A Special Gift For Andy and Luna

A few days after Andy and Luna's engagement event at a luxury hotel, Andy returned to his activities at the office while Luna stayed at Arthur's mansion because she was reluctant to meet everyone who would congratulate her on her engagement with the billionaire son who is famously cold and quiet.

Andy had always been unfriendly and rigid to anyone, including all his employees in the company and to his own family. Except for the woman he loved very much, he would be gentle, warm, and caring.

This morning Andy was busy with a lot of work piled up on his desk as well as his meeting schedule with clients. He snorted in annoyance when he saw the pile of folders on his desk, he sat in his oversized chair while squirming lazily.

"Hoahmm ..." Andy yawned long and wide, he was always like that when no one was in the CEO's room. He was free to do as he pleased during his years as chairman of Charlie's food company. 'Charlie Ferdinand Foods' is a food service industry that provided food for restaurants in hospitals, schools, offices and so on.

Meanwhile, Charlie's step-sister served as CEO of the largest hotel in Chicago. She and Virginia played their respective roles very well, even though Andy didn't like them but both women loved Andy with all their hearts. Even Fransisca wanted to give her position to Andy.

For Andy, Virginia and Fransisca are a nuisance in Andy's life, as well as people who are always nosy in Andy's personal affairs. He rarely met them, he prefered to avoid his step- mother and stepsisters who are very annoying in Andy's eyes.

After getting engaged to Luna, Andy felt his life was getting worse. He could not be side by side with Elizabeth even to see his child who was a few months away. Andy massaged his tired and heavy head, he really didn't want to go to the office.

"Huftt ... annoying! Since I got engaged to that woman, I can no longer take vacations to the various places I want to visit. I also can't find Elizabeth anywhere, my movements are getting limited! Daddy told me to be a good leader in the company, a good husband-to-be for Luna, and I have to ask Luna out often so that we get to know each other more!" Andy grumbled while imagining his first date with Luna.

Before the engagement ceremony was held, Arthur invited Charlie and his family to dinner at the mansion with Jessica, Luna, and Luna's two older brothers. The atmosphere in the dining room was not as warm and comfortable as Arthur and Charlie had hoped.

Luna's appetite was lost when she tried to be friendly to Andy, but instead Andy turned his face to the left avoiding Luna's gaze.


Arthur conversed with Charlie while occasionally chuckling at him. "My friend, I am delighted that you and your family have accepted the invitation to our dinner here."

"Yes, I am also very happy Arthur. Finally, I can meet my favorite child with your daughter, I hope they get closer after tonight's meeting," Andy replied with a big smile.

"Surely, they will get closer after tonight's meeting, Luna and Andy are a perfect couple right?" Arthur asked, looking alternately at Charlie and Virginia.

Charlie and Virginia nodded their heads in unison, indicating they agreed with Arthur's words.

"Andy, you won't regret it after you marry the most beautiful and elegant woman in this city. Luna is so gentle, kind, obedient, and also good at pleasing us. She will be a good wife and mother to you and your children," Jessica reassured Andy, then she poured some orange juice into Arthur's glass.

"I hope Luna can give us beautiful and handsome grandchildren. How about we gift them a holiday ticket to Rome or to France, Arthur? Let them honeymoon there and have children." Charlie smiled broadly at Arthur.

"It seems that a vacation to Rome is much more interesting than a vacation in France. After all, Luna has often visited that country to take care of our fashion company," Arthur replied, returning Charlie's smile.

"I see. Then we are planning a romantic getaway for our kids to Rome. Andy, you can't refuse my decision this time, alright?" Charlie looked seriously at Andy who was sitting next to Virginia.

Andy snorted in annoyance at his father's words, then he glanced at Charlie. "It's up to you, Dad. I don't care about holidays, weddings and all."

"Dad, Mr. Charlie. You don't have to bother giving us a romantic holiday gift," Luna said with a faint smile.

"Luna, Dad and your future father-in-law are not bothered," Arthur said.

"Luna, we love you like we love our own child. I really wanted to give you and Andy a special gift." Charlie said softly, warmly, and sincerely so that it touched Luna's heart which was in turmoil.

"Thank you very much ..." Luna concluded quietly, she forced a smile at Charlie and Andy who were listening to their conversation lazily.

Luna looked at Andy for a moment, she wanted to know what Andy thought about the wedding gifts that their parents would prepare. She also tried to be as friendly as possible to Andy, but the man turned his face away rudely in front of Luna.

'Do you think I am going on a honeymoon with a woman I don't love?!' Andy said in his heart. 'I just want to vacation with Elizabeth!'
