17. 15 minutes

Kiki realized maybe she could ask Vian about related news, Thomas. Too bad this girl believes Thomas doesn't want to see her. Even if Thomas wanted to meet himself and his family, he would have replied to Kiki's messages.

"Ah?? AAAGRH.....!"

This girl screamed when a car drove up and suddenly stopped in front of her motorcycle. You have to make an urgent decision every few seconds.

In addition to gripping the brakes firmly in the right and left hands. Kiki slammed her bike to the side of the edge so that the girl fell on the grass.

It's a good thing that tonight was quite quiet, so the incident that just happened to Kiki did not attract a stir. Just when this girl got up with a dirty shirt and a cracked helmet glass.

He heard someone laughing out loud. Laughter familiar man, really Vian out of his luxury car.

For some reason tonight, Kiki lost the power to get angry. He hurriedly checked the bike, ascertaining whether Thomas's gift motor was okay.

It turned out that the opposite happened; although he was not seriously injured, the right motorcycle bumper was scratched long enough.

And for the first time, the girl ended up crying too.

"Hiks.. hiks.."

He could not see his bike was no longer perfect, the automatic motor was already standing upright. Unfortunately, the owner was sitting on the ground. Lament long scratches that spoil vision.

"Are you okay? Hi.."Vian's voice showed an expression of regret.

"Hi.. don't cry.. I'll make it.." the man approached the girl who was sobbing hugging the bike," - looks good as before, " said Vian.

Vian was trying to relieve Kiki's anxiety, and the man bent his legs after walking closer to Kiki.

"Bomb, it's okay.. I'll make her beautiful again.."Kiki ignored Vian's persuasion.

This woman is amazing. Her heart has been jumbled lately, and it's getting more chaotic after a day of being harassed by someone who seems to have a strange relationship with Thomas. A man named Vian, who knows his intentions, hopes to meet Kiki's eyes.

"Bomb How is your body? are you hurt?, "Vian checked Kiki's dirty shirt, and she hoped this grumpy girl was fine.

"Bomb, your shirt is torn," Vian raised Kiki's left arm, revealing a slightly torn and dirty elbow Hoodie jacket.

"Haaah.. shut the fuck up!!". Kiki removes the cracked glass helmet from her head. The woman stood up and dropped her helmet.

Knowing that Kiki was standing, Vian followed to get up from her position. Surprisingly, a woman whose height is nothing compared to a sad-eyed man dared to grab Vian's collar.

The next thing Kiki did was pull Vian's body closer to her. A few seconds later he turned his head away. "Bam!"In no time, kiki swung her head with all her might.

"Ah.. auuu.."Vian grimaced, holding her head.

The rude girl managed to make a worthy reply. Hit Vian's head as hard as he could with his head. Not only that, it can't be overlooked. It took a long time for Kiki to be able to take down Vian's body which she then beat blindly.

"Stop! Bomb!"

The girl was completely similar to his appellation. Bombs that explode always manage to destroy various kinds of objects around them.

Like a girl named Kihrani who beats men blindly, even when both hands are trapped, Vian still got a bite in the arm.

The bomb blew itself up until he was satisfied. His whole face was angry. "Huuuh huuuh.."it's not just Kiki who gasps. Vian was so messed up, that his breath went up and down.

He finally managed to stop the Bomb blast by way of not knowing himself. Hugged the girl until she could no longer move and ended up tired of herself.

"Go you! Go all the way.. Astral beings!"Kiki's insults adapted random sentences in her brain.

"Listen To Me! Vian tried to calm the grumpy, "I met you with good intentions,".

"I don't care!"Kiki's voice was still up and down, full of anger while tidying herself up.

"You may not care about me, but Thomas needs your help," Kiki's gestures stopped for a second. I heard the words of Vian.

"Whatever," Kiki grabbed the helmet, whose glass was cracked. With a single pull, his helmet glass dislodged the whole.

Vian was stunned to see the girl's strength pulling the helmet glass with a single pull.

"I honestly want to ask you for help. Thomas only has 2 days left, maybe including today," Vian said. The jet-black-haired girl whose hair ties were now messy stood up and began to pull small ties in her hair.

Vian followed and straightened her legs, " Thomas doesn't want to talk, making it difficult for us to help him," Vian said, trying to convince Kiki, who was combing her hair using her fingers.

"I told you! I don't care!" said Kiki, deciding to braid her hair.

"If it wasn't for Thomas I wouldn't be able to see you," Vian finally joined in angrily.

"Are you or am I looking for trouble?!" damn, how can Vian consider herself (Kiki) a troublemaker girl who is not worth meeting? "Aren't you always looking for me? Cih!"

"That's because you're hard to talk to," Vian counterbalanced Kiki's protesting line.

"Haah! Didn't you realize I was working?!"

"I only ask for 5 to 10 minutes, well at most 15 minutes," complained Vian.

"Seriously you! 15 minutes to make me sit in your car?! I could be fired."

"What's wrong with 15 minutes?"

"I don't know.. Either you're stupid or I'm stupid. Or maybe our lives are too different, " Kiki lazily argued.

After they finished braiding her hair, the girl wore a helmet and got on the bike. The turn will reverse to find a driving foothold. Surprisingly, the bike can't move.

Vian gripped the back side of the motor.

"Aaa!! Especially now, I'm tired of knowing!" indeed, the body of this fallen girl began to feel pain.

"I'm not stupid," Vian protested. Kiki who looked back, stared sarcastically at Vian.

A little afraid to see the serious expression of the sad-faced man. "What's wrong with 15 minutes?". His serious face turned dazed, and it seemed that he did not understand the pattern of Kiki's life.

"Huuh," Kiki let out a sigh, finally realizing maybe this man doesn't know, "Boro-boro 15 minutes, throughout my work sift, a cashier didn't dare to sit down,"

"Oh, I see.."


"Hen.. take it off.."Aruna tried to stretch her husband's arms, but the man shook his head. When his face was raised, he presented round eyes and blinked, like a cat who was moaning hunger.

"Oh, God.. I hope the baby doesn't suck."

Suddenly the man who blinked his eyes changed his expression. As if he was surprised.

"Honey, if a baby is born and he is spoiled. So what do I do?" a strange question, but for those who know Hendra. This kind of question is her daily habit.

"Yes, it's okay, you are still a human being, just add one title besides the president, that is.. Dady.. Hendra," at the end of the sentence Aruna without excited.

Once again, Mahendra's expression was not in harmony with his wife. He showed a worried face.

"When the baby is born, who will you give priority to?"

"Of course it's our baby.."Aruna shifted her body. She rose from Mahendra's lap. At the same time, hooking up two buttons that had been released, the pervert disguised husband.

"Why not me?"Mahendra protested," I should still be the main one,"

"Oh My God! what the hell is wrong with you! It's always weird, " Aruna patted herself on the forehead.

"It's not strange, dear, I made the baby there, therefore I am the main one," whatever Hendra wants to talk like, Aruna can not digest his mind.

"Just a minute. hold on.. don't you think our baby is a boy, and you're afraid of competition?"Aruna tried to straighten out the contents of her head that were falling apart due to Mahendra's protest sentences.

"Yes," blue eyes nodded," therefore, I always hope and pray at all times that our baby is a girl, if necessary my children are all girls, so I have no competition, I'm the only one in love, " Mahendra's monologue is quite astonishing.

However, being able to make the pregnant woman smile brightly, Hendra turned out to be very different from his grandfather. Aruna felt no longer worried by elder Wiryo's confrontation.



"I also hope that our baby is born as a beautiful little princess and has alluring blue eyes, as beautiful as yours," she said, smiling brightly.

Aruna discovered many things today, which allowed her to immediately fulfill the request of elder Wiryo, -10 life principles-.


"Yes Sir.."

"Please stop our car at the mall ahead," Alvin nodded.