Chapter 4

The sun was scorching hot but Tinashe walked as if she didn't feel it. She was full and the group walked the direction Gavriel and Tinashe had suggested. With their calculations or could take at least three days to walk to a nearby village if they didn't manage to get help elsewhere. With her headphones on, backpack on her back and one hand pulling up the dress so that she would walk freely, she led everyone by a few metres. After a few hours the group was hungry and thirsty but they had finished up the water they had saved from a the plane this morning and all the rabbit meat was finished.

Amy seemed to have the weakest stamina of all and for the whole day she had asked to rest more than a few times.

It was almost evening when they found a place to camp for the night. "I'm so tired and thirsty. I'm even more hungry." Amy sat leaning in the tree and watched with bitterness as Jin settled opposite her next to Tinashe. "You said we could get to a village soon. Is that true?"

"Could I lie in this situation? Gav and I said it could take three days." Said Tinashe.

Amy scoffed, "You really have changed, you used to talk so nicely."

"This is who I really am, sweetheart." Tinashe smiled sweetly at her and the other woman rolled her eyes.

"At least you have a boyfriend to lean on when you're tired, Tina and I don't." Said Gavriel.

Amy rolled her eyes, "Well both of you can just lean on each other then." She suggested carelessly turning at hateful glare at Tinashe.

The man turned to Tinashe, "How about we lean on each other?" he moved his body closer to her and suddenly he was roughly pushed away. "Hey! It's not like I was taking advantage of you or anything." He complained looking at the woman who was also just as confused as he was.

"Are you trying to die for real this time?" Jin's cold voice sounded, "You can't covet another man's wife." He warned.

The other man frowned, "Why are you suddenly so protective of her?" he scoffed, "It's not like you're her husband."

Jin turned a glare at him, "I sure as hell am." He said dangerously and Gavriel's eyes popped wide open in shock. "You shouldn't look too shocked. Your eyes look like they might fall out."

"So, you have two wives or is that woman a mistress?" he asked, "You do show that Amy is your favourite though, just let the pitiful woman go then and remain with your Amy."

Tinashe looked at Gavriel whose eyes showed that he was genuinely feeling sorry for her. Her eyes moved to Ash and Kylie who seemed to feel the same way but awkwardly avoided eye contact with her before her eyes landed on Amy who was smug about it then back at Gavriel saying, "I'm not pitiful." Today she had many wake up calls that she was starting to realize that she was just being stubborn.

She hated that she had turned from an heiress that everyone coveted to a pitiful woman who was trying to get the attention of a man who would never love her. That was the most pitiful kind of person and she was just realizing that it was fine to not be with that man who made her look pitiful. It was such a relief in her heart, "When we get a divorce he will marry her for sure." She said with a smile.

Jin would have never imagined that those were her next words. His heart dropped seeing how she didn't seem to be faking or affected by her own words that she never would have said before, "What divorce? What are you talking about?" he looked a little panicked.

The woman kept her smile in place, "You knew it was going to end like this, I was so hopeful so I didn't know that so why are you more shocked than I am?" she patted his back gently bringing her face closer to his thinking that he was going to push her away like always and prove her point but this time he just looked at her seemingly too shocked to react. She pulled her face back laughing, "You knew how tired you were going to make me and I underestimated you." She raised both hands as if to surrender, "I'm tired of hanging on by a thread. No matter how sleepy and tired you are, this place wakes you up. It especially wakes me up."

"Let's talk somewhere else." He suddenly got up and pulled the woman next to him up.

Tinashe picked her bag when she was pulled up and didn't resist. Amy watched the two people leaving and she was visibly panicked. Jin didn't seem like he wanted to separate from Tinashe and when they were walking, he was just there by her side but his eyes were on that woman the whole time. It seemed like was hypnotized by her and now she could see why. Even though that woman was still wearing the same ugly dress Jin had bought for her and was most definitely still the same person, she looked charming ever since the plane crushed. She seemed to have changed from the meek woman who knew nothing and had no passion to this strong willed charming woman who seemed to know everything and was not fazed by anything.

Amy had always thought that something was wrong with Tinashe. Now she realized that in front of everyone who knew Jin, she was faking being sweet and submissive as if she was imitating her to get Jin's affection. She always made herself look like a weak woman who needed the protection of a man. But seeing her now... did she really?

"Do you think she is serious about the divorce considering how hard she worked in this marriage?" Ash asked his wife, "I don't believe it, maybe she is bluffing?"

Kylie scoffed, "Men," she rolled her eyes, "You didn't see how relieved she was just now, did you? It was like waking up from a nightmare."

"If it took such a tragedy to wake her up do you think he might sweet talk her?" asked Gavriel, "I'm just worried she will end up like me."

"You like her don't you?" Kylie teased and laughed when the man blushed then cleared his throat, "Oh my, weren't you going to kill yourself for another woman just yesterday?"

"She is different, she is not your average girl." He cleared his throat again, "I'm attracted to her personality and her skin is beautiful. It's not like I fell in love with her."

Ash scoffed, "Jin will kill you if he finds out. Do you think you're the first to covet his wife ever since they met? The guy is a psycho and extremely territorial with her. Some men even she doesn't know who were coveting her went bankrupt and others were forced to leave the country." He scoffed, "Keep your feelings in check."

"They are getting a divorce anyway." He said, "Who knows the future, right? She saw the real me and treated my wounds. Maybe she cares about me too, right? I actually met her once before, in the military."

"You served in the military too? With her?" Ash frowned, "Don't let Jin know that and don't bank on the divorce. I advise you from experience. Jin has been my brother for years."

"She can defend herself."

"Against Jin? You clearly don't know who you are talking about. When it comes to Tinashe, Jin goes crazy." Ash didn't even know how to make the others understand but he couldn't tell his friend's secrets.


Jin only stopped when they were a distance away from the others and turned to Tinashe huffing. He never would have imagined that Tinashe would talk about divorce after she had been so excited to marry him just a few months ago. His eyes narrowed suspiciously before asking, "What are you talking about the divorce?"

Tinashe pulled her hand from his hold, "Look, why do you act like it's news to you?"

"It is news to me, how can you just announce our divorce without discussing it with me? Do you know what a divorce can do to my company?" seeing her enlightened face he regretted his words immediately but he never knew how to coax a woman or show his vulnerability. He didn't know if he liked her but he had been drawn to her. Everything she did bothered him whether it was deciding to marry him or... that time. He was realizing that he barely knew her and wanted to get to know her even more and have a deeper understanding of her, yet she was already talking about divorce. "I mean... I told you already before we got married that you were bound with me forever. I don't do divorce."

"We will just keep it a secret at first or you can tell the media the truth that it was an arranged marriage you didn't consent." She shrugged as if it was just a small matter, "I'll handle my parents." She turned around and placed her backpack on the small rock behind then took a pair of black denim short shorts then wore it inside the dress before taking off the dress showing off her lacy black bra. She was about to wear the black tank top but she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. "What are you doing? You clearly hate me. What's up with you now?"

Jin lowered his head so that his mouth was next to her ear, "If you are testing me then stop it. I don't find it funny." Without giving her a chance to say anything he placed his hand in her back pocket and swiftly swung her around so that she faced him.

"Jin Nan, What a up with you? Are you crazy?"

"Let's test and see if something really is up." Her eyes were wide in shock and confusion when he lowered his head and captured her lips with his. The moment their lips touched he pressed her body even closer and he didn't wait long before he deepened the kiss.

His hands roamed around her back and pressed his hand underneath the wide belt at the back and only stopped when he realised that he was losing control of his body and mind, something that had never happened to him in his entire life. Looking at her confused face, even he was confused himself and had to fight the urge to pull her back into his arms. He just wanted to test and see if he really had growing feelings for her. The kiss wasn't supposed to be that intense or make him feel that way.

Tinashe pushed him and freed herself from his hold and took a step back then proceeded in wearing her black tank top.

Seeing her in all black after having seen her in bright colours looking all pure and innocent imitating Amy's style made him realize that he didn't know her at all. Something about him and her wearing matching colours made him swoon.

Tinashe, although shocked and shaken by his behaviour, didn't take his change positively. When she turned to him again she saw him with a proud smile and rolled her eyes, "Let's annul our marriage if we make it out of here alive."

"What?" Jin's smile faded.

She shrugged her bare slender shoulders, "Even if I don't make it, you can still annul the marriage. No problems." She clicked her tongue, "It's not as if the marriage was real in any way." She picked the ugly dress under her feet and then her bag before she walked back to the others with a new attitude. Even the way she walked seemed sexier and just different. Her long legs were showing and her arms were bare which made him feel a bit jealous that other men were going to see her like that and Gavriel who was clearly coveting her would become even worse. Even the boots she wore didn't look so out of place anymore as it did with the dress.

Jin was still too shocked and watched her slender back as she left and he could not even get angry with her anymore but he was angry with himself. The dress he had bought and one that she loved because it was from him had been under her feet for a few minutes. She treated that dress as her baby before but now... Now that he had thought about it, ever since she had taken off her wedding ring when she was preparing the rabbit this morning she hadn't put it back on again.

Jin only came back to his senses when he could no longer see the woman's back and he swiftly followed her. When he was close enough to the campsite he froze when he saw Tinashe throw the dress into the fire as if it didn't matter. He wanted to run there and save it but in just a few seconds the dress had already been swallowed up by the flames. He didn't even know why seeing that dress burn made him agitated so he turned back and walked away.


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Love Millie