1. Voice of Crying

"Come on Love, lit my fire," his palms gestured to her, offering hopes, "Please, join with me." She took off her pieces of cloth over her body, moving her feet to the water as her arms crossed over her chest. This morning felt chillier than the previous one. The raindrops made it even stronger causing her body to shake lightly.

As she came closer, he reached out to pull her in his arms, "Tie your legs around my waist," he asked his cute wife to adhere to his command. She tried to do what he asked her to.

He caught her body, hugged her tight, and took her walk to the deeper water, his lips didn't let go of hers. The deeper place offered rain without any tree protection.

"Ughhh," Mahendra kissed her nonstop as he pulled her down. His blue eyes stared at hers lovingly, and the second, they kissed again and again. "How is the inside part, Love?" he whispered to her ear. She raised her eyebrows, unable to comprehend that question, "Is the inside part as wet as the outer part?" as she grabbed the point of that question, she smiled sheepishly, and her cheeks blushed beautifully.

The next second, her face grew reddened as his man grabbed her tight. He inserted him into hers. She shuddered, as the feeling of pleasure made her groan and moan. She threw her head back, opening her neck to him. He sucked it hungrily, and bite it softly as he moved her body with the rhythm he felt the ecstasy of pleasure. "The water helps make your weight nothing so that our baby is safe," their eyes locked at each other as they both came on at the peak of the sweetness of love at the same time.

"I love you," Aruna didn't reply to it verbally. She touched his lips instead.

He smiled sweetly exposing his dimples before they finally walked to the bank of the lake and took shade under a big tree. He put on his wet clothes and hurriedly ran to find Susi.

"Wait a minute,"

Mahendra ran to the main house. He was handed an umbrella and towel pajamas, "Get me a thick blanket for my wife!" he opened the umbrella from Ratna's hands, and he put on his pajamas with the help of his aide. Susi was running to get what her young master asked her.


"Ratna, ask Susi to be quick!" Ratna walked away, meaning to look for Susi. Mahendra showed off his displeased expression, Susi was slower than he expected.

"I'm so sorry Master, your room is locked, I have to get another blanket," Susi showed up not long after Ratna disappeared. Susi followed him closely. Mahendra walked fast under the umbrella for his wife.


"Where is Aruna?" She was not where he last time left her.

Mahendra and Susi searched for all the possible places as far as their views could reach. "Don't make me crazy, Aruna! WHERE ARE YOU?!!"

Seeing her master yell, Master, let me get other guards," She dropped her umbrella and brushed off to the main house for help.

"ARUNA…!" Mahendra screamed and threw his eyes to the farthest he could reach, "NO JOKING PLEASE!!" he ran off here and there, panicked.

"Damn it!" there were other foot traces, not his nor hers. No other people walked into this area unless Aruna and himself were bare feet. Shoe foot traces, male shoes as the size and shape were typical male ones.

On the other place, from a window that could get a full view of that lake, someone was smiling happily. The smile turned into a laugh, a fearful laugh, not like ordinary laughter. And it turned into an amusing laugh as his eyes saw a group of guards running to the lake.

"Whoever could find my wife will get the best car!" Hendra shouted in great fear and panic, running wildly to follow his feet. The group of aides was running faster, scattering everywhere, and some were going into the water, in case their valuable Miss was drowned.

"Master…" Alvin shouted. Some aides ran to where Alvin stood. Mahendra did, too. "Isn't that Miss Aruna?" He pointed to a woman figure who was walking away from the lake.

That wet body with damped wet clothes was walking among the bushes. She didn't hear people shouting at her and running for her.

Mahendra was running like a mad man, his body was greatly trembling, and several times he was seen touching his chest. He was fighting against the dreadful fear washing over his mind as he just found out the stranger's footsteps around and Aruna's footsteps to the hills, ignoring his people's shouts.

Geographically, the main house is located between two cities. The roads heading to the main house are on the outskirt of the megapolitan city. When a car gets access to the area of Djoyodiningrat, that car will pass through the streets belonging to the outstandingly rich conglomerate of Djoyodiningrat.

Once the car goes inside, it will crawl up and stop by the hillside. An amazingly huge house is in sight, stands proudly and arrogantly, simply in contrast with the trees scattered all over the hills. The house is surrounded by solid high walls to secure that house, and on the right side, there is a clear and clean lake surrounded by shady trees. It becomes the most outstanding attraction of that house.

The lake can bring someone to feel the sensation of having into a different world, especially when he dares to walk along the lakeside. He will be presented with rock making up the cliffs of the hills since the solid walls of the Djoyodiningrat main house end up there.



And those little footsteps walked slowly in the bushes, heading to the cliff.

"ARUNA! Don't be crazy!! Come back!!" Mahendra's great fear of voice finally reached the membrane of her ears. It was an up and down pitch of voice due to the amount of anger he was facing at that moment. He looked at his wife with great anger.

"Hendra.." Aruna absentmindedly looked at her husband who was walking in slow motion, his face was red, his eyes stabbed at hers, and his hands clenched. He didn't care who he would launch. He grabbed her two hands and shook them hard several times, "Hen, you hurt me.." he took her jaws hard.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" the man who had been devoured with great fright hissed, trying to suppress his emotion.

"Hen.. let me go…" She begged him, anxious. She knew that she had made a mistake, but she was curious about the voice that she had heard previously.

Knowing that his lady was about to cry, Hendra tried hard to control his unbearable emotion. With all his attempts, he tried to tame his awful character and let go of his grip on her arms, the woman who almost made him insane.

He pulled her little body, moving fast to free her from the bushes, "Master, Miss Aruna's blanket," Susi tried to muffle his emotion by reminding him that he dragged his wife. Aruna had to half run to keep up with her husband's long footsteps, she was half dragged.

His breath was still up and down as Aruna was trying to let go of her hand from her husband's strong grip. Unfortunately, it was no use.

The group of aides were just looking at the scene and didn't do anything. They simply tolerated their master's anger this time. The mistake was on their lady, leaving without any notice was bad, especially since she was aware that her husband was too much paranoid about anything concerning her health and her safety.


"Hendra... " Aruna was trying to awaken her husband from his upsetting condition.

"Don't you hear the voice of someone crying?" she said again and again. But he didn't pay it even the slightest. He kept his grip on her hand and pulled her away from the lake to the main house.

"Sir, the blanket," Susi handed in the blanket that started getting wet under the rain. Mahendra felt a bit calmer as they were somewhere around the house. He took the cloth from Susi's hands. Without saying anything, he wrapped it around his wife's wet and dirty body. Her legs were muddy due to walking in the bushes barefoot.

"Listen to me!" he turned the blanket over that woman's shoulder. Her face was wet and full of regret.

"I don't care either you hear someone cries, or even writhing in agony and begging your help, don't ever disappear just like that. Never!" He was still consistently angry. "You!" his eyes were flashing with fire. Aruna was just silent, feeling remorse. Her eyes were watery, "There is one soul that is connected with you," he pointed his finger to her chest hard. She moved a step backward.

"And another one. There is a man whose sanity is on your hands," He was talking about himself, "If you allow bad things happened to you, even the slightest thing, you are killing two persons at the same time!" he snarled at her. It was exactly like the old Mahendra who could suddenly choke her and threw her into the bathroom and locked her there.

"I'm so sorry…" She drew her gaze down, feeling so much worse.

"Sir…" Rolland gave something to Mahendra's hand, "I found it after I followed Miss Aruna's footsteps,"

"Susi, bring my wife in," Susi pulled Aruna's hand softly, walking away from the group of aides who were circling Mahendra.

"Give this thing to Pradita," said Mahendra, it was directly responded to with a nod from Rolland. Hendra stopped walking and turned to him, Rolland and other aides stopped walking abruptly, "Does it make the crying sound when it is turned on?" asked the blue-eyes.

"Yes, it does," Rolland nodded to confirm. On the other side, Herry showed him a transparent string like a guitar string that was hooked to the instrument which made the crying sound.

"Keep this information from anyone about what happened this morning, especially Mommy Gayatri and Oma Sukma. I don't want them to get worried too much."

"We do, Sir!" the aides replied in unison.

"From now on, increase the guard over the three ladies of the main house. Give them at least two or three guards to assist them where ever they go. Make sure they are safe," Mahendra's commands were responded to with nods from his guards. "The other keep searching for the owner of that footsteps," Someone who was trying to pull his wife away to follow that cry.

In a room, from a window above, someone was watching him give orders to his guards, her hands were tied under her chest. "You get more and more adorable. Why? Hehehehe…you used to be very arrogant, didn't you?" she was talking to herself.


"I don't see your husband, Ki. Where is he?" an inquiry came out from the noisiest chatterbox of the settlement along the bank of the river.

"He is out of town," Kiki replied lightly. Her hands quickly pulled some vegetables hanging on a three-wheeled motorcycle belonging to the hawker.

"Who's the one who came here yesterday? Kidnapped by a good-looking man? What a stroke of luck," Kiki knew that the group of wives was looking at her cynically. They might be the wives whose husbands were beaten up by a man who was called Vian. Kiki was unsure about that as she didn't have a chance to get a proper introduction.

"…" Kiki stayed silent. She bent her head down, unwilling to reply to that nosey question, "How much do I have to pay?" She asked the seller.

"Well, you're supposed to compensate for the lost the people suffered when trying to help you, Ki. Not just paying the cost of that vegetable of yours."

"Pfff…." She blew the air out of her nose, "I'm sorry if the people here feel bad..."

"Come on…cut it off!" her best neighbor was interfering in that awkward situation. "I think it was Sasono who is responsible for that incident. He was the one who added fuel to the fire so that the men were involved in that fight. Kiki's father had reminded them all to be out of that affair," as she was talking, she poked Kiki and signaled her to leave that place immediately.

Kiki nodded and drifted away from the crowd of gossipers.



[Thomas, I hope you are doing fine today. I don't want to bother you unnecessarily but your clothes are still at this house. I want to send them to that yesterday address] a message from Kiki was sent to Thomas's cell phone.

Unfortunately, it was not Thomas who received the message, but Pradita. He was brushing up on all the applications and chatting from Thomas' cell phone. Pradita was assessing if he had to reply to the chat of that woman or not. Then, he remembered all the procedures of data taking, no personal issues were involved.


Some messages came through Thomas' cell phone again and again. This time that woman sent a picture of a suitcase with Thomas' clothes. Then, no more messages were coming in.




The book [Mr CEO Pregnant Wife] is the season IV from the book [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss] season I, [One A CEO Wife] season II and [Mr CEO's Beloved Wife] season III. If you want to read it in chronological order, you can start reading it in season I [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss] then [One A CEO Wife] season II and [Mr CEO's Beloved Wife] season III. More Over, the novel [Mr CEO Pregnant Wife] can be enjoyed independently because it presents different conflicts.