Pregnant with Robert's Child?

"I am pretty sure Miss Luna is pregnant with that man's child," said Ivanka.

"Whatever you say, Iva," Tracy said, she pursed her lips.

"Miss Luna is pregnant or not, that's none of our business," continued Tracy admonishing Ivanka.

"I know that, but we have worked at Aurora for many years and I love Miss Luna like I love my own sister. If it turns out that she is really pregnant, she will not be able to marry her fiancé. They must have told her to marry her boyfriend," concluded Ivanka in a half whisper. 

"Be careful with what you say, what if everyone in this room heard what you said earlier?! Do you want to be fired by Mrs. Jessica just for gossiping about our boss?!" Tracy exclaimed, glaring.

"Mrs. Jessica won't fire me because I gossip about our boss." Ivanka smiled wryly, then turned her face towards the window avoiding Tracy's sharp eyes.