41. The Sun Meets The Meridian

"can you lower your palms?"

"Oh sure.." he raised both hands. Then he said, " Don't look down on me.. my position is now very important, oh ' no, rather-profitable, profitable for you especially for your father and grandmother," she smiled confidently. Before leaving Gibran, who was still stunned by someone, he was forced to call 'Uncle' because of his father's request.


The breakfast served at the main house dining table cooled down, and none of the family came to visit the dining table. The chef, who is now more daring to decide on the food menu without waiting for orders from Anna - is caught gloom.

The assistant manager of the master House, specialising in kitchen and hygiene, decided the dishes on the dining table were pushed back. Then the female aides were asked to ask if Oma Sukma and Bunda Gayatri wanted their breakfast delivered to their room.