The letter

'It is the last day, my lady,' Raja reminded me when I was left alone in my chamber to rest. 

I know. It is the last day I promised the magical healer that I will be staying in the palace. And whatever I do, I will not be able to escape from our agreement. I was not thinking about this while I was in the middle of execution because I thought that I will not survive. But now that I survived from the hands of death, my main concern came back to me, and I could not help but be afraid. Am I strong enough to leave Demitri? To leave all that I learned to treasure in this palace behind?

'Since you have agreed to do it, you should be strong enough to stand by your decision, or else…'

I shut my eyes tight as tears rolled down my cheeks. A soft sob came out from my lips.

If I will not do it and stay, the person I love the most will die.