
He sighed. He did not appeal or comment. But I know that he won't go against my plan.

"If that's what you really want, then I'll help you. I'll come back with you. They are very influential, Desire. I want to ensure your safety."

"You don't have to do that. I can do it myself. I'll bring Cavi and Toru," I said. Referring to my two well-trained bodyguards. They have huge frames and muscular bodies. They are also very skilled in terms of combat. So I'm content when I'm with them.

"But of course, I'll also bring other bodyguards. You can't leave here, Rios. You know that dad expects you to be the only one for many things. You can't just leave him with Devon."


"Don't be stubborn. You can just visit me but you can't stay for too long. I'll just give you updates. I'll also ask for help when needed."

In the end he didn't object anymore. He can't change my decision no matter what he does.