Falling to a trap

"Eat that pill yourself, witch! I will never take that in my mouth!" Lucia said, voice filled with so much rage.

"Oh," the woman laughed. "Feisty. This is new that the ladies Madame Claret brought are not cry babies. You two are quiet tough, huh. I was expecting you to cry and beg like the usual actions of the ladies brought here, but you two haven't shed even a tear yet. Feisty and tough, I must say."

Lucia hissed. "Filthy mouth."

"Ha! Ha!" The woman just laughed like an evil straight from hell. "Come on, ladies. Open your mouth now so I can put the pills inside. Once you have taken it in, you will just be happy and nothing else. You won't feel anger anymore. You would–"

"We would just be nothing but a puppet, is that what you mean?" Lucia butt in sharply.

"But sorry to disappoint you, I won't allow myself to be a puppet controlled by lowly creatures like you and your freaking bosses."