Trapping Andy

After finishing dinner Luna took Andy to Haesu Bar which is located not far from Lavender Restaurant. There Luna ordered two bottles of soju for herself while Andy ordered a beer, they drank and talked.

Liquid after liquid went down Luna's throat and she became drunk, in a semi-conscious state she asked Andy to take her to the hotel. Andy did not refuse Luna's request, so the two of them went to Charlie's star hotel accompanied by Andy's driver who specifically picked up Luna at his house.

"Smith, you go home. Luna and I want to have as much fun as we can until morning," said Andy to his driver.

"But Sir, I can't leave you and Miss Luna drunk. I am afraid Mr. Charlie will ask where you are and what you and Miss Luna are doing." Smith stared at Charlie, his voice trembling.

"If I say go home, go home! Don't disobey my orders!" he exclaimed.