59. Chaotic Intonation

"But I'm honestly curious about one thing. If Thomas goes to Leona's house to get revenge, then he really wants to kill Anna.. Thomas is not the same as Miss Aruna,who only makes guesses. He has a much higher confidence, moreover he is his puppet. Not just victims like Miss Aruna," the contents of Vian's brain wandered to and fro.

Sometimes it looks like a flashlight in the middle of a dark forest. He led his interlocutor along the path that he indicated. One by one the goal is getting closer.

"How can I meet Thomas. I'm sure it's because we're both victims. We can talk better, " Aruna advised.

"No, miss. My courage to interview you alone is dangerous for me, I'm sure you understand what I mean. By taking you to see Thomas, it's the same as me committing suicide. Your husband is a stubborn man, " _it is impossible for the president to forgive me when I take his wife to see the basement floor_ Vian's mind imagines the worst consequences of his current actions.