Crown Prince

I almost jumped a bit when our eyes met. In that instance, I was sure what he was looking at.

He was staring at me. At my eyes.

Or I could be wrong. There are hundreds of girls in this hall. Why would he found me in the sea of people? That could not be possible.

He's staring at you. I'm sure.

Stop with your nonsense, Raja, please. I didn't attend this ball to reconcile with him in case you don't remember."

I do remember that, my lady. But I have the right to hope, don't I?

You should be siding with me since you're my dragon. Why do you seemed so affectionate with Demitri? Maybe it's you who wants to be with him?

Possible since I'm part of you, and so you are to me.

Give me a peace of mind, Raja! Don't give me stupid ideas that would both endanger us.

As you my lady wish.

I hissed at his sarcasm. When the dancing part began, I just stayed in the far corner, silently wishing for the time to go faster so I could leave the palace at once.

When the right time came, all ladies were called to gather and line up in the hall.

"First, Crown Prince Ares will choose twelve ladies to be subjected for further evaluation," the chamberlain informed.

Everyone was very eager to know the chosen twelve ladies. I bit my lower lip and looked at my shoes impatiently when the list of attendees were given to the chamberlain. He will call the names of the fortunate ladies.

"The first lady, we have..."

A loud applause filled the hall when the first lady on the chosen list was called. She was mentioned as the daughter of the general. A very good opponent to begin with.

"Second is.... third... fourth..." and it continued until two spots were left.

I was unconsciously biting the insides of my lip. I didn't look in front because I'm afraid I'd see those dark orbs again. That is basically not the right thing to do.

Here were go again with your 'right thing to do'. Can you just be honest to yourself, my lady. You're infatuated to him the way he is to you.

Stop corrupting my mind, Raja. I dare not be involved that way to His Highness.

"The last lucky lady is..."

My heart skipped a bit.

"I wish it's me!"

"Please, my name! My name!"

"Lady Ophelia!"

The moment I heard my name, I tasted blood.

"Can you believe it? It's you, Ophelia! It's you!" Thiara shook my arm, while I was just standing there, shocked and immobile.

When I came back to my senses, I looked straight in front and bravely met Demitri's dark blazing eyes.

What is he planning? I thought it was clear to him that I want to do nothing with him? Or maybe he just want to slap me with his authority. That I'm just nothing but a commoner who will crawl to him at his bidding. He wants to make me see how he can have every woman he wants. He wants me to see who's superior here.

"The twelve chosen ladies will stay in the palace for a week to be evaluated by the crown prince himself," the courtier added.

* * *

I couldn't sleep thinking about everything that happened tonight. We were given two days to prepare and after that, it was said that a coach will arrive to send me to the palace.

Should I enter the palace or not?

You don't have choice, my lady.

See? I told you. Demitri would just give me nothing but complications. His presence is starting to complicate things in my life.

We are not sure yet.

What prood do you want, Raja? Isn't obvious that I'm leading to a harder path?

I actually have a good idea about this. What if the key to your goal is in the palace? It could be possible, don't you think?

I don't think so.

You're so hardheaded, my lady. However, ad of now you have no choice but to go with the flow. Might as well look into different angles.

Indeed, Raja?

Indeed, my lady.

* * *

Two days later...

"Good morning, future Queen Ophelia!" Thiara gigled as she showered me petals of roses the moment I went out of my room.

"Queen Ophelia?" I flinched. "That sounds utterly ridiculous, Thiara."

"I'm sure that you have a high possibility to be chosen. Those other girls are only better than you in terms of status. But you know what is your edge? You are one step ahead over them because you already danced with the prince and slept in his chamber. So in simpler words, you caught Prince Ares' attention."

I shook my head. "I don't intend to marry anyone, Thiara. Let alone a prince who has a lot of responsibilities in his shoulders. I don't think I can handle such complexity."

"Well, you're right. The higher the position, the more responsibility is given to you. I was only thinking about the title. How insensitive I am. Pardon me." She smiled.

Shortly after I had done my morning routines, Thiara told me that the coach is already waiting outside.

"Thank you," I thanked her for helping me pack my things last night.

"Hope you stay well there, my dear. I know you don't want to marry the prince, but if ever you would be chosen, I'd be the first person to congratulate you."

"I owe you a lot. I'd be back after a weak," I promised.

Thiara grinned. "We don't know that."

"Oh, trust me. I know," I said with fake confidence because deep inside, I was under the assumption that Demitri only wants to get even because I rejected him. Men and there egos. There's nothing new.

"Take good care of yourself," she said, teary eyed as she sent me off to the waiting coach.

"Be a good bride to the prince."

I grimaced. "I will never be his bride."

We're not sure about that.

I'm sure than a hundred percent, Raja. He just wants to play with me. He has no intention of choosing me as his bride to be.

I flinched at Raja's laugh. It sounded too beastly.

As expected from a dragon. I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

"Take care as well, Thiara," I hugged Thiara tight before finally going inside the carriage.

It wasn't long before I could see the large barricades of the palace. My heart was pounding hard and loud when I was welcomed by a group of court ladies upon going out the carriage. They were immediately over my things.

"Welcome back, Lady Ophelia," the familiar court lady said to me. I remembered her as one of the servants who brought me food the first time I was brought here.

I simply nodded. I don't know how to address them right. I'm not used to being served.

"This way, my lady," they led me to the wide garden, then eventually to the large hall of the palace.

"We will put your things to the chamber first. Court Lady Emily will lead you to where are the others."

"Thank you."

I was then lead to a smaller hall where I saw the eleven other ladies.

"Hello. You must be Lady Ophelia, am I correct?" the general's daughter raised her brows to me.

"I am."

"What family do you belong?"

All of them looked at me, waiting for my response.

"I don't have a family."

"What do you mean by that?" the other one asked.

My lips fell apart.

"You mean you are not a noble lady? You are just... a commoner?" Disgust was evident on the way she uttered the last word.

I gasped. "Yes, I am."

Their eyes widened.

"What? All of us are daughters of councils, high ranked officials, and from noble families. And yet here you are, telling us that you're a commoner? How is that possible?"

Status discrimination. Of course I was expecting this.

"I believe every lady in the kingdom had a fair chance to be chosen regardless of status. If you have more questions why I was chosen, why don't you ask the Crown Prince himself?"

I know my status very well, but I just won't let anyone degrade me for that.