61. There Is A Mercy

Aruna moved one step, then hugged her husband.He raises the face with his warm brown eyes. "There are those who miss daddynya, until it feels like crying all night. I didn't know how to fulfill this feeling, other than forcing Alvin to take me to see a cure," she who spoke was very good at processing her emotions.

Not Aruna if she is not good at covering a lump of upset at the heart, to be replaced with a different expression. This woman is too skilled at hiding many things, so that no one is able to suspect her true form.

Mahendra moved to pull the body into, then locked the room door tightly. Aruna had time to throw a proud smile, seeing the change in her husband's habits.

"It's very cold tonight," the petite woman began to pull down the red sweater, and her husband hurried to help her.

"Em, right," blue eyes caught wiping his hands on the fabric of his pants, before he grabbed a red knit to put on the side of the nightstand.