55. Black Fog [2]

"I came here with the same purpose.. "Vian's voice sounded clumsy, the man scratched the corner of his neck," I searched for information.. Thomas,"

Kiki just glanced at the man with her tail eyes. And then she breathed a tired sigh, "you again.. you again.."

Alvin stood up to his senior, the aide bowed lightly to senior Vian.

The gesture caught Kiki's attention, she turned around. Vian looked impressive, considering that the man had a group of juniors, or perhaps subordinates who seemed to respect him.

Aruna rolled her eye movements, "was that man who brought you to the D floor, Kihran?"

Kiki nodded, saying yes to the question mark carried by the lady with the knit sweater on her body.

In addition to observing the timid Vian at the door. There are 2 men who are suspected by Kiki's brother to enter this simple house. Aruna smiled at them, one of the two immediately approached observing the brown-eyed woman with a glance. Follow the younger one, into the room.