22. A Piece Of Chocolate Candy

Kiki hurriedly nodded, " yes.. sorry.. I'm sorry.." the black-haired girl looked up. She thought that tears would come back into her eyes. In fact, the way he looks up, the more the appearance of bitterness. Good heart, Thomas. Even some men observe the interaction of gray space.

Thomas removed his hand feels from Kiki's palm, " to be honest.. I don't like your coming, let alone asking how I am in this condition," Thomas looked at the girl who was now washing her own eyes.

"what you can not do much, they have managed to urge you, until you are here," Thomas indulgence tired gaze, heartbreaking, made the situation between kiki and himself increasingly so awkward.

"I ask.."the word that intends to apologize is present from two people at once. They both apologized to each other for things they didn't understand.

"I don't like that you're sorry, "Thomas said, "I should be the one apologizing for having you dragged into this room."

"it doesn't matter Thomas, I want it," Kihrani chattered reassuringly.


"In fact, so it happened, "Kiki took a deep breath of the air around her," I'm glad I finally know the reason you never returned my messages, and that's a huge relief. You can laugh at me but.. I was really bothered to see my chat just in read, good-looking reply," this sentence managed to push a thin smile on Thomas's lips.

"That really sucks!, that's terrible.. someone else read my message for you," Kiki's slightly flaming voice was quite comforting to Thomas. Moreover, he glanced sarcastically at the Observer's camera connected to the monitor screen located in the observation room. Kiki threatens someone, and in her mind, the culprit is none other than Vian.

_measure.. he wasn't delusional when he saw the White atmosphere around his prison cell. Thomas could not deny that he was grateful today. Bright clothes combined with Kiki's thick black hair are perfect for her to keep as defensive ammunition.

"Em.. Thomas, I brought--, " chirped kiki, creating curiosity. Thomas watched the girl remove the object from her hiding place. Kiki wore a skirt slightly below the knee and a short-sleeved shirt with a semicircular collar creating an open neck region.

Kiki's hideout is the pants inside her pretty skirt. You can imagine how comforted Thomas was. The angry girl casually exposed her skirt and almost made two men in front of the monitor screen gape. Too bad the edges were disappointed.

The girl complemented the outfit with an Under knee-length skirt-with pockets. A habit that Thomas already knew. Thomas was not surprised by the upskirt that Kiki showed, he was more surprised when this girl painstakingly opened the chocolate candy that had been grasped by the palms of women's fingers.

Kiki thrusts a piece of chocolate candy at Thomas and another piece to herself. "I can only bring this to you, - Thomas. Them, em.. Vian and the glasses won't let me bring anything, so all I can hide is this candy."

Thomas observed the chocolate candy over his palm. He looked dimly. "they must know, you brought this candy,"

"I see.."Kiki stopped the movement of chewing chocolate candy. The girl was caught thinking Kiki who had deliberately removed this candy so she could entertain Thomas.

It seems that the Sweet Thing gave Kiki an idea in her head, "Thomas, if only your friends knew I was hiding candy in my pants.. why can't you believe they can help you too," Kiki analogizes candy with the ability of Thomas's friends to uncover the murder of a man who is currently closing his eyes.

Just when his eyes were open, the man observed CCTV cameras, including a device that could record their conversation. Thomas lowered his body, examining something under the table. And he found nothing, with a clenched fist harboring an expression of anger. Thomas pulled up his seat and made a noise.

Kiki froze like an ice sculpture, and she never saw this expression of Thomas. The closer Thomas shifted his seat, the stronger heartbeat of Kiki felt her fear. Thomas is being serious this time.

The shoulder-length-haired man put his chair facing Kiki's chair, "I tell you Kiki, what made me keep my own case,"

"they say you have less than 2 days Thomas,"

"time? 2 days? meaning?"Thomas wondered.

"they said, in two days you will meet the supreme leader, I don't know what that means, but I'm sure the meeting must be something important so Vian begged me that you would reveal your case," this sentence Kiki said with a heartbeat that could not subside.

"good!, the meeting is what I want," said Thomas, who is now sitting on the left side of Kiki, using the chair he directed to Kiki's chair.

"Then Thomas.. Why you, huuuh.. I don't know.. "the girl ended up confused herself.

"I always had a reason, I even had a reason why I was standing at the red light.. when you left me at the red light stop," Thomas's monologue managed to lower Kiki's face. "I know.. even though you look rude and grumpy, and even tend to be stubborn, you won't have the heart to leave me alone."(season III Chapter beginning)

"Okay, I won't ask you again, I believe," the girl nodded, turning her head towards Thomas.

Thomas lowered his voice, "so that you calm down, I tell you a little reason, why the victim chose silence," Thomas's body protruded closer to Kiki's ear.

The two men who captured Thomas and Kiki's communication through the monitor screen were slowly caught furious," I'm going to enter the interrogation room, " Vian chirped, which was then stopped by Pradita.

"we can seduce the girl open mouth, don't complicate things. just let Kiki get the information, rather than us interrupting their conversation so that Thomas doesn't want to share with anyone," Pradita's long monologue managed to stop the emotions that erupted in Vian's chest.

While in the gray room, a man whispered one of the reasons that he had only kept for himself, " really, I once made a big mistake, then to cover up that mistake by creating an even bigger mistake. I thought, I can be free from problems, it turns out I'm just a doll that someone played very neatly,"

Kiki swallows saliva, trying to digest the word for word that Thomas assembled.

"then what happened?"

"the man who made me a puppet, killed me, just as neatly as he tricked me, I couldn't think that woman had such great abilities to carry out her mission,"

"girls?" how surprised Kiki was to listen to Thomas' long narration.

"Yes! Thomas affirmed, " the thing is, the woman I told you about is a good girl in the eyes of our entire circle of life. She is dad's favorite adopted daughter, and she is also the young master's best secretary,"

"if you're honest, maybe your friends will help you and the problem will be revealed," Kiki still tried to convince Thomas.

"he.. hehe. Impossible for me to have no proof, they'll think I'm bragging, worse. If I reveal it now, and my friends carry out their own missions without the knowledge of the president, the damn female tongue silat is able to trick my friends,"

"is he really great?"

"no, except for her ability to convince others that she is a good girl, it is almost impossible to take extreme measures, let alone kill you. no one believed he could do that shit. His only brother, Leo, repeatedly brushed off my honesty,"

"I've met people like him, they are good at playing victim," Kiki recalls memories of her past when she was bullied by her school friends, which ended up harming Kiki herself, who got punished. Because when he reports the bad actions of the bullies. They are better at playing victim than Kiki. And Kiki ends up in law and ostracized.

The incident of bad school days made the black-haired woman unravel. Choosing to hide the beauty of her hair, then deliberately make herself a superior girl who is ready to grab anyone who dares to disturb her. The way of being untouchable is sometimes strange. Kiki deliberately makes herself feared through extreme harshness and unmitigated courage.

"then, how to convince the leadership.. em.. President?"I mean, Kiki, her friends just don't necessarily believe in her. How about someone called president by Thomas?

"He's a unique man.. ...…. "