49. Responsibility

Aruna shook her head, "he came home late.. "we have an important dinner."

"What time home? Mr. Hendra,"

"Less know.. but I'm sure it's very late, "replied Aruna," what time does the Minimarket close?"Continued.

"You don't know?"Alvin asked the question.

"Em.. I don't know,".

"They can close the shop at 22: 00 p.m. then still need to make a daily report.. maybe until 24.00, " Alvin replied with a convincing expression nonanya.

"Really??"Aruna couldn't believe it.

Alvin nodded steadily. Know-it-all, even though this adjutant is the same as the nonanya doesn't know anything at all.

"Try to ask .. "go inside," Aruna ordered.

Alvin got up to open the door of the convenience store, and a voice in unison greeted him again and again,"welcome, happy shopping," the aide scratched the corner of his neck, I don't know how often he had heard this same greeting.

Seeing Alvin back into the minimarket, Kihrani spontaneously approached him. In line with his lonely cash desk.