Different shades

"Y-You mean, the guy you met in the bar is your freaking handsome tutor? My gosh!" Marie said in surprise while we were having lunch. I just told them what happened after I disappeared from the bar and what happened yesterday.

"What a great coincidence!" Lilian laughed. "Perhaps he is the one that fate has given you to replace Harris."

Talking about Harris, it seems that he immediately disappeared from my brain because of thinking about how I can get rid of that Mongreco. At least I got something from him.

"That's not a good idea, Lil. That man is too arrogant. I hate his guts. So I can't beat him. What happened to us that night should be forgotten. I don't find it a big deal anyway. "

"Too bad if he's handsome!" Marie who was seconded by Lilian.

"Yes, Des. It's a shame." Oh, these two are good to hit on the head. You are so thirsty for a handsome man that you thought the number of lovers was not increasing every day.