25. I Can See Miss

The crying girl immediately washed away the tears. She immediately went out to find out what happened to someone who seemed to need help.

"Oh my god, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" This sentence is unrequited.

The woman vomited uncontrollably. Not finished opening the water faucet to clean the sink. He vomited again, again and again. The panicked Kiki immediately massaged the base of the woman's neck.

"Please.. Get me my wind oil, " the woman's panicked voice prompted Kiki to search the bag. The girl immediately opened the wind oil, then brought it as close as possible to the limp female nose.

Kiki deftly opened the water tap so that the smell of vomit immediately disappeared. Then the girl paused for a moment to pour wind oil on her palm. Kihrani spread the oil all over the limp woman's open back.

"You have a cold, Sis," I don't know what a cold disease is? A disease that has no definition. But the signs can be known.

Aruna blushes when she gets a more thorough massage from Kiki's hands.

"Try washing your face," suggested the girl who was massaging.

"That citrus scent, I don't like the smell," after a few minutes helped this woman get rid of nausea. Kiki gets an explanation that she thinks the woman has an allergy to the smell of air freshener.

"Are you tormented with that thing?" Kiki's index leads to a hissing device that emits smoke in the form of a refreshing aroma. Surprisingly, it is a problem for women who are limp.

"Yes," Aruna nodded. The look on her face revealed a tormented expression.

This prompted Kiki to grab a hissing object, then throw it into a trash can in the corner of the room and immediately close it.

Aruna was surprised, and the girl dared to throw away her husband's Hotel furniture. If Mahendra knew for sure, this girl would get a sanction in the form of a fine that could cost twice as much.

"How? You more comfortable now?" Kiki's question after returning to Aruna.

The woman nodded lightly, then followed Kihrani's advice by washing her entire face.

"Why is your back open? Did something bad happen to you?".

At the moment, they are in the toilet of a 5-star hotel. The woman Kiki meets could be the same age or maybe 1 year above her, looks messy with an open-back shirt and vomits without pause.

Could this woman be a mistress?.

Kiki's brain moves everywhere her back has a lot of scars. Pretty awful when observed.

"The size of the clothes bought by The Bodyguard, eh' my friend is wrong, " said Aruna to the foreign woman.

Kiki hurriedly grabbed her own bag, then pulled out a hoodie.

"You can put on my hoodie," Kiki bargained after taking the thing out of her bag.

"Don't you want to help me pull the zipper?" Aruna's question got a nod. Kiki did it immediately. Too bad it's not easy

"Em.. maybe it's because I'm pregnant so it doesn't fit, my friend forgot my size,"

"Oh, you're pregnant?!"Kiki realized she was vomiting because of her pregnancy.

"Why were you crying?". Aruna looked fresher after washing her face. Although his body felt weak, he was slowly able to find himself.

"Hehe, I'm just pissed at someone and hungry," Kiki actually helps Aruna put on her hoodie. The Dress that is worn does not fit pregnant women, especially in the chest, which also enlarges due to pregnancy hormones.

"Ooh.. are you crying because you're hungry? I'm so limp right now, you want me to buy you something to eat?" Aruna tried to repay Kiki's kindness.

"No need.. I didn't want any trouble, I just-"

"Really," Aruna caught both Kiki's palms, " I want to lie in one of the hotel rooms while waiting for my husband. Unfortunately I don't dare to be inside alone, we can eat together and you accompany me to rest for a while,"

"I'm sorry I have to go home," Kiki's way of speaking sounded more friendly. She likened her way of speaking to the woman in front of her.

"Uuhh what a pity," listening to Aruna's complaint, Kiki indulged in a faint smile on her lips.

"Let's meet my aide first, eh? I mean my friends, so I can return your hoody" Aruna's monologue received a nod.

Just a few steps, Aruna walked. Dizziness hit his head. Kiki moved closer. He held pregnant women who looked increasingly lethargic.

Just as Kiki came out of the bathroom, a group of men ran up to her.

"Miss? Miss you all right?" three men approached the woman on Kiki's shoulder. And the other one ran after, saying, Would Tell The Master.

_wah it turns out this woman princess_ Guman Kiki in the heart, realizing several times the woman on his shoulder said the word 'aide' which is then always in error become friends. It's true, and this pregnant woman has a group of bodyguards.

And when the three men in front of Kiki look like they want to reach out to help her, they are simultaneously covered with confused expressions mixed with awkwardness. Wanting to grab the arm on the other side, only-the three looked at each other and threw gazes as if to say, 'you only!'.

"Hi.. you, can you help accompany Our Lady? He's afraid of being alone. And we don't have permission to enter the room.!"the explanation of the Adjutant is similar to what the drowned woman said.

"Em.. but I have to-"

Kiki's remarks were ignored, and the woman who was increasingly seen as weak was arrested and in the building of her aide (Herry).

"Harry bought my friend dinner,"the woman's voice sounded.

The aide who was carrying her moved quickly towards the nearest hotel room. While Kiki was pulled by one of the other men dressed similarly to the one holding the Miss. Alvin makes sure the girl gets dinner.

"Em.. This is sister's bag earlier" the aide handed over the object before the two intended to separate.

"Our Lady is likely to ask, Have we carried out her orders or not?"

Alvin's intention is to buy Kiki dinner, the girl who helps his lady in the bathroom.

"It's okay, just say I'm in a hurry, it's late and I have to go home," Kiki completes her farewell.

"May I have your phone number? Can the lady contact you later? "asked Alvin. Kiki took out her phone.

From behind came the sound of running steps. Someone stopped the way the man in front of Kiki typed the mobile phone number. The aide subdued half of his body.

"What room is my wife in?"the sound is heavy and has emphasis at the end of the sentence. I was able to get Kiki to look up.

A tall, well-built man with brilliant blue eyes combined with brownish hair. The structure of her face is perfect, her nose is high, her eyelashes are tapering, and her lips-.

Suddenly the description in Kiki's brain stopped. He had seen that face, but where? This Hotel too. Didn't Thomas ever send him to the place he is currently visiting?

DJoyo ritz hotel and the blue-eyed man called the President.

"Em.. May I know the name of the man who just left," said Kiki after the man walked away. Having just opened her smartphone, the girl ran her finger through the Instagram app.

"Oh' who just asked me?"asked Alvin.

"yes. Is he.. "it's Kiki's voice.

"Mr. Hendra," replied Alvin.

"Mahendra Djoyodiningrat, is that person the same as the man in this photo?"Kiki showed Alvin the phone screen.

"That's right, this is the official account of our Lord Mahendra," Alvin's words caused a tremor in both Kiki's chest and hands.

_Be that guy.. The young master Thomas was talking about?_

the fate of Thomas was in his hands, and the woman who asked for help in such a gentle tone was his wife.

"Em.. I changed my mind, dinner from you guys seems to be going great, " Kiki changed her decision.

"And one more thing, after I eat, will I be able to see your miss again? Or meet your master? - Sis?"this girl sounded quite presumptuous, making Alvin frown.

"I mean, my jacket's still on, Miss.. "

"Miss Aruna," Alvin interrupted Kiki.

"Well, I mean surely miss Aruna wants to return her jacket to me, and I hope to see her in person once again," hearing the slightly hopeful request made Alvin uncomfortable.

"Let's eat first," Alvin drove Kiki to the restaurant on the second floor of Djoyo Rizt Hotel.

"Don't worry, if your missus doesn't want to see me, no problem. But I hope you can tell me what I want, " in-between Kiki eating her food, this jet-black-haired girl consistently tries to seduce Alvin so that he can meet one of Aruna or Hendra.

"Finish the meal first.."Alvin nodded but was not sure that he could fulfill the request of the foreign girl. It's pretty presumptuous.