Fire balls

"Looks like you want to keep the child even without the father. But have you thought about it? If you keep on doing those aggressive attacks, you would end up losing that little bastard of yours."

"How dare you call my child a bastard!" My voice echoed. "If there is a bastard here, it's you, you evil!"

I sauntered again and made a long-range attack. I can't attack him too closely. I can't be too reckless again and take blows from him. It might harm my child. I won't allow that to happen. When Demitri returns, I want us to be complete. I won't fail my family.

Raja was too busy fighting with Ren's dragon, he couldn't help me. And the ones left to guard the palace must be injured. There was no one to depend on.

Just when I was about to throw another fire ball, I stopped when I heard a voice.

"How dare you disturb my palace!"