Move To Texas

Agatha was talking to Robert on the phone without realizing the time difference in Seoul and Chicago, at that time Robert felt awkward because his mother called him at night.

"Mom, aren't you sleeping? In Chicago it's about 2.45 a.m. right now, isn't it?" He asked.

"That's right, Son. It's already 2 in the evening here but I can't sleep. I am thinking about Luna's wedding," Agatha replied lying.

Luna listened to the conversation between Agatha and her son as she frowned and leaned back in the chair.

"Why did you think about Luna's wedding? What if you get sick later? You better think about how to get her out of that cursed mansion and avoid her marriage to Andy," said Robert.

Agatha took a deep breath after hearing Robert's words, "Luna can't get out of there. Helena said that it's the same in the mansion, everyone is watching Luna's movements, especially a household assistant named Linda and Arthur's men."