6. Your Poor Girl

"Sure, but it is not as bad as it is said. Hendra fills up our room with aromatherapy so that I don't feel that bad," explained Aruna

"Sister Aruna, tomorrow is brother Damar's inauguration," Laras said as she looked at the man who was sitting on the veranda and who didn't let go of his gaze from Aruna.

"Will you all come?" Aruna whispered in inquiry.

"Yes, we will," Dea replied.

"We have to celebrate the success of that scruffy guy to be able to finish his study on time," Lili had assumed that Damar would not be able to finish his study on time. She sounded disbelieved.

"I guess I should also have to be made a broken heart to boost my spirits double ten times more," Lili added.

"Serious?" Aruna teased her.

"Look at him! Timi is still around if you are ready to cry and cry like that past time," Dea knocked her arm.

"No, thanks. I've got enough," Lili turned, withered right away. She is still annoyed to see a woman picks Timi up every day, even when he is on duty at Magic Letter.

"I think we have to come to his best moment, especially me," Aruna remembered something she had to say to that man. "By the way, do all of you agree with brother Anantha's presentation?" she asked her friends' opinion.

"Who will let down an offer if the one n charge is your husband, Aruna?" Dea said.

"The success chance is 90%, only 10% is an external factor. Too good to reject," added Lily.

"Besides us, Agus and Damar have rights to listen too," Dea added.

"Moreover, Damar has the shares in Magic Letter, remember?" Aruna reminded others.

"I think, Damar has forgotten that. Anytime I send his shares, he simply says 'Okay', no other words," Lily explained.

"Perhaps he has a new exciting life in Jogya," Dea assumed.

"Or he may have a new girlfriend," Laras added. Automatically, some pairs of eyes stared at her.

"What exactly happened to that boy?" Aruna was wondering.

Lily shrugged. Dea shook her head.

"That's why we must come tomorrow," Laras gave a make sense suggestion.

"Okay…" Aruna hid her curiosity and glanced at her husband.

It is not easy to ask Mahendra for permission. She brushed off her mind to get an idea as she walked to the veranda where her husband was sitting.

As Dea and Aruna moved to the veranda, the garden outside the main house turned dark. A group of men walked with their dogs walking across the garden. They were heading to the lake, "Sister, what are they doing?" Lily saw a man behind her. She knew the name of the man walking in the last row with a dog sniffing the ground.

The guy's name is Herry, He drops by at Magic Letter once a week. There is no communication between him and Lily but standard acquaintance, a standard smile, and greetings.

"It seems that I can move on," Lily whispered to Laras.

"You simply have to! There's no point of feeling awful alone, the only one who got the broken heart." This time Lily was lazy to debate her.


[I know you have found Thomas,] was a short message Mahendra sent to Vian while he was talking with Surya.

[I am sorry, Sir, I haven't told you about this. There are some issues we need to find out further so that you can get the whole information] was a reply from Vian. The pregnant woman was by now coming to him, putting a plate of her dinner on the table where her husband was sitting.

[No chance??] that two simple words made Vian freeze., Who is he that he has no chance to inform his boss? Vian, who previously was busy with Pradita and his men, was suddenly choked. He took a deep breath to relieve it.

[Raka! Get the man at Leo's house!]

[Relax, Bro! Grab yourself]


"What does my wife wish to have?" Mahendra asked as he knew his wife behaved oddly. She penetrated between his open legs and sat on his left thigh.

That blue-eyed man had an instinct that his woman wanted something from him. She hugged and kissed him voluntarily.

He hugged her back and pulled her in his arms, and her body felt warm.

"Em.. can I ask something?"

"What is that? I'll buy it for you," he kissed her along her neck.

"Hen.. stop it, please! I'm embarrassed..." she pushed his head and put his face in her hands.

Instead of listening to her wife's complaint, he closed his eyes and waited. "Give me a break! Many people are around-"

"Aarh," Hendra pulled her face, and the next second he crushed her lips.

"Now tell me what you want, I will grant it," he said after making her face blush red.

"My friends will have a reunion tomorrow," Aruna brushed the collar of her husband gently.

"Reunion?" she nodded.

"High school reunion or what kind is that?" His forehead furrowed, expressing dislike.

"Magic Letter reunion,"

"What you call it today?"

"Incomplete one,"

"Oh' who makes it complete tomorrow?"

"Em... " Aruna ran out of words to reply.

"Talk to me clearly so that I get a full comprehension of you," Mahendra opened up his eyes as if to swallow his wife's face fully. That made Aruna's lips freeze.

"Dea said that tomorrow is Damar's inauguration and he expected all his friends could come," Surya, who had been requested by Dea to tell that to Mahendra, finally spoke up. She kept whispering to him and said, 'Come on Oppa…help Aruna',.

"Oh, I see…okay then...." Mahendra nodded.

"I Love You.." Aruna kissed him.

"But I will come as well," He looked at his wife right on her face again.

"Yea..h" her voice sounded defeated.



"Darko, go in and never get out of this place!" she combed her hair before going out, then locked the door tight.

She walked along the halls of the house wondering why there were some foreign cars parked outside. One of the cars was familiar to her. It belonged to Surya.

There was a warming dinner on the veranda of the main house. She walked to the kitchen to ask who the visitors were. And she was surprised to see a man with glasses walking out of the restroom. He was the man she heard would replace her position.

Aditya said hi lightly to her as he came across her in front of the restroom..



A carved towering door was slammed open. The forceful push made it screech a little.

"Opa… Opa Wiryo... I can't take this! Please put mercy on me a little," that middle-aged man who was sitting alone on his bed while enjoying reading a book put his book down on the bedside table.

"What happened to you Anna?" Wiryo dragged his feet off the bed. He also took off his spectacles and gave them to her to be put on the small table by the side of the bed.

That middle-aged man was shocked when that angry girl knelt on the floor before him.

"I'm now abandoned since the coming of Mahendra's wife," She shed tears and looked up at that old man.

"Not only Mahendra abandoned me though, Oma Sukma who used to support my engagement with Mahendra, looked down upon me and stopped talking with me. Mommy Gayatri also doesn't talk with me now. And you…what about your responsibility? You pushed me to take Mahendra as my husband, but do you now simply discard me?" she then rested all her legs on the floor and touched the floor with both her palms.

"And now look at this poor girl. She has no job now. Hendra replaced me with someone else after I swallowed all the gossip," Her voice was up and down.

"They say I am a wasted woman, they give their cold shoulder to me, and even my job is taken away from me. This is all due to that girl, Mahendra's wife!! What did I do wrong Opa?! I want justice now! You and your family have played with my fate and my life," Anna cried, resigned. Wiryo looked at her flatly, although his eyes were shimmering.

"Then…what do you expect from me?"

"Then…what do you expect from me?" Wiryo stood up in front of that kneeling woman, and that made Anna shudder instantly.

_Is he able to walk?_


Her friends and her brothers left earlier than expected. It was because Mahendra felt Aruna's body temperature go up. He had to make his wife rest. It was likely that the pregnant woman was having a cold.

That group of guests could not do a proper goodbye to Aruna but to Mahendra. It was due to the coming of a team of doctors who were going to examine Aruna's condition.

The dogs walked by a group of bodyguards climbed up and down the cliffs and the hills. They finally ended up on a single road belonging to the Djoyodiningrat family or a special highway leading to the main house.