
I don't know why I suddenly feel weird thinking that I will actually be his bride even it would just be for two months. That span of time seemed so long for me. The question is, after all of these, will I really be capable of untangling myself from him? Not that I would not want to. But what if my escape plans won't work? Then I will be the crown princess for real? No, no. Erase that. I will not let that happen to me. I've taken so much pains just to get the freedom I have now. I will not waste it just to be caged in a palace again.

"Here we go."

I snapped out of my reverie when I felt the carriage stopped. When I turned to Demitri, he was already standing at the carriage's door, with his hand ready to give me support.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I reached for his hand. Once I was already outside, I quickly removed my hand from his and looked around.