53. Corrupting The Percentage

Hearing the noise, Kiki intends to get up to open the door of her house. But his father hurried to open the rectangular object with the wood, as well as his younger brother. Immediately also presents a sharp-nosed and sad-eyed man, caught the eye of three people who are in the House.

"Senior Vian?"tanya's sentence which also means the call came from Aruna's aide.

Aruna immediately turned her face to Alvin, then the brown-eyed woman observed Vian. He felt familiar with the man, but Aruna did not know him.

"Good evening Miss," Vian's voice sounded embarrassed, -caught Kiki and her family. He is more reluctant to Alvin and also the wife of his boss.

"Who is Alvin?"Aruna's question was not answered by Alvin.

The assistant stood up. Then he watched vian's eyes fixed on Kiki.