29. That's how good my Baby is

"It's not because you're incapable.. I can't take you traveling with me.."Mahendra rubbed his wife's hair.

Aruna tried to release Mahendra's touch, by pushing her husband's body. Then the two faced each other at a distance of 1 step.

"I promise you, I promise you. I will no longer be afraid when I live, and I will manage my own life. But I have a condition before I let you touch me in the real sense: I want my husband to fulfill his promise, by revealing the perpetrators behind the tragedy of my attack."

Two exhausted human children blinked at each other. They both looked the other way. Before we finally meet again.

"Okay," was all Mahendra could say.

After that, Mahendra decided to flip his body out of the room. He closed the door and stood leaning his back in front of the surface of the square object with the carved motif.

His right-hand massages the temple. The blue-eyed man was grieving because he realized he was too complacent to be around his wife every minute, every time, every day.

While the woman in the room seemed more determined, Kihrani's explanation was like an open gate. Makes him no longer feel excessive anxiety about the shadow of black hallucinations, related to the tragedy he experienced.

Aruna is more confident. He will no longer surrender to the tragedy that had threatened the fetus and torn his body. The pregnant woman decided that she would take part, she would not remain silent.

Aruna walked towards the phone connected to the motherhouse assistant. The pregnant mother wants herself to get help for bathing including makeup.


"Ratna," Aruna's voice greeted as the motherhouse assistant was washing her right hand.

A young lady, the wife of heir Djoyodiningrat is currently soaking her body in a bathtub filled with warm water.

Ratna looked at Aruna with a smile. The Mother House assistant began to massage Aruna's head which is now filled with foam.

"Is there a housekeeper like you who works for Nana?, "asked Aruna.

The pregnant woman spoke as she looked at the glass window that opened, presenting the garden and the trees outside.

There was a pause for a while before Ratna finally gave an answer.

"When you had time to make the young master leave the house and choose to stay with you, the assistants in this house were divided into two large groups. There are those who support Miss Anna, who at that time will obviously be the young master's fiancee,"

"And then?"Aruna said while enjoying the assistant's massage.

"Now, it seems that the majority is back to focus on you,"

Ratna poured water on Aruna's hair. This woman looks up, she is no longer awkward to enjoy what really belongs to her.

"Is there anything left?, "Aruna meant to ask who was still supporting Anna.

"A small group, maybe just one or two people," Ratna replied.

"Ask them to come to me after I take a shower."

Aruna rose from the bathtub. And Ratna also woke up from the way she bent her legs, to wash her body.

"Your belly is already visible," Aruna smiled listening to Ratna's flattery.

"Why did the majority refocus on me?"Aruna's question about a group of household assistants who returned to her side," is it because in my stomach there is a descendant of Mahendra?".

"Yes, it could be one of them, although we were not told directly. We all know Mr. Mahendra has a certain syndrome, when a woman is carrying her baby it means your position is very strong. To the extent that Elder Wiryo handed over the post of President directly to your husband, when you were caught pregnant," Ratna's monologue was not so astonishing, because the handover of the Post took place in front of Aruna's eyes directly.

Aruna stepped out of the bathtub, making Ratna immediately reach for the towel.

The motherhouse Assistant equipped the pregnant woman's body with Bath pajamas, then used another towel to remove the water droplets on her lady's hair.

"Is that my baby?". _quick Mahendra gets angry when I'm careless lately_

"For a family with minimal offspring, being able to conceive the next heir is a great blessing," Ratna smiled, telling her that the Aruna was ready to walk out of the bathroom.

"Ratna, is there any other reason why the people in this house are siding with me other than because of my baby?"Aruna continued her question. After the woman receives a hiss of warm air from the hair dryer.

"Em.."Ratna turned off the hair dryer for a moment, this woman was thinking,"..The house is excited again since you came, " the motherhouse assistant turned on the hair dryer again.

"In the past, even though you seemed to be tormented in this house, you were still special, because you made Mr. Mahendra change a lot. If you know how frustrated young Master is after the divorce hearing, then Miss doesn't seem to want to come back?" the hiss of warm air accompanied Ratna's sentence.

"Is he fucked up?"Aruna seemed interested in Ratna's story.

"More than messed up, we all didn't dare to greet him. The young master was very stiff and reserved, when he was angry he would make the whole room shatter into pieces. That's why OMA Sukma and opa Wiryo hope tuan muda will soon find a replacement for you, em.. except miss Gayatri,"

"And Anna is my replacement?"

"That's why we were separated into two camps," Ratna completed her explanation, as her hands smoothed Aruna's hair.

The motherhouse assistant had finished her duties, she called her colleague who was in charge of applying the young lady's makeup.

"Ratna, I'm waiting for 1 or 2 people who are still supporting Anna," Aruna called back to the Assistant as she headed for the exit, expressing her wish.


"Go home now, come in already useless Ki," said the manager where Kiki works.

Kiki is still sitting in the front seat of the minimarket where she works. Today he is more than 2 hours late. The girl got home early in the morning, she was very exhausted and could not get up on time.

The saddest thing is that he got the first letter of reprimand, which is now in his hands.

One of the long-term effects of the warning letter is, that the performance will be reviewed and for 1 year the salary will not increase.

A long breath rang out in Kiki's own ears, she stared at the warning letter in her hand.

The great events of last night were a kind of Mirage, and this morning was a reality of his life.

"I was waiting for you on the road to your village last night. A man put a soft drink at the front desk Kiki sat down.

The girl looked up, "Ahh" this voice was a form of complaint. He was caught throwing away his face.

The man who made him involved in the world of Mirages appeared before him. Kiki immediately folded the first warning letter she got from the manager. Then tuck it into his bag.

The girl who now has her hair tied back runs quickly to her motorcycle. She wants to go all the way from a fucking guy named Vian.

While he was still turning in the direction of his motorcycle, the man accidentally found a paper that fell out of Kiki's bag. It seems that the girl did not fit well when she slipped the light object into the bag.

Vian had not had time to open it, she took the initiative to call Kiki. But the girl left first.


After the motherhouse assistant named Tika completed the makeup of young Miss. She helps Aruna put on her best clothes and choose according to Mahendra's taste.

The pregnant woman wanted her hair tied at the back, then a certain brand of scrap she asked to tie as a sweetener hair.

After exiting the M-shaped clothes display room, Aruna found 2 guests standing stiffly accompanied by Ratna.

"Tika, bring here the two boxes I prepared earlier," the assistant immediately ran back into the m-shaped room.

After returning, Tika put 2 boxes on a glass table around which there is a long sofa and 2 small sofas facing her lady's bed.

Usually, the sofa and table are used by the residents of this room to eat food.

Aruna, sitting on the longest sofa, implicitly asked the two assistants who looked down to sit around her.

"Ratna, Tika, you can come out," Aruna ordered.

After his 2 assistants came out. Aruna pushed a velvet box to the right and another box to the left. Right in front of the two assistants who did not dare to raise their faces.

"What is the price of your loyalty to Anna?, I want to buy it!, and the thing in front of you is just an advance," Aruna's right foot rests on her left foot. The pregnant woman looks different this time.

No one could understand Aruna's heart. The two assistants who lowered their faces suddenly looked up, staring at each other almost in disbelief - the innocent missus of the young master's wife, now a different person. Women who incarnate as a superior people suddenly.

"Why? Less? Try to open it first.."