robert Ashton. I am the lover of your daughter, I beg of you to let her marry me because she only loves me and also she is pregnant with my child."

"What did you say?! My daughter is pregnant with your child?! What kind of nonsense is that?!" Arthur snapped angrily, he clenched his fists ready to punch Robert in the face.

While Luna was silent, she stood rooted to her spot while shedding tears. Both Jessica and the others were also silent, they didn't expect that Robert would act so recklessly in front of everyone present in the ballroom.

"You don't believe what I am saying?? Well, then ask Luna yourself, is it true that she is pregnant or not?" challenged Robert who was still holding Luna's hand tightly.

Arthur glared at his daughter then asked Luna the truth, "Luna, what Robert said is true or not??!"

"I—I... I am not pregnant, Dad ..." Luna softly lowered her head.

"I know you must be lying, Luna," Andy said sarcastically at her.

"Shut up, Andy! Don't corner your future wife in front of her family!" Charlie opened his eyes wide, he rebuked his son.

"You are pregnant, Luna! You ..." Robert didn't continue his words, he looked desperate because Luna didn't want to cooperate with him. When he was confused, Armando suddenly ran over to Robert and took out a small envelope from his trouser pocket and gave it to Arthur.

"This is the result of Miss Luna's ultrasound, please see for yourself," said Armando.

Arthur and Jessica gasped when they heard Armando's words. Arthur hurriedly opened the envelope, took its contents, and Arthur's heart immediately seemed to stop when he saw the 4D ultrasound photo where there was a fetus in Luna's womb.

"Wh—where did you get this photo from?" Jessica asked quietly.

"I got it from the doctor who checked your daughter's womb," Armando replied casually, he smiled with satisfaction.

"N—no way ... t—this must be a ruse. My daughter can't possibly be pregnant with Robert," Jessica replied, Jessica's tone of voice and her whole body shaking.

"I can't believe it ... you are just making it up. I know what you came here for, you want to ruin Luna and Andy's engagement, don't you??" Arthur tried to control his suffocating breath.

"Young Man, you and your friends better get out of here!" expelled Charlie, he looked alternately at Armando and Robert who looked at Luna with a pitiful gaze. Robert was like a slave to Luna's love who could not be separated from that woman.

"I am not leaving until Luna decides who she's going to marry!" Robert refused, he spoke to Charlie but his eyes remained focused on Luna.

"Honey, tell me are you going to choose this man as your husband or are you going to choose me and come back to me?" He squeezed Luna's fingers, hoping that Luna would choose him.

"I have already prepared our wedding rings, would you like to see it?" continued Robert.

"Charlie ... please get him out of here, I am sick of him!" Arthur said pointing at Robert.

Charlie nodded his head, then he called two security people who were deliberately placed in the ballroom to chase away Robert and Armando. They grabbed the two men's arms and dragged them out of the room.

Robert shouted loudly calling for Luna while trying to release the grip of the security hand from his hand.

"Luna! Cancel your engagement with that man!"

"You bastard!" said Virginia - Andy's stepmother glaring at Robert.

After Charlie managed to kick Robert and his friend out of the ballroom, Andy couldn't help but continued his engagement with Luna. He pinned a gold and silver plated diamond ring on Luna's ring finger, then kissed Luna's cheek with a tasteless feeling.

Luna cried again after being kissed by her fiancé, then Andy whispered in Luna's ear, "Welcome to Hell, Luna."

Luna Wijaya is a woman who is cheerful, strong, and always thought positively, but what was seen from the outside was all false.

Luna was easily sad, her heart was very fragile. Her nature and personality were still the same as before when she lived as Audrey Evans-the proud chef of Vonny.

God did erase Audrey's memory, but her old character didn't go away
